Hello Every One,
I want to talk about this scripture for several reasons. One it is a very powerful scripture that needs to be understood correctly and it is a scripture that gets misused quite a bit and also twisted as ammunition for those so called heresy hunters of the day.
Mark 11:24 KJV
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, AND ye shall have them.
Ok so we see right off that this is something that Jesus not only said but by saying this He has put it into effect or another words made it so. This should be settled in your heart once and for all. ( Therefore I say unto you )
What things soever ye desire..........when ye pray.....
Now then lets stop here for a moment and think about two words here, things and desire.
In Hebrews we learn that Faith is the substance of "things" hoped for
So we know that it is going to take "some Faith" to see "Things"
Now desire can be seen in several ways here
One being .....Psalm 37:4
Which speaks of taking DELIGHT in the Lord and HE WILL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART.
So we see here that God places desires in us and this is .
Now how about praying that the forest fire that is burning houses in your area does not reach your house... That also is a desire....
The point I am making here is This is NOT some whimsical I can have anything I want or say. There are kingdom laws we must abide by and I will bring some of these up as well as a couple of scriptures that also back and play into this scripture a little further down.
Now we move to the BELIEVE that you WILL RECEIVE them ..AND ye shall have them....
This believe is not some whimsical notion some one just dreams up or thinks or hopes they can get. It is not even talking about believing in the natural realm. It is a deep spiritual belief.
You have to see it in your spirit man, feel, know that you know which simply means there is no fear or doubt and I hope it happens. It is real in you before it is manifested or answered unto you in the natural realm. This is true faith in action. You have to have your mind renewed to His word and I am not saying read once in a while. No it is a daily thing this renewing your mind in His written word which BUILDS UP YOUR FAITH and removes doubt and fear.
Hey remember Jairus and Jesus ? Jesus told Jairus STOP THE FEAR......ONLY BELIEVE........The only reason Jesus would have told him that is because fear destroys faith........
Ok lets look at a few Kingdom law scriptures.....
James 1:6-8 KJV
6... But let Him ask in FAITH, "Nothing Wavering" For he that "Wavereth" is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
7... For let not that man "Think" that "He Shall" "Receive Anything of the Lord"
8... A double minded man is unstable in his ways.
In these three scriptures we see that Faith with out doubt, unbelief or fear is the Faith that you need to see this through. It shows us that doubt and fear and worry and unbelief steals our blessing and answers to our prayers.
Folks these things are kingdom laws......It is How the Kingdom of God operates.
Now lets look at these scriptures.........Very Important scriptures
Now V21 and V22 are bound together backwards and forwards
21... Beloved if our hearts condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
22... And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, BECAUSE we "Keep" His Commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
Now these two are simple as well....Follow His plan and Obey His orders
23... And this is HIS Commandment, That we should "BELIEVE" on the name of His Son Jesus Christ AND Love one another "AS HE GAVE" us commandment.
24... And he that keepeth His commandments "Dwelleth in Him" and "HE in him". And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us.
Look at V 23.......This shows us we must be born again to do this AND we must Love one another as He has commanded. So here are two kingdom laws that must be obeyed when we desire to receive when we pray.
V 21 and 22 show us if our hearts are pure or not sin ridden we can be confident in God or in His word and when we ask of Him we receive of Him because we do His commandments or what he has written in His word for us to live by and are pleasing unto Him.
V24 shows us when we live by His word we are in Him and He is in us. This does not say some one is not born again if they are not able to yet walk complete in His ways.
One more...........for now, for there are many more that tie into this under Kingdom Law or His way of doing things with His every Commandment.
1John 5:14-15
14... And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us
15... And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have "the petitions" that we desire of Him.
This is very important to get deep within your heart. Know He hears us when we pray. See God always hears His word. He is constantly watching for His word to be spoken "IN FAITH" and He will move on His word every time.
Now to keep this from getting any longer, if some of you will get involved we can do a true study of this and cover much more indepth study of seeing our prayers answered.
There are so many more scriptures that go along with this. Telling us His answers are always yes and amen. However there are other commandments that go along with this one in which we can cover through out this study....
Such as Forgiving and loving even as HE (God the Father Loves and Forgives) Oh yea we actually are commanded to do these things and they all work together within our Faith and Prayers.
Thank You with my heart for participating within this study.
Blessings and Love in Christ
I want to talk about this scripture for several reasons. One it is a very powerful scripture that needs to be understood correctly and it is a scripture that gets misused quite a bit and also twisted as ammunition for those so called heresy hunters of the day.
Mark 11:24 KJV
Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, AND ye shall have them.
Ok so we see right off that this is something that Jesus not only said but by saying this He has put it into effect or another words made it so. This should be settled in your heart once and for all. ( Therefore I say unto you )
What things soever ye desire..........when ye pray.....
Now then lets stop here for a moment and think about two words here, things and desire.
In Hebrews we learn that Faith is the substance of "things" hoped for
So we know that it is going to take "some Faith" to see "Things"
Now desire can be seen in several ways here
One being .....Psalm 37:4
Which speaks of taking DELIGHT in the Lord and HE WILL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART.
So we see here that God places desires in us and this is .
Now how about praying that the forest fire that is burning houses in your area does not reach your house... That also is a desire....
The point I am making here is This is NOT some whimsical I can have anything I want or say. There are kingdom laws we must abide by and I will bring some of these up as well as a couple of scriptures that also back and play into this scripture a little further down.
Now we move to the BELIEVE that you WILL RECEIVE them ..AND ye shall have them....
This believe is not some whimsical notion some one just dreams up or thinks or hopes they can get. It is not even talking about believing in the natural realm. It is a deep spiritual belief.
You have to see it in your spirit man, feel, know that you know which simply means there is no fear or doubt and I hope it happens. It is real in you before it is manifested or answered unto you in the natural realm. This is true faith in action. You have to have your mind renewed to His word and I am not saying read once in a while. No it is a daily thing this renewing your mind in His written word which BUILDS UP YOUR FAITH and removes doubt and fear.
Hey remember Jairus and Jesus ? Jesus told Jairus STOP THE FEAR......ONLY BELIEVE........The only reason Jesus would have told him that is because fear destroys faith........
Ok lets look at a few Kingdom law scriptures.....
James 1:6-8 KJV
6... But let Him ask in FAITH, "Nothing Wavering" For he that "Wavereth" is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
7... For let not that man "Think" that "He Shall" "Receive Anything of the Lord"
8... A double minded man is unstable in his ways.
In these three scriptures we see that Faith with out doubt, unbelief or fear is the Faith that you need to see this through. It shows us that doubt and fear and worry and unbelief steals our blessing and answers to our prayers.
Folks these things are kingdom laws......It is How the Kingdom of God operates.
Now lets look at these scriptures.........Very Important scriptures
Now V21 and V22 are bound together backwards and forwards
21... Beloved if our hearts condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
22... And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, BECAUSE we "Keep" His Commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
Now these two are simple as well....Follow His plan and Obey His orders
23... And this is HIS Commandment, That we should "BELIEVE" on the name of His Son Jesus Christ AND Love one another "AS HE GAVE" us commandment.
24... And he that keepeth His commandments "Dwelleth in Him" and "HE in him". And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us.
Look at V 23.......This shows us we must be born again to do this AND we must Love one another as He has commanded. So here are two kingdom laws that must be obeyed when we desire to receive when we pray.
V 21 and 22 show us if our hearts are pure or not sin ridden we can be confident in God or in His word and when we ask of Him we receive of Him because we do His commandments or what he has written in His word for us to live by and are pleasing unto Him.
V24 shows us when we live by His word we are in Him and He is in us. This does not say some one is not born again if they are not able to yet walk complete in His ways.
One more...........for now, for there are many more that tie into this under Kingdom Law or His way of doing things with His every Commandment.
1John 5:14-15
14... And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us
15... And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have "the petitions" that we desire of Him.
This is very important to get deep within your heart. Know He hears us when we pray. See God always hears His word. He is constantly watching for His word to be spoken "IN FAITH" and He will move on His word every time.
Now to keep this from getting any longer, if some of you will get involved we can do a true study of this and cover much more indepth study of seeing our prayers answered.
There are so many more scriptures that go along with this. Telling us His answers are always yes and amen. However there are other commandments that go along with this one in which we can cover through out this study....
Such as Forgiving and loving even as HE (God the Father Loves and Forgives) Oh yea we actually are commanded to do these things and they all work together within our Faith and Prayers.
Thank You with my heart for participating within this study.
Blessings and Love in Christ