So to recap. I still believe Revelation has been fulfilled. Have we received any more prophets throughout the 2000 years since the time of Jesus? With signs and wonders? A mouth piece bringing new divine inspirations and a interpreter of the truth?
I believe it is fulfilled. All He promised. Finished.
But in your 1st post you said you were seeking. So you were never wanting to know the real teaching of the Revelation, you simply wanted to expand your agenda of Preterism.
I for one think you would have been better served to be up front from the beginning instead of all the pretense.
You said...............
"Have we received any more prophets throughout the 2000 years since the time of Jesus."
NO! That is because there are NO prophets today because we have the Word of God. Why do you think we need a prophet when the Word of God is available to you.
You asked...........
"A mouth piece bringing new divine inspirations and a interpreter of the truth?"
Again, why do you want a man to tell you what God said. READ what God said.
That is what the BIBLE is for.
Then you said.................
"I believe it is fulfilled. All He promised. Finished."
I feel like I need to say this to you but actually more to those who read these posts but do not respond.
Over the years that the Lord has allowed to to live, I have studied just about every theology that has come along. May I say to all of you that none of those theologies have more insidious implications than does PRETERISM. It is the teaching that Jesus has already come back and we missed it completely. It is actually rooted in what is called REPLACEMENT Theology and that is the teaching that the Church has replaced the nation of Israel.
Preterists, hold that all Bible prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem. THey view that event as the Second Coming of Christ and reject any future return of Christ.
That means they that they have to reject the bodily resurrection of believers. This would also mean that they believe we are NOW in the "NEW HEAVENS and the NEW EARTH".
This view is not only ludicrous but it is also heretical. Please consider what must be accepted if one believes in the Preterism view:
1. The Rapture of the church must be rejected.
2. A literal 7 year Tribulation Peroid, told to us by Jeremiah, Daniel, John and Jesus must be rejected.
3. THe Biblical fact told by Daniel, John, Jesus and Paul of a literal Anti Christ must be rejected.
4. The conversion of the Nation of Israel must be rejected.
5. The Battle of Armageddon must be rejected.
6. The Millennium must be rejected.
7. The binding of Satan for 1000 years must be rejected.
8. The Four horsemen of the Revelation must be rejected.
9. The witness of the 144,000 Jewish virgins must be rejected.
10. The preaching of the two witnesses from the Temple must be rejected.
Now each one of the above things are Biblical facts not my personal opinon. I did not list the Scripture because of the length of this post, but all one has to do is enter the phrase, and goggle it for yourself.
So then, what is the point????? Glad you asked! Preterists insist that they are defending the Bible by making its prophecies fulfilled in the past. That way, they can not be accused of making false assumptions about the future. In other words their interpretive methodology can be called.........."back up and punt"!
By confining predictive prophecy to a past fulfillment they eliminate any real need for escatology study. But, their fallacious reasoning and flimsy logic leaves them supporting a series of ridiculous conclusions that fly in the face of history and Bible interpretation.
Here are several events which the Preterists hold to be factually true:
1. Nero was the Antichrist.
2. The 7 year Tribulation is over. It happened between 63-70 AD when Rome besieged Jerusalem.
3. Christ returned in the clouds to witness the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
4. God has replaced Israel with the Church.
5. Armageddon took place in 70 AD and the fall of Babylon refers to the destruction of Jerusalem.
6. Satan is bound now in the abyss and can not stop the spread of the gospel.
7. Revelation 20 has already taken place.
8. We are now in the Millennium but it is not literal.
9. The 1000 years are not literal but firurative.
I do not really think this will help my friend FOC, since his mind is made up, but I dop hope this will open the eyes of anyone who is considering such a teaching as this one. RUN FROM IT!!!!!