actually it is still affecting people today, because of generations of ORPHANS.Ok Lanolin,
"Agent Orange" is a herbicide and defoliant chemical that has not been used since Viet Nam. Now, as for countries "just bombed everyone using nuclear weapons, and as a result, nobody can ever live there again without serious health issues," let's keep it real.
We (US) is the only country that has done this and that was a really long time ago. Your language makes it appear as if this is happening every couple of weeks. 1945 is a long time ago and people are living in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki with out any concerns over possible issues stemming from the bombs.
It doesn't just end with the people that died. Plus long term effects that show up later like cancer.
In NZ, lots of people die from cancer thanks to roundup spray and heavy pesticide use on farms. It goes INTO the food chain and accumulates.