No, anyone who ends up in hell will be there because of his/her sin.They're not going to Hell because they are homosexual, they're going to Hell because they don't have Jesus.
Look at it this way: imagine a tribesman from some remote jungle, who has never heard the Name of Jesus, much less understood the way of salvation, finds himself before the Judgement Seat. If God were to say to him, "I am going to send you to hell because you don't know Jesus," that would be terribly unfair and unjust, and the man would have every reason to question God's judgement. However, that man knows that he has done wrong things in his lifetime - things that have even gone against his own conscience. So if God says to him, "You have done wrong things (sinned) and the penalty for wrong things (sin) is hell, so I have to send you there," then God's judgement is just, and the man has no right to object. However, if someone has come to him with the Gospel, and he has repented and turned away from sin and accepted Christ, then he can say to God, "But my penalty has already been paid by the Lord Jesus Christ," and since God's justice will not demand the same penalty twice, he is welcomed into heaven.
Simply, outside of Christ, all are judged according to what we have done, and since "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God," that means that outside of Christ EVERYONE is heading for hell. When we accept Christ, His sacrifice is applied to our account - but we cannot accept Him and choose to go on living in deliberate rebellion.