@Major question: in warfare, what tool is the most effective? Misinformation. But what if it was impossible to change, then what? Misdirection. How could that be done? Well, that's why we have the secret service, to track down counterfeit money, so it wouldn't destroy the economy (it's exactly what the feds are doing - legally - printing money; but that's another story). This is what the enemy does, he takes some of the most important information from the word of God and subtly changes it just enough to cause doubt, other times he steals the whole subject like meditation. The word of God is filled from genesis to revelation with supernatural events with examples of warfare, yet the vast majority of Christian explain away those examples. Why do you suppose that's so? Misinformation and misdirection. The Son of God Himself said we would do more than He did. If we scaled what He did as 100%, then I have done and experienced 0.0000001% of what He did, but I still believe His words that I would do 105% of what He did. The problem? Three things: me, myself, and I. Still I have prophesied, I have witnessed two healings, I have been given knowledge I cannot claim as coming from anyone but God Himself, but in all these experiences, they do not yet rank at even 1%. But I know and believe He will continue the work He started in me. That includes the supernatural.
What do you think the counterfeiter himself will do to gain the world's obedience?
*[[2Th 2:9]] KJV* Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
Do you believe me about my experiences?
I believe the scriptures, John 14:12, and you claim to be a Christian, so yes, I believe what you say.
How could I convince you otherwise?