Your decision seems very sound to me, sweetie. Sounds like with your health, you have more than enough just to try and cope with. We know, because our life is like that also. Nothing like the degree of seriousness as yours, but with what it does to our lives, we can relate and we can empathise!! (My heart hurts for your right now...)
Sometimes you just have to draw back (we call it withdrawing right back into ourself - and we do) and concentrate all of your energies on, well, just making it through today. Otherwise life will simply fall apart. And what we do NOT want is for you, dear one, is to lose ground that you've wonderfully, and with GOD involved, moved forward into. That's mainly why I said I thought your decision to be very sound indeed.
Other than that, Pastor Gary has well expressed what we're here for at CFS. In this case, FOR YOU. Whatever we can do, we will. We care about you massively, we love you, we want good things for you into the future, and we WILL do all possible to stand with you - no matter what!
With all of our love and prayers!!
- BM