Actually my comment was biblical, look it up its in the Bible.1 timothy 5:8
The rest of what you say is your opinion but some of what you have said is not even biblical. So please dont accuse ME of being short sighted. I read the Bible and have referred to it. I am not making things up.
Yes the worker is worthy of his wages but that implies that the worker does actually do some work. You are missing the point that God does provide for all our needs even pastors so that we are not beholden to anyone. And its clear in the Bible that minsiters are not to love money, or as my KJV says 'filfthy lucre' pastoring is not ever going to be a lucrative deal, and is not dependent on salary.
Likewises teachers do not teach just so they can have a pay packet. They teach cos they actually have something to teach. Some people have this the other way round . Your calling is first, pay is secondary.
Otherwise, in your scheme of things, only rich areas would have churches and schools. Which is not the case.
I mean no disrespect to you sister but the fact is that your response is not correct. All we have to do is read those Scriptures and do a little study to see what the story is.
You used 1 Tim. 5:8 to try and say that Pastors should not be paid.
In comment #29 your exact words were...…...
"He needs to have his own income to provide for his family not rely on the church becase pastors/bishops/deacons are ordained if they can already rule their family well. Says in Timothy.
If a man does not provide for his family, he is worse than an infidel.
The role of a pastor is actually to look after the whole church flock, not just his own family."
You have taken a Scripture and used it to support what YOU want it to say. The Scripture you posted has nothing to do with the paying of a Pastor as your comment said. I am not accusing of anything but instead simply posting what you said.
However, when we use "CONTEXT" and read from verse 1, (Please take time to read it) we see that Paul tells Timothy to care for the elderly men in the community as fathers (or as family) and then he instructs Timothy to be sure to care for the widows as well. It is all about the family and not a Pastor at all being paid.
Now this is MY OPINION. We can not and should not use any Scripture just to make a point we want it to make when it does not speak to that point at all. That is confusion and error comes from.
1 Timothy 5:8 says...….
"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of
his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."
There is NO mention of the church or Pastor or him being paid and that was your point. I just did not want you to go on in your life with the wrong understanding of a Scripture.
He does however say...........
" if there’s a widow in my family — I should be certain I’m caring for her and not expecting the church or anyone else to do that. “But if a widow has children or grandchildren,
let them first learn to show godliness to their own household and to make some return to their parents, for this is pleasing in the sight of God.”
That is NOT an opinion but is exactly what the Scriptures actually do say.
God bless you sister and I did not mean to offend you, only to help your understanding.