Islam is a red herring. The intelligence groups in the US, UK, and Israel have created/radicalized and used the various Muslim terrorist groups as a blunt instrument
to encourage discord and regime change throughout the Middle East. While they are divided, the peoples of the Middle East will never be able to resist the plans
of the NWO. Daniel stated plainly that the anti-Christ will promote a "god of forces" and will pretend to be the messiah himself.
The religion of the elite is Gnostic Luciferianism, so the anti-Christ will likely play into some aspect of that.
Along with the Gnostic Luciferianism connection I would encourage you to do some study on something else.
Perhaps we might begin with the title, "God of Fortresses," that you posted from Daniel 11:38 and where this god received its name. Even, more importantly, what is implied by the title. Consequently, an important note to consider at this point, is the fact that most all modern translations of the Hebrew text regarding the strange god mentioned in Daniel 11:38, refer to the deity as
"a" god of fortresses but, the correct rendering is
"the" god of fortresses. The seemingly unimportant fact that the article "a" is used instead of "the," is indeed of great importance. I believe the intent of the verse is meant to convey that this god was
"THE" god worshipped time and time again, not "a" god, which would, perhaps, infer one of many.
The god of fortresses," as used, an idol (#433, #410); the Israelites knew of her well, as did most of the pagan world.
From an article by Mr. Stearman (Prophecy In The News).............
"Ishtar, Goddess of the Tower, the goddess, or "Mother of Harlots," as she is called in Revelation 17:5, is found throughout scripture. She is the Canaanite Ashtoreth, the "Queen of Heaven" in Jeremiah 7:18, and the Diana of the Ephesians" of Acts 19:28.
Though her identity changes, her purpose never does. She is the great "virgin queen" who gives birth to an immortal redeemer. In short, she is Satan’s counterfeit of the Bible’s redemption story. The Babylonian Semiramis, under the name of Astarte, was known as "the tower goddess" and it was from her that the worship of the child and mother started