Thanks Major, I understand what you say about the Greek, but Daniel spoke Hebrew Lol!
Notwithstanding the Greek or Hebrew, the prophecies still leave a huge amount of unwritten guesswork as regards the detail. It is that area we can pray into.
We do not know precisely when the final ten kingdoms will become actual facts of life, we just know it will happen. Just look at what we do know and you will see that Daniel's words deliberately leave much to pray into.-
40Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron—for iron breaks and smashes everything—and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others.
(The final kingdom will be more violent and oppressive than all previous tyrannical regimes.)
41Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay.
(The final kingdom will be an unstable entity with much division.)
42As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
(Some members of the final kingdom will bring great strengths, but will be completely undermined weaker members.)
43And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.
(The differences between the nations gathered up inside the alliance will cause major splits and a falling apart.)
As already stated,
scripture does not indicate that the final kingdom will be fully and totally operational in advance of the rapture, (or for those rejecting the rapture, operational in advance of the Tribulation).
[NB please lets not get into an argument about the rapture on this thread.]
In my opinion, the one world government preparations will continue apace, but will not necessarily succeed until some massive world shaking crisis (like the rapture) kick starts it. Then all people will be screaming for world leadership, and that man will step out, centre stage, to the wild applause of a deceived world. (Just like Hitler)
To comprehend the uphill struggle of the coming NWO antichrist led unity, we only need to look at the results of previous enforced unities.
The former Soviet Union was a unity maintained at gun point. As soon as the gun was lowered, the whole false construct revealed how much the constituent nations despised their union with Moscow.
Again we see this in Yugoslavia. After President Tito's death, the nation struggled to hold itself together until inevitably civil war broke out. Suddenly neighbour is violently killing neighbour as the country tears itself apart along ethnic battle lines.
Regarding the end time prophecies, God has led my wife and I and many others into warfare against the demonic strongholds over the UK and the EU. I seriously believe the Lord wants the UK to break away from the EU, and that is the division we have been crying out to the Lord for over the last 20 or so years. Current events in the UK show a massive change in opinion regarding the UK's membership, and the government have finally been forced into promising a referendum on that issue.
Contrary to what many people here have accused me of,
I am not in the least rejecting biblical prophecy or God's sovereignty. Nothing I have written on these posts, and nothing I am praying for is contradictory to scripture.
I am walking this journey because I understand those prophecies, and because the Lord has called me to that battle.
After the rapture, what remains of the UK will most certainly be a part of the ten nations. However I can see no scripture that specifically puts the UK into the ten nations in my lifetime, and it doesn't have to be so before the rapture or tribulation starts.
What fool decides to be a turkey that votes for Christmas? If Christmas is coming, lets pray it is delayed till after that turkey learns to fly.
That reminds me a little of what Hezekiah said-
“At least there will be peace and truth in my days.”
I doubt it!