And what will you do when it does?
I personally do not know of any families that do not have to deal with illness and disease, regardless of their apparent piety or lack thereof.
What is real interesting here is that some of our brothers and sisters speak really well about doing certain things but in reality, what do they do when reality steps in ????
We tend to hear big words of confidence of how we will kick the devil around or how we will "speak healing" to an afflicted person.
IF that is the case, they why are there still so many afflicted people??? Why is the devil still ruining lives ?????
That is still my question from the very beginning of this thread. Why aren't faith healers in hospitals instead of auditoriums and stadiums????
A lot has been said but no has answered that simple down to earth question.
Glomung has correctly just said.............."And what will you do when it does?"
With all of the super duper Christians saying such wonderful things and giving such great advice...................
WHY is there still such terrible health issues in our land?
Again, my friend Glmung has said correctly......."I personally do not know of any families that do not have to deal with illness and disease, regardless of their apparent piety or lack thereof.
Neither do I! So why don't all of you who are preaching such things get out there on the road and get in to Hospitals and Hospice care centers and nurseries and lets get a lot of people healed and lets kick the devil's butt into next week and show him who is in charge!!!!
Enough Larry the Cable guy says..............."Lets getter done!!!!!!"