Question on Christmas being Pagan?

You can make up your own Scripture verse and when challenged have the congregation turn to Saint Scrooge 12:25.
the FBers will just say well where's the verse that says christmas trees are mandatory in churches?

This could go on for a while...until December is over and nobody cares anymore. lol
Then you'll get the other FBers going...that church still has it's Christmas tree up and it's February! What is the world coming to??
well at the Church i pastor we have small 4ft tree decorated .. but in all honesty i would like to see a scripture that says Christmas trees dont belong in Church .

There is NO Scripture that says specifically anything about "Christmas Trees". There is no biblical command regarding the use of Christmas trees, or Christmas at all for that matter.

Christmas as we see it today is a "Man-made" holoday which was started by the Catholic Church in A.D. 440, it was set as December 25th to replace the pagan worship of sun gods during winter solstice festivals.

At first, the Catholic Church observed Christmas and as the observance spread, pagan practices originating from sun worship were mixed with Christmas traditions -- trees, lights, decorations, mistletoe, giving presents, yule logs, and merrymaking.

Now of course you and your church can do anything you want to do. However, Since the church is limited to the things Christ authorized, and since Christ hasn't authorized the church to observe man-made holidays, we can't observe Christmas in the church as it is portrayed today.

If we do anything Christ hasn't authorized, such as observing man-made holidays, our worship is vain, since we neglect God's commands to keep the traditions of men.

Mark 7:6-9................
"And He said to them, 'Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: "This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men." Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men.' He was also saying to them, 'You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition'"

We should not observe Christmas as a church with trees and such because it's a man-made religious holiday. If we did, our worship would be vain.
I don't know what the Angel Tree ministry is going to do though, but they can always hang their gift cards on a washing line or something.
I recall the Angel Tree ministry kinda had to police the gift giving because what would happen is the new gifts would not really be given to the children, the parents/prisoners would keep the gift, then sell it again for cash to buy drugs.

Then what you would get is the children instead of asking for a gift the parents would pressure their children into asking for money. The value of the gift was meant to be $25. But crim parents would sell it for more, or even if not they'd make $25 profit from the donation.

Not to say this always happened but you'd need to watch out for that. Not all prisoners are drug addicts but many are and they'd think nothing of stealing from their own children.
You sort of have to put yourself in the children's shoes (if, they actually have any that is) and think well if my dad (or mum ) was in prison and I was told I could ask for a gift (from Santa?) what would I ask for. Well a lot of children will just say they want their mum or dad back.

Unless their parent was horribly violent to them then they wouldn't say that they might just be happy with a new toy.
hmm a 4 foot tree isn't really what I would call a tree. More of a shrub!

I suggest if you really into trees try cultivating bonsai. You'd need to look after them year round though, and they do better outside but they can be brought inside for a month or so.

I don't think anyone would object but you never know some people might and say well it's Japanese and Japan isn't in the bible or something like that. When people don't like something they'll let you know obviously. Though you can't please everyone.

I like cherry blossoms but some people might get annoyed with pink flowers being blown everywhere.
I guess it's not pagan if it's inside a church?

Lots of people bring evergreen trees/branches/leaves inside for winter, as they can't go out when it's snowing and appreciate them.

You might as well ban decorating with flowers to celebrate spring.
We have this in the front of the church and people take their pictures as a memory.

If we do anything Christ hasn't authorized, such as observing man-made holidays, our worship is vain, since we neglect God's commands to keep the traditions of men.
see i dont worship the Holiday nor the tree or any type decorations . i do enjoy seeing all the lights never the less i am bowing out of this discussion
hmm a 4 foot tree isn't really what I would call a tree. More of a shrub!

I suggest if you really into trees try cultivating bonsai. You'd need to look after them year round though, and they do better outside but they can be brought inside for a month or so.

I don't think anyone would object but you never know some people might and say well it's Japanese and Japan isn't in the bible or something like that. When people don't like something they'll let you know obviously. Though you can't please everyone.

I like cherry blossoms but some people might get annoyed with pink flowers being blown everywhere.
strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. i have seen people so religious they cant even see straight ladies dont cut your hair men wear long sleeves only ladies wear a dress only. its called vain traditions. have a good evening
strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. i have seen people so religious they cant even see straight ladies dont cut your hair men wear long sleeves only ladies wear a dress only. its called vain traditions. have a good evening
yea I tend to stay away from religious people. They get uptight.

I cut my hair on purpose because it gets very hot in summer and I have black hair. I actually know more christian hairdressers than non-christian ones and they all make a living from cutting hair.

Also the people that insist ladies wear dresses all the time never ever offer to BUY a lady a dress. And they don't understand the time and effort it takes to sew one up.
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We have this in the front of the church and people take their pictures as a memory.

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I think another church did the similar thing except they had way more trees it was like they had totally filled the auditorium with trees that everyone had dragged out of their attics/garages.

If I can find the picture I'd post it.

But then a different church did a drive-through nativity. And they had people playing angels and shepherds.

I mean if someone is not really a tree person (like they are allergic) then I totally understand their objections, but its not like there aren't any other churches around and some won't have trees inside them.