Qustions on God and Suicide

Hey! I am feeling led to share this song. It's called "Scream" by Zoegirl. Even though it talks about self-mutilation, it deals with suicide. May this song bless you! You are in my thoughts, little one <3 <3

Does anybody know how I feel?
Sometimes I'm numb, sometimes I'm overcome
Does anybody care what's going on?
Do I have to wear my scars like a badge on my arm
For you to see me, I need release

Do I have to scream for you to hear me?
Do I have to bleed for you to see me?
'Cause I grieve, you're not listening to me
Do I need to scream?

Has anybody seen what's been done?
Where was my defense? No one heard my protest
The eyes of God were watching me
It's time to make my peace, let it go and be released
So I can breathe again
I'm on my knees

I've been marked, set apart
But I'm cut so deep and afraid of the dark
One drop of blood from the hole in Your hand
Is enough to heal me and make me stand

'Cause I'm clean, He is listening to me

I don't have to scream for Him to hear me
Don't have to bleed for Him to see me
'Cause I'm clean, He is listening to me
I don't have to scream
I don't have to bleed
'Cause I'm clean, He is listening
And I don't have to scream
I don't know if my posts are not getting through because the moderator is moderating them or if there's a problem. but ijust wanted to say thanks for helping- I want you to know, I may not reply but I am reading everything you write. You are helping me.
The thoughts that keep coming that you're struggling with can be from health issues, and most certainly can be from the devil. He is real, and is total EVIL. He HATES Christians, and tries everything he can to DESTROY us!! He HATES anyone getting help to become a Christian Believer as well. Ditto!! You said, "but the way the temptations are coming at me is feels like its almost from outside me."Dear one, this sounds EXACTLY how the devil tempts me and other Christians!!

EXACTLY! Its the devil's business to tempt every one us and cause all the problems he can. But if we belong to Jesus HE can help us!

It's okay, hon! No one has tried to BLOCK any post of yours. We certainly understand your frustration!! I really APOLOGISE for the difficulties you've had, and hope that your posts will come through now!


- BM
I don't know if my posts are not getting through because the moderator is moderating them or if there's a problem. but ijust wanted to say thanks for helping- I want you to know, I may not reply but I am reading everything you write. You are helping me.

We're so glad the Lord, through His people, is helping you. :)
He loves you so much!
I don't know if my posts are not getting through because the moderator is moderating them or if there's a problem. but ijust wanted to say thanks for helping- I want you to know, I may not reply but I am reading everything you write. You are helping me.
God loves you so much! I can't describe. He thinks you're the best thing EVERRRR!
It's awesome that his love will NEVER fail, while ours will from time to time.
These past couple of days have been emotional, and I didn't necessarily show "love." But God isn't the same as us. He doesn't work the same way as we do.
He loves us...even if we do make him disappointed!!!! You are not alone!
Jesus has walked the walk before you. Trust me! He knows what it's like to feel ALONE.
<3 <3 <3
Blessings, this is pretty long, my prayer is that it will help you.

You have received excellent advice from both the staff and members here. But let me share something with you. I can say from experience that I know exactly how you feel. I have been there where I did not want to live any more. I have read your posts and I want to say that God is with you whether you realize it or not. You said that you wanted to know if heaven and hell exists. And the answer to that question is "yes." Jesus spoke a lot about heaven and hell but the one I want to share with you is "Lazarus and the Rich Man" from the book of Luke 16:19-31. And the story goes like this:

"There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
"So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. Then he cried and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.'
"But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.'
"Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'
"Abraham said to him, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.'
"And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.'
"But he said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead'"

So, yes, there is a heaven and a hell. But if you noticed, once the rich man died, it was too late to change his mind to undo what he did. So, he asks Abraham if Lazarus can go back and tell his family of this place called "hell" so that they don't end up there. This tells me that even in hell, you are conscious, you are being tormented and you feel.

Right now, you have the opportunity when these feelings overwhelm you to say, no, I'll wait a little longer. This is the time you have to change your mind. After death, it's too late.

Now, with that being said, before I go further, let me ask if you are a child of God through the blood of Christ? Let me explain why I am asking this question. (1) A person who is not a child of God does not understand the ways of God and because they do not have his Holy Spirit, they don't understand and can't accept it. (2) A person who is a Child of God is given his Holy Spirit and that spirit pulls the child close to him, the spirit ministers and comforts the child of God.

We (Christians) go through more than the unsaved because the Devil wants to make our lives miserable while we are here on earth. It is the Spirit of God that keeps us and comforts us and gives us the strength to keep going. We get down, depressed, stressed and discouraged. But that is when we go to the word of God and fight back with the word of God. You see, the word of God is a Christians defense against the devil and his darts that he throws at us. If you do not fight back with the word of God, you are rendered weak and defenseless against the devil and he will have a field day with you. When fighting a battle like this, you must understand that this is not a typical everyday earthly battle. This battle is a spiritual battle and unless you have the word of God, you will continue to feel the way you do.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, EPH 6:12.

Now, if you are a child of God, you must get in the word and find scriptures on "depression" and say them aloud and keep saying them and believe. Resist the devil and he will flee.

Like I said earlier, I know how you feel. I've been there and if it had not of been for God, I would not be here today. I was going to commit suicide several times but God stopped me just as He is stopping you. Call on the name of God and He will save you. Fall down on your knees and scream His name. If you can't think of anything to say, just say, "Jesus" and he will hear you and come to your rescue.

Here is my testimony of how God bought me through and He will do the same for you if you seek Him.

My Testimony of How God delivered me....

My grandmother told me when I was a child that I was going to go through something very traumatic in my life. That if I am not grounded in the word, I would not make it through. I asked her, "What am I going to go through?" She told me that she did not know but she knew that I had to start reading and studying God's word. Well of course when you tell a child something like that, you scare them senseless. I ran home to my mother and told her that I was going to die. I didn't know what she meant at that time. Well to move on, I have been a child of God since I was 12 yrs old and I stayed in the word as my grandmother instructed me. By the way, my grandmother is the one who introduced me to Christ. Well, I stayed in the word and was grounded.

When I became an adult, I got married. Very, very bad marriage. So bad that I was physically, mentally, and emotionally abused by him. We had two children; two beautiful Girls. I started them early in the word. I loved them so much. I stayed depressed because of the marriage then one day I had I don't know call it a premonition, a dream, a vision; I just don't know. But I had the feeling that my children was going to go home to be with Jesus. They were only 8 and 4 so I didn't pay attention to the signs, visions or whatever it was. I just had this feeling everyday. I stayed in prayer asking him "What is this feeling that I am having?" and please not let it come to pass. After a short amount of time, I know it was God. You definitely know when God speaks to his childrens heart. You can hear it in your heart. Not an audible sound but you can hear it. God told me to leave and take the children.

He murdered my children and himself. What did he say before he did this horrible thing? "I am about to do something and I know that I am going to Hell for it; but, it will be worth it" That's what he said, "it will be worth it." Well, my two girls are in Heaven with Jesus now. I say all of that to say that I had intended on committing suicide that day. I just did not feel that I could live another moment without them. At that moment, I knew what my grandmother was talking about. Now I know why I took the word so seriously and was grounded in the word. While I was in the hospital on suicide watch, I dropped down on my knees with a straight jacket on in prayer. Just screaming the name of Jesus, yes, that's what I did scream Jesus to help me through this. Then all of a sudden a voice said to me, "They are with me and they are fine. You will see them again." Then peace came over me. I was still a mess but then all of these scriptures just started pouring in my heart. All the scriptures that I had grounded myself in. I had to come to the conclusion that it was just their time and I had to trust God for the reason; and know that he will reveal it to me when he returns for us. Well, it was a long journey back because of the suicide watch, I lost my home, my job, everything. I could not stay alone. Then the nightmares started, everytime I go to sleep, I dream my husband is chasing me trying to kill me throughout the whole dream. It was like that movie (nightmare on Elm Stree). So, I started trying not to sleep, then I ended up in the hospital again. They put me on valums. Apparently it gives you a dreamless sleep but very addictive. So, of course, I ended up being addicted to Valums. Well, one night when I tried to go to sleep, I had a visitor in my room that I did not see but heard. The voice said "If you turn around, I wll let you see your children one time. But I cannot do this again. I just want you to know that they are alright and with me." Because I knew the word said that it is appointed for us once to die and then judgement. I knew that was Satan himself. I fell right down on my knees without turning around and again started screaming the name of Jesus. I rebuked the Devil in the name of Jesus and told him that he had no right in this room, he was not invited, and that I am covered by the blood of Jesus and by his authority you leave now. I never had that visit again. But I often felt like Job loosing everything he had.

But now for the good news!!!! God has healed my heart. I am no longer taking Valums and I sleep wonderfully. I know that I will see my babies again. I have that confidence when Christ comes for us, all those who died are coming back with him. I am very excited about seeing my children again one day. I am no longer suicidal. I took it all to God in prayer. Now, it was a healing process between God and myself. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband. I often say that God made him especially for me. He had a child which I have adopted as my own and God has allowed me to show her love and treat her just as if I had her. God blessed me with a better job than I had and better pay than I had. He has just been blessing me as I continously draw nigh to him. Jesus loves me and this I know; because the bible tells me so. Not only does the tells me that but Jesus also said that he will never leave nor forsaken his children. Ladies and Gentlemen by the grace of God; I AM STILL STANDING!!!!!! Praise God Almighty, He is my protector and Chief Shepherd.

I will keep you in my deepest prayer. God is not ready for you to leave just yet. He has plans for you.....

God bless

Wow. I had written a huge gigantic post that poured out my heart and it disappeared somewhere in cyberspace. That really bugs me. Oh well. I talked a bit about my history and why I feel the way I do. But to tell the truth, I don' have the energy, and my hand hurts too bad, to rehash all of that.

I have been really depressed, and thinking about suicide, and I keep running into articles that say how simple and easy it is to do, and I truly do not believe in God or in Jesus, and I DON"T believe in Hell, but I was raised Catholic and the concept of hell really was ingrained into me as a child, and so there is a part of me that is afraid of going there if I do end my life.

I am not even sure what I am doing on a Christian forum. I guess i wanted to reach out for help. I want to know the truth. A woman from the other Chrisitan forum I have been posting on called me tonight. She was talking to me, and her kids started screaming, and she had to hang up. She said she'd call back. I just couldn't believe everything- first, the article on hanging that I found when I was going to hang myself, that told me exactly how, then the SECOND article, then hurting my hand so it is so hard to type and appeal to friends and people on the forum for help, then the posts not going through, FINALLY her kids acting up just when I needed to talk to her- I was convinced that all this was concrete proof that there is no God, or at least that he was not interested in me, because why would God allow all these things to happen to prevent me from getting help? Not to mention teh endless stream of problems I had in my life.

So I took a cord, tied it into a noose, tied it to a beam, and put my head through the noose. I intended to "test the waters" and play around wiht suicide- I wold begin to strangle myself, and then if I changed my mind, I would keep my feet on the ground so that I could fight my way out of the noose before I passed out- so I could still change my mind at the last minute. I knew that if I choked myself for too long I would pass out, there would be no one to cut me down, and I would die.

Just as the cord started to cut off my air, the phone rang. I was surprised that it rang so soon, I had been expecting her to call back after a half hour or so, not only a few minutes. I debated as to whetehr to get the phone or not. I decided to get it and we spoke.

She was very kind and supportive. I keep wondering, if I had ignored the phone and truly hung myself and strangled, would I be in hell now? As someone who can truly state, with all honesty, I don't worship Jesus? I wish I knew the answer to that question. Ultimately, when I put the noose around my neck I believed it was only a nice quiet sleep, no hell.

I don't think I would choose to kill myself outright. Not now, though I've thought a lot of doing it in the future. You know, "someday." I keep having the irrational thought that I am destined to die that way, that everything that has happened is just proof of that. I don't want to do that thing with the noose again but a week from now, a month from now, a year from now? I don't know.

There are so many things about the bible and christianity that don't make sense to me. I don't even really WANT to be a Christian- do I really watn to worship a god whose philosophy is "love me or I'll torture you forever?" What kind of god is that, what kind of religion is that?
Let me share this with you... God lead you here. That is no accident. You see, God makes sure that all will hear about Him and know about Him. It is our choice to accept and believe and God will not force Himself on us. In the book of Romans 1:20, says,

"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."

So, unless you are a child of God, you cannot say, you did not know. Reading all the information provided for you here on this forum is God Himself reaching out to you through all of His children here. You now know and God made sure of it. Ask God to help your unbelief.

Your First Real Conversation With God:

The "prayer of salvation" is the most important prayer we'll ever pray. When we're ready to become a child of God through His Son Jesus Christ, we're ready to have our first real conversation with God.

Salvation begins with Faith in God. You must believe.

When a person seeking salvation pray the prayer of salvation, they are letting God know they believe His Word is true. By the faith He has given us, we choose to believe in Him. The Bible tells us that

"without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)

So, when we pray, asking God for the gift of salvation, we're exercising our free will to acknowledge that we believe in Him. That demonstration of faith pleases God, because we have freely chosen to know Him.

We don't come to God perfect and all problems resolved. Most of the times, a person seeking God and salvation is broken, feels like they don't deserve this free gift, and don't even know how they can even be used by God. But you come to God as you are and once you accept the free gift, the work of restoration begins from the inside out by the Holy Spirit. You do nothing but believe and accept.

Prayer of Salvation - Confessing Our Sin
When we pray the prayer of salvation, we're admitting that we've sinned. As the Bible says of everyone, save Christ alone:

"For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

To sin is simply to fall short of the mark, as an arrow that does not quite hit the bull's-eye. The glory of God that we fall short of is found only in Jesus Christ:

"For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:6)

The prayer of salvation, then, recognizes that Jesus Christ is the only human who ever lived without sin.

"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Prayer of Salvation - Professing Faith in Christ as Savior and Lord
With Christ as our standard of perfection, we're now acknowledging faith in Him as God, agreeing with the Apostle John that:

"In the beginning was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made." (John 1:1-3)

Because God could only accept a perfect, sinless sacrifice, and because He knew that we could not possibly accomplish that, He sent His Son to die for us and pay the eternal price.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.." (John 3:16)

Prayer of Salvation - Say It & Mean It Now!
Just in case you may be interested, I am writing a sinner's prayer that you can say now.

Dear Jesus, I believe in You, I believe You are the Son of God, that You died for my sins, and that You were buried and rose again as written in the Bible. I'm sorry for the things I've done that hurt You. Forgive me of all my sins. Come into my heart, take charge of my life and make me the way You wnat me to be. With Your ever present help, I repent of all my sinful practices of the past. Cleanse my heart with Your precious blood. Write my name in Your Book of Like. I confess You now as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray....AMEN

God bless,

Because for some reason the posts of the OP of this thread (Unregistered Guest) aren't getting onto the board, she has asked if I'd put this up for her, which I'm totally happy to do:

This is Me5775, I can't post, so I am having Bondman post this for me. I am still really struggling. I can't sleep, and I will most likely be up pretty late, which means it will most likely be a long night.

I keep going back and forth on whether I want to die. Sometimes I think I really want to live,and I want to fight these feelings, other times I think I just want to give up. Tonight I had a pretty upsetting experience, something I brought on myself. I kept thinking about the weird conicidences that are going on- first, me finding those two articles on hanging, just at the time I was considering it, then my hand being hurt so it is SO hard type this. Then, the posts not going through. I decided that all this is proof there is no god- or at least he doesn't care about me- so why not go through with suicide, or at least toy with it?

I wasn't sure I really wanted to die, so I took a cord, tied it to a beam, fashioned a noose, put it over my head, and knelt down. My aim was to 'let fate decide' I really did at least half intend to wriggle my way out of the noose at the last minute. But I knew that, living alone as I do, if I waited too long and passted out I would hang there til I died- there would be no one to cut me down.

Just as the noose tightened, the phone rang. I had been expecting the call but not at that moment. I silently debated whetehr to answer the phone or finish hanging myself. I decided in that moment to answer the phone.

It was someone from anotehr forum who called me. I felt very uncertain but also grateful that she called.

I flat out asked her "If I had not stopped- if I had ignored the phone and died, would I be in hell now?"

She didnt' seem to want to say it, but she said "I want to speak the truth. yes I think you would"

At that moment, my heart started pounding and I felt afraid.

I want to ask you to tell me if there are any sites out there that give evidence, real evidence,that the bible is true. That hell is real. I have read so much that says its not. But I don't know. I still have this suicide wish but I don't want to suffer for all eternity. I am 99.9% sure that Jesus is not God and there is no hell, but that little .1% makes me wonder.

Thanks for putting up with me for so long, all this. I am sorry to be taking up your time and efforts.

Posted by Bondman on behalf of 'Uninvited Guest'
Let me try and offer some support for you.

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the National Hopeline Network at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433). These toll-free crisis hotlines offer 24-hour suicide prevention and support. Your call is free and confidential.

With all of us keeping you in prayer, I would like to offer these numbers for you to call if you have no one to talk to.

We will keep you in prayer,

I know the desperation of the heart that drives a person to suicide. I have been there, I tried several years ago to kill myself after the loss of a child. But God had other plans for my life and placed people in my life at that time that helped me through it and the Lord Himself spoke to me also. I was NOT saved at the time I tried to take my life and I just thank my Lord that He did not allow me to die that day. Because if i had i would have been lost forever, eternally seperated from Him.

God is love and evrything about Him is love....that would mean I would have spent all eternity without love, completely seperated from Love. I can not even imagine that. When i look back and see how the Lord used His people(christians) to witness to me and draw me to Him I am amazed. I was a very hard nut to crack, but i had a heart that just knew somthing out there loved me and was drawing me. I didnt know what it was, but I knew it was real. One day a year later I had just gotten back from rehab(self medicating) and I was greeted by the NEW apartment managers..LOL They were a couple my age and just about as goofy as i was, very nice outgoing people...an Christian. They invited me to church and i went. I was struggling really bad with anxiety and panic problems and felt so very alone in the world. I went to my new freinds apartment and she got out a little piece of paper and asked me to read it. It was a prayer for salvation. I looked at it and read it and i looked at her....then she said, now if you really mean it in yor heart then put the paper down and pray from your heart.

I felt so desperate in my life, i did not know if heaven and hell were real, but what I did know was that i was a sinner and i needed a Saviour! I knew that i had been into so much junk in my life and been through so much horrible things from the time i was born till that day in my early 20s that I just could not go on without Gods help. I decided that this was were the rubber met the raod, i was going to sink or swim. So I prayed and I asked Jesus to be my savior and to forgive me and help me to live! I needed to not just survive but to truely live! I wont tell yo that from that time on it was easy and everything changed..no it didnt work that way..but I can say that from that time on I was NOT on my own! I had help and I had new strength and new courage. I had eyes that saw my life as a struggle yes, but one that could be overcome and though I didnt understand for a long time what it meant for Jess to be Lord, I knew that he was my Saviour right off the bat.

You may not know what you beleive but some times you just have to take the chance and say ok Lord, here I am...I am willing to give you a chance, show me the truth! If it is truth you really desire he will indeed show it to you, and he will allow your heart to know the truth. Jess came so that you could have life..not so you could take yor life...the devil seeks to steal, kill and distroy...dont let him have his way, this is your life not his..and you are worth fighting for!

Praying for you!
I am so very sorry that you are going through this. You have gotten so much wonderful encouragement and advice from those that have felt just like you do. I pray that you will listen to what they are saying to you, because the Lord has placed these words in their hearts and minds to share with you.

You are loved. If you register here you will develop many friendships from people who genuinely care about you. I can't promise that your problems will go away, but I can promise that we will care and we will be here for you.

Something I'd like for you to think about that you may not have. Life is such a precious gift from God. From firsthand experience, I know how difficult it can be and how easy it can get to just think I'm going to go ahead and end this...it's just not worth it. But have you thought about the many people who have terminally ill diseases who would give anything for your life just as it is? They would cherish that gift lonliness and all, pain and all, just to live. You have that gift. You can make the choice to tell satan to hit the road in the name of Jesus. You see, satan hates the name of Jesus and when you cast him out of your life in Jesus' name he cannot stand it. Keep rebuking satan. Keep saying Jesus' precious name over and over and see what happens. I'm not saying satan will not return, but when you feel like you do now again, start rebuking satan again. When he finds that he cannot keep the stronghold over you that he has now, he will look for someone that doesn't know about Jesus and how powerful His love and name are.

We love you. The Lord loves you...and oh what a joy and gift it would be for us to know that you are ok.

Please do not give up.

Blessings to you my Sister in Christ. I love you.


Life is such a precious gift from God. From firsthand experience, I know how difficult it can be and how easy it can get to just think I'm going to go ahead and end this...it's just not worth it. But have you thought about the many people who have terminally ill diseases who would give anything for your life just as it is? They would cherish that gift, lonliness and all, pain and all, just to live. You have that gift.

To want to end a life would be like we are playing God. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 say's To everything there is a season: A time for every purpose under Heaven.

A time to be born and a time to die is the very first one God mentions in these verses. He is the only one who has the power ,and the right to give this wonderful gift of life, and he is the only one who has the power and the right to take it away.

Life is a precious gift from God, and we need to handle it prayerfully. Nothing last forever. All the seasons of the year change in the natural world, and all the season's in our lives change for us, in the Spiritual. It's up to us as to how long those season's last for us. That comes about by our own choices and decisions that we make by what is hidden in our hearts. As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. What is hidden in our hearts is what we think and dwell upon. We are the one's who control it all. God will not interfere with that, because of our free will to live our lives the way we so choose. He has laid it all out for us in his word "The Bible", as to what his desire is for all of us, and he has told us he has a good and perfect plan for each and everyone of us.

So , however long we think negative,and allow negative thoughts, in our hearts, to rule over us we will have a negative life. Nothing will go good. It takes thinking positive thoughts ,in our hearts, to rule over us in order for a positive life to come forth. We just need to remember every choice,and decision we make, has a consequence. Good
choices and decisions, good consequences, bad choices and decisions, bad consequences. Whatever happens is not God's responsibility or his doing, it's all on our shoulder's. We are the one's doing the doing. If we walk in the Spirit we will not fullfill the lust of the flesh.

I have never heard anyone ,in all my 70 years of life,whenever a calamity or disaster, or anything bad happen's, ever say "Why did satan do this?" They alway's say "Why did God do this or allow that to happen"
Do we realize that there have been many times God kept many things from happening that could have happened, because we were not aware that he had intervened. We take him so for granted, and then put the blame on him being the reason for something bad going on or happeneing. Something wrong with that picture. He's not a "Magaical God" he is a "Miracle working God"

He does allow some things to happen but it's because of our being out from under his protection, because of being seperated from him over something, that we may not be aware of. Any sin seperates us from God. It's easy to condone, or turn scripture around to suit our own selves of what sin is or what sin isn't. That's why , off and on throughout our day, it's good to say "Father if there is anything in my heart that is not pleasing to you, or anything that I have done that I wasn't aware of that you considered a sin, forgive me. We cannot possible remember every thought we have had all day long at the end of a long day to repent of. I call it "Praying as you go" We never know when we may come upon someone or something that is going to need our prayer. We can't afford to have to take the time to go through the repentence prayer so that our prayer will be heard or answered.We need to be prayed up, so that we can pray right then. Who knows we may be the very one that needs our own prayer to be heard even over ourselves.
I am having a really, really really bad night.

I am fighting my feelings, trying hard to distract myself, but I really want to give in. I feel like my mind is screaming at me to do it. It's all I can think about. Just how quick and easy it would be- just how wonderful the peace afterwards would be-- it is so hard.
I know this is SO hard for you! But sweetie, with God's help via our prayers, I also KNOW that you can get through this!!

Love and prayers from Down Under!

- BM
Dear, at this time, you are being deceived. It will not be wonderful and peaceful and that is why it is so hard for you to do it because you know in your heart of hearts that would finalize everything and there is no second chance. Have you tried to call the hotline number that I provided for you? You really should not be alone. You are being attacked by the devil and he wants you to do this before God opens your eyes to the truth. You see, you still have time to really sit down and talk to God right now. But after death and not being a child of God it is too late.

Just because you don't believe does not make God not real. Do you know that the Devil believes in God. God created the devil and the devil tried to take God's position in heaven. A huge war in heaven broke out and the devil and all his followers which are called demons were kicked out of heaven. And, do you know what the devil is doing today? He is roaming like a roaring lion seeking whom he can destroy and kill. He knows that his time is short and he is looking to take everyone he can with him to hell. You know he believes in God but he does not want you to believe because the devil knows all the love that God has for you, the devil knows all that God has in store for you. Is the life of a believer problem free? No its not but we know that the devil cannot have the soul of a child of God. The devil has the souls of those who does not believe. But once your eyes open to the Love that God has for you, once your eyes open to the fact that God wants you to live and live in Him and He lives in you, once God shows you all that he wants to do through you. Once you realize that the devil has you in bondage and God can remove you from that darkness and place you in the marvelous light, the devil has lost you. And, God then becomes your protector. Just the fact that you are still alive means that the Holy Spirit is ministering to you and keeping you from doing this. The devil wants you before you change your mind and God knows that if you just give him a chance to show you how much he loves you the devil will have lost access to your soul. Right now, the devil is nervous and he is pressuring you to hurry up. Don't listen, there is a still quiet voice in your soul that is speaking to you right now which is God.

Give God a chance, just sit or stand and talk to God. Tell him exactly how you feel, let God know why you feel like you want to do this, tell God what happened that lead up to this. He is so willing to listen. Then, open your heart to Him and let him speak to your heart. There is no reason to at least talk to God. God is the one who gives life, the devil takes life as he is trying to take your life. So, before you do something that is final and there is no turning back from, talk to God first and let Him know how you feel. I promise you that God will step in and help you and protect you.

God bless and I am keeping you in prayer.

I am having a really, really really bad night.

I am fighting my feelings, trying hard to distract myself, but I really want to give in. I feel like my mind is screaming at me to do it. It's all I can think about. Just how quick and easy it would be- just how wonderful the peace afterwards would be-- it is so hard.

What makes you think it would be wonderful and peacful afterwards? Were is your evidance in this? There is NO peace in death without God..none at all. If you were to do this you would suffer for all eternity..does that sound like peace to you? Is that the chance you are willing to take? I dont think this is what you want at all, I think you want answers to things in your life that yo do not understand. You have chosen to come here and talk with us all and ask questions, but are you really willing to listen to the thigs we tell you? Because if you will open your mind up just a little bit and take in what we have been telling you...you will discover that there is a whole new life waiting for you right here.

A life with love and peace and strength, wisdom and courage for each new day. That life is what I believe you really want. You talk about peace and how it sounds so good to you....lady you can have that peace rigth here in this life..His name is Jesus...He says in the bible, my peace I give you, not as the world gives do I give to you. He is your peace....death will not be peace for you at all.

Love you in Christ,
Hi to all!

I've had an email from our dear guest asking if I would tell all you guys that she's leaving the forum, but would rather not go into why. She said to thank you all for your help. She doesn't want to continue talking, she said, but that this is not personal. Finally she wished as all the best.

We now allow her the wondrous freewill that God's given us all, to choose what it is she wants, and where she wants to end up.

I've left it open for her to recontact me at any time for any reason, no questions asked.

Blessings to all here for the help and time and love given to her!!

- BM

EDIT: I've just received another email explaining her actions, and indicating that if she survives the coming days/weeks, that she will get back to me eventually. So that's really nice news!!