I'm afraid I have to disagree with what you have said here, when I was born again, back in the '80s the Revelation was a closed book to the Church, with only a couple of commentaries deemed acceptable penned by Barnhouse and Ironside, however, Daniel tells us at the end knowledge will increase, and the Revelation has been opened to us by the Holy Spirit to much greater insight than these two men of God had.
For instance, with all of the different perceptions floating around the Church and even on this board, the key to the Revelation was revealed to the Church by the Holy Spirit in the '90s, that it is written in chronological order, Rev 1:19 and that we are presently in Chapters 2 & 3, with four of the seven Churches on the planet today, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicean.
That is just one of many wonderful Truths the Spirit has revealed to the Church, but since it is a relatively new Book to us, so to speak, if we come with preconceived notions taught to us by men when the Revelation was still sealed, then the false teaching we have received (in ignorance) from men, will cause us to resist the teaching of the Holy Spirit today just like Stephen said the leaders did back in Acts as to the revelation of Jesus as their Messiah.
If we approach the Revelation as a new Book and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us all things, like Jesus said, then we will be able to know and understand it.