Journal The Cabin

Hello In Awe of Him;

So the customer service person from Brook made it right for you. 😇 From where they sit they will have a customer for life.

Someday when I mail you a puzzle be sure to count each piece totaling 5000. lol!

🤜 😎!!!
So the customer service person from Brook made it right for you. 😇 From where they sit they will have a customer for life.
I will indeed be shopping BROOKS... NOT REEBOKS. But seriously... look at the two words.... one has two ee's and the other has two oo's.
For some of us elderly people... that might be difficult to figure out...... oops sorry... I was looking for oo not ee. HAHAHAHA.

I would have to rent a warehouse to do a 5000 piece puzzle. It would drive me nuts. 1500 pieces MAX... and only if I really liked the picture.
I think the cabin needs a time out for Valentines Day... lol
This is the ONE holiday I don't like... HA. I am having my nephew over for supper tomorrow night.... so I will be fussing in the kitchen.

I'm sure my brain will come up with something FESTIVE for tomorrow... HA... It's a lot of pressure continually having to come up with a story line. HAHA.
Frannie has been spending the afternoon with Lillian...
This lady had an interesting message:
What a beautiful message to wake up to Big Moose.

LET THERE BE LIGHT!!! ... I am in continuous AWE of the ways in which God works to speak to us... to connect with us... to LOVE on us and to encourage us.

Thank you for sharing this.

Good morning my precious forum family.


@Mr. Moose.... There seems to be something fishy going on here... Please be careful of strangers in the woods when you are out walking. Do NOT accept any peanut butter cups or fizzy drinks from random strangers. Just a friendly reminder.

Today... is my special supper for my nephew. I am in the process of rising some home made buns and a loaf of bread.... and I will be baking a pumpkin pie after the buns are baked. Pumpkin pie is his favourite.
I am making lasagna... and will also make a side salad.

My nephew struggles with severe depression... and so... I try to have him over for a meal about every two months or so. He seems to enjoy hanging out with his old auntie. HA.

I hope everyone has a lovely day... filled with the LOVE and JOY of our precious SAVIOUR.

Awe.... LOOKIE Mr. Moose.... Frannie made you a special Valentines... and she even left you a HUGE gift basket in the SHED...which Gert worked on for over a week to get ready. Filled with all your favorite things... and I threw in a pair of those wonderful slippers for you. HAPPY VALENTINES to the BELOVED moose of the Cabin.
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Awe.... LOOKIE Mr. Moose.... Frannie made you a special Valentines... and she even left you a HUGE gift basket in the SHED...which Gert worked on for over a week to get ready. Filled with all your favorite things... and I threw in a pair of those wonderful slippers for you. HAPPY VALENTINES to the BELOVED moose of the Cabin.
Happy Valentines to Ewe too! I hope you can have some relaxation time today-
This is not an easy thing for me to say... I think over these months... I have proven that I have a DEEP love for my brothers and sisters here within the forums. My love has overridden my country of origin... and I have come to be awfully close to a great many of you.

Today... is FLAG DAY for Canada. I am well aware of the climate at this time... I have tried to understand what is happening and have failed to do so. I am not celebrating this event... however... I am deeply pondering things that are happening around me.

There has been a DEEP shift of mood on this side of the border... a mood that I am unable to NOT notice... and so I am in DEEP PRAYER.

I am depending on these forums to have my back.... to rise above the nastiness that is happening in real time... all around me.

I am depending on these forums to REMAIN neutral as far as attitude and topics NOT allowed to be discussed.

I am depending on these forums to LOVE me and ACCEPT me even though my heart is filled with a deep grief at this time.

My heart needed to speak. We are not robots... we cannot be FORCED to comply with agendas and attitudes that we do not agree with.... and so... I am acutely aware that I am walking on SACRED GROUND at this time.

God bless us all.... GOD show us how to rise above the NOISE that is happening so that we can have the COURAGE to supersede the hatred that is all around us.

I LOVE my forum family... and for me... that is all that matters... no matter what issues might come my way.

Tenderly, In Awe
Hi @In Awe of Him
I don't understand what is happening.
Are you OK?
My precious sister in Christ.

I am fine... It was a reflection of what my heart is experiencing at this time of change.

I am simply dumping my heart in honesty that I do not understand the shift that is happening... and I am aware that I am now in a position of opposite thinking to what many of my American friends are feeling and believe.

My post was a lament if you will.

There is nothing wrong except this little SHEEP is in a place of deep reflection.