I asked you already IF you had read any of the books in the Apocrypha and I have not seen your answer or maybe I missed it.
If it were Scripture, we would expect it to be free of false doctrine, correct??? If you do indeed stand with Timothy, ooops, right there is an error my friend. Timothy did not write the book of Timothy....Paul wrote it TO timothy.
The Jews do not recognize the New Test. my brother because they rejected their Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ. They crucified Him, do you really think that they would they turn around and acknowledge Him as their Messiah??? Not really a well thought out comment there my friend.
Same with the "schism" between Catholic and Protestant. There is NO schism....just plain old disagreement over what the Bible says. Protestants do not place Mary above all other women for one thing.
Now is we just consider ONE of the books of the Apocrypha, Enoch we can very clearly see that it as well as all the others books included definitely have a FALSE DOCTRINE which is different than the what is contained in the Scriptures.
What we find instead is that false doctrine is one of the most prevalent themes in the book!
Taking just a quick look at the text of Enoch up through Chapter 59, you will be able to find the following false doctrines:
(Now do not take my word for these, YOU do the work to show yourself approved, a workman of God)
- 1:1 Implies restoration during tribulation - Does not agree with scriptures.
- 1:8 In conflict with the doctrine that peace was made at the cross.
- 2:2-3 contradicst 2 Pet 3:3-7
- 5:4 Is an admonition to some unknown party - this is very irregular relative to the scriptures.
- 6:3 Semjaza seems to be listed as the leader of the angels, which is not scriptural. There is no Semjaza in the Bible!
- 6:3,8 None of these angels are mentioned in the Bible
- 8:1 Azazel isn't even listed in 6:8 as one of the angels that fornicated with women. No Azazel listed in Scripture.
- 8:3 Araqiel and Shamsiel aren't listed in 6:8 either
- 10:2 Enoch allegedly wrote about Noah, even though the Bible teaches that Enoch was taken up to heaven years before Noah was born.
- 10:4-6,12 Implies angels can be bound & hid in holes under rocks. This is contrary to scripture.
- 10:8 Ascribes all the sin of the fallen angels to one named Azazel - not scriptural.
- 10:15-11:2 Says that permanent restoration took place after the flood - clearly not true. It seems the true author of this book confused scriptures pertaining to the future restoration.
- 13:5-6,14:4-5,7 Implies fallen angels can't talk to God - this contradicts Job. Also implies that angels were repentant, but weren't received back by God - very strange doctrine.
- 14 Gives a very strange description of Heaven that conflicts with many scriptures
- 15:8-10 Very strange doctrine about "evil spirits" proceeding from unredeemable giants
- 17-18,21,23 Gives a very strange description of the earth & universe which is clearly not true. Also alludes to the ancient model of astronomy that held that there were 7 stars (the closest planets) which burned like the sun (they don't.)
- 19:3 Discredits all other prophecy about the consumation of the ages.
- 20 Lists strange angels not in scripture, and incorrectly assigns the roles of Michael (the warrior) and Gabriel (the messenger)
- 21:7-10 Seems to contradict Biblical descriptions of the present & final judgement places for the fallen angels
- 22 Contradicts the Biblical descriptions of past, present & future dwelling places for the righteous who die
- 32:2-6 Seems to imply the Garden of Eden was still in existance after the Flood
- 33:1-2 Says Heaven rests on a foundation that is at the Eastern edge of the earth
- 33:3 He claims he counted the stars & individually mapped them, which is impossible scripturally (& scientifically)
- 34 Says the winds come out of a "portal" at the Northern edge of the earth
- 36:3 Says the stars come out of portals at the Eastern edge of the earth & move West
- 38:5-6 Contradicts Daniel & other prophecies about the Mellinial Reign
- 39:1-2 Very strange implications here about the "seed" of angels dwelling with men at the end... this contradicts the scriptures
- 40:7 Talks about the "Satans" - plural, different than the Bible, who gives that name to only one fallen angel. Also, implies Satan can't stand in God's presence, contrary to Job.
- 40:9 Once again mixes up the roles of the 2 Archangels & adds more names in. Michael's role in scripture is related to conquoring nations & fighting spiritual wars, while Gabriel's relates to bringing messages & visions to people.
- 41:1-2 Says the Kingdom of God is divided - it's not & can't be scripturally. Also describes sinners being repelled from a mansion, which is also not scriptural, unless you look at a parable Jesus told, which was not intended to be literal.
- 41:4-5 Says the sun, moon, winds, etc. are stored in chambers & released at appointed times.
- 41:6-7 Implies the sun & moon move opposite of each other
- 43:1-3,44 Very weird model of the nature of stars & lightning
- 47:4 Says God requires the blood of the saints... very strange
- 51:1 Says Sheol & Hell will give back to the earth, which isn't scriptural - also Hell is a NT term, not OT
- 51:2 Disputes the Biblical doctrine that we are chosen. (We don't have to wait until Christ's return to be chosen.) This isn't scriptural.
- General: Seems to imply Enoch came back down to earth after being taken up to Heaven, which is not scriptural.
I think Paul's words are very pertinent here:
As I urged you upon my departure for Macedonia, remain on at Ephesus so that you may
instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines, nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies,
which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith. But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions.