Good morning Lanolin,
Take a moment and think through your remarks. You really think it is a good idea "not" to pay for these "things?" If you want to be a teacher, yo have to possess a college degree. In most cases, you need a master's degree. Unless you can afford to pay for them out of pocket, you will been student loans. You have to live somewhere and, unless you rent or live in the backseat of your car, this will result in a mortgage. You need insurance, mostly because it is the law.
We do not live in 20 AD. Since then, the world has become much more complicated and larger. It is estimated that the population then was around 170 to 400 million (this is mostly an educated guess. See: ). Now we are at over 7.3 billion. We must still live as Jesus commands, but this has to be given a modern context. I agree with you, in that we should all aim for a simpler life, but we cannot all stay home and make candle holders. There are modern conveniences that we need. How popular would this forum be, without a personal computer, electricity, and internet access?
My office is 18 miles away from home. It takes me over an hour to get there, in a car. There is no public transportation what gets me there and, on a bike, it would take me hours which, at 90 degrees and with a humidity factor of 80%, would require me to bathe as soon as I got to the office.
Yes, the Lord will provide, but it has to be in modern day context. What people did not have back then was due to the technology of the time. I am pretty confident that, had there been cars back then, Jesus and his disciples would have availed themselves of a pre-owned Ford product.
You need to be open to alternative ways of doing things. Whats modern for YOU is now old hat to the new generation.
You can have free teritary education these days also with open universities and can do online.
So actually loans will become a thing of the past because its going to be free. I am now doing a course thats free even with student allowance. Actually it was only in the past few decades that tertiary education was expensive, of you did study and did well it was actually paid for with a bursary, its only when the govt changed the system and did away with many apprenticeships and training schemes that people needed to take huge loans.
Mortage, nobody actually has to have mortgage with a bank and get insurance. You can save to buy a house if thats what you want to do with a co op or mutual building society. Also parents and grandparents can invest their inheritance into providing homes for their offspring.
You can work from home with technology these days. Its only govts whove controlled land use thats made people into a commuter society where they have to go miles to work. I walk to work, it takes me half an hour to get to school. There is no way i would consider taking a job that would take me hours by car to get there and even have to pay for parking.
Thing is God will make a way and one has to think outside the box. Those 'modern' ways simply dont work for the new generation, and we have to put up with the legacy of their decisions they made back then that make it harder for us to live.