Journal The Cabin

This is not an easy thing for me to say... I think over these months... I have proven that I have a DEEP love for my brothers and sisters here within the forums. My love has overridden my country of origin... and I have come to be awfully close to a great many of you.

Today... is FLAG DAY for Canada. I am well aware of the climate at this time... I have tried to understand what is happening and have failed to do so. I am not celebrating this event... however... I am deeply pondering things that are happening around me.

There has been a DEEP shift of mood on this side of the border... a mood that I am unable to NOT notice... and so I am in DEEP PRAYER.

I am depending on these forums to have my back.... to rise above the nastiness that is happening in real time... all around me.

I am depending on these forums to REMAIN neutral as far as attitude and topics NOT allowed to be discussed.

I am depending on these forums to LOVE me and ACCEPT me even though my heart is filled with a deep grief at this time.

My heart needed to speak. We are not robots... we cannot be FORCED to comply with agendas and attitudes that we do not agree with.... and so... I am acutely aware that I am walking on SACRED GROUND at this time.

God bless us all.... GOD show us how to rise above the NOISE that is happening so that we can have the COURAGE to supersede the hatred that is all around us.

I LOVE my forum family... and for me... that is all that matters... no matter what issues might come my way.

Tenderly, In Awe
My precious sister in Christ.

I am fine... It was a reflection of what my heart is experiencing at this time of change.

I am simply dumping my heart in honesty that I do not understand the shift that is happening... and I am aware that I am now in a position of opposite thinking to what many of my American friends are feeling and believe.

My post was a lament if you will.

There is nothing wrong except this little SHEEP is in a place of deep reflection.

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

We love you and I speak for everyone at CFS. You have our prayer and friendship support.

Whatever this funk is that you're feeling, hearing or seeing, will pass.

In the meantime continue to rearrange the furniture and make those weird finger foods for
Big Moose at the Cabin, enjoy An Original Cartoon A Day, have one of those wimpy Frappucaffeexpresso's at God's Coffee House, and an occasional alka seltzer at The CFS Medicine Cabinet.

Pray for the world, leave the mess at God's feet and enjoy the company
unto Him here.

God bless
you, sister.

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

We love you and I speak for everyone at CFS. You have our prayer and friendship support.

Whatever this funk is that you're feeling, hearing or seeing, will pass.

In the meantime continue to rearrange the furniture and make those weird finger foods for
Big Moose at the Cabin, enjoy An Original Cartoon A Day, have one of those wimpy Frappucaffeexpresso's at God's Coffee House, and an occasional alka seltzer at The CFS Medicine Cabinet.

Pray for the world, leave the mess at God's feet and enjoy the company
unto Him here.

God bless
you, sister.

and enter Bob... to the rescue with such brilliant advice for this little simple creature.

I am guilty of allowing the NOISE to get to me. It has affected my "belief of security" in what I have come to call my church home. People disagree on ALL types of issues. It is what makes us unique... and sometimes even different.

This is strange for me because usually I am easily able to deflect the matters of the world off of me. I purposely CHOOSE to live a simple life free of the thoughts of the world around me.

I think I made the error of trying to understand something that is too complex for definition and... I walked into waters WAY over my head... causing me to feel anguish.

Nothing has changed... but somehow... I expected them to change because of very bad past experiences.

THANK YOU BOB... for helping me cross over this hurdle of FEAR that I have been experiencing quietly and loudly at the same time.

Your words were all I needed to hear... for me to continue as I have been.

Except... with regards to your suggestion of frappucaffee-expresso... Give me a simple BLACK coffee. :D

The one thing I have DELIBERATELY chosen to do within the forums is to be REAL and AUTHENTIC. What I show here... is what I show in my REAL LIFE. IF I can't be honest here... then my membership serves no purpose.

It has been no secret that I arrived here with many wounds caused by the brethren... and with that... has come some wrong thinking. I have strived to reveal this very real "growing process" with my more serious sharings.

Having trust issues is a very challenging force and reality that often strives to self-sabotage someone when there is absolutely NO real threat. I will let this be a lesson in seeking to remember that IF I am truly desiring to live a life pleasing to God... then my Christian family will be there to support me and cheer me on... just as Bob and Cosia so lovingly displayed.

I hope that my testimony... of my very real struggles can reach someone who is hurting and afraid to reach out. It can be so very terrifying to walk out on a limb and face the fear of rejection...

AN Assembly of believers which is the church... are divinely purposed to be there for one another with medical first aid IF we should slip and fall into the waters.

I am proof that this biblical command to LOVE one ANOTHER and EXHORT ONE ANOTHER is the FOOD that our souls need to confidently GROW and MATURE.

So.... enough of this now... I shall spend the rest of the day in quiet meditation.
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I was making barbeque tonight, and the thought occurred to me, "What does everyone else call this dish?" I know from TV in the 70s and 80s that it is also call "Sloppy Joes".
It is ground beef with honey, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and some kind of tomato sauce cooked down to what I have always known as barbeque or beef barbeque. What do you call it OR do you have it at all in your neck of the woods?

I was making barbeque tonight, and the thought occurred to me, "What does everyone else call this dish?" I know from TV in the 70s and 80s that it is also call "Sloppy Joes".
It is ground beef with honey, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and some kind of tomato sauce cooked down to what I have always known as barbeque or beef barbeque. What do you call it OR do you have it at all in your neck of the woods?

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Ohhhhhhhh!! Now that is inviting! Thank you for sharing, Big Moose! 😎 👍!!!
I was making barbeque tonight, and the thought occurred to me, "What does everyone else call this dish?" I know from TV in the 70s and 80s that it is also call "Sloppy Joes".
It is ground beef with honey, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and some kind of tomato sauce cooked down to what I have always known as barbeque or beef barbeque. What do you call it OR do you have it at all in your neck of the woods?

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Yum from down under. And never heard of it but like the sound of it. Thanks.
It is ground beef with honey, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and some kind of tomato sauce cooked down to what I have always known as barbeque or beef barbeque. What do you call it OR do you have it at all in your neck of the woods?
I think in my neck of the woods.. it's called Sloppy Joe. I think it used to consist of browning hamburger and adding a can of tomato soup with a bit of mustard... salt and pepper.

What you have described is a new and improved homemade version that actually sounds DELICIOUS.
Good morning my precious forum family...
SNOW..... SNEW.....WHITE STUFF.... FLAKES.... FLACON DE NEIGE ( for Lillian )....We've got it.... Am thinking of selling it... but I suspect NO one will buy it.
That is what has been happening in my neck of the woods this last week. Two major snow storms... back to back.. and it's FREEZING COLD outside.
Perhaps it is the snow that caused an airplane to flip over at the Toronto airport..... I still can't wrap my brain around that one.
I am feeling tired... and not much to say.
Question of the kitchen today is..... Do you like Quiche?? I am making one for supper tonight.
mushrooms... peppers... spinach... lots of cheese ( cheddar... swiss... and mozzarella ).
Just about to hop on the treadmill for 40 minutes.... Going to listen to the good old 70's music... and I have a letter to finish.

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Frannie's photo shoot. Auntie Lillian is da BESTEST!!!!!!
Pray tell, what is Uncle Hank and behind his chair?!? I'm afraid I'm way out of touch with the Cabin. lol!
BOB BOB BOB BOB..... BOB..... You must keep up..... Uncle HANK....
Oh my gosh! Don't you recognize Aunt Helga, Uncle Hank's wife???? They did a famous tap-dance and comedy routine called "Hank and Helga Hoofin' It" back in the '70s on that remote TV network- Canadian Russian Alliance Near Kamloops Station, aka CRANKS. You've been to Kamloops, haven't you @In Awe of Him ??
I searched the GARAGE.... high and LOW... and Uncle Hank's portrait is missing... WHEN did you get your chair??? Was that NOT in the Garage??? Good grief... I went through most of the pages in search of that wonderful portrait we placed of UNCLE HANK... behind YOUR chair.... hold on.... I think it was behind your chair.... Maybe it was behind Mr. Moose's CHAIR... He will clear It up when he gets back from the hair dressers... Big Moose ...... Maybe he put the portrait away..... It looked something like this.... BOB..... I think you are doing too many word puzzles my friend.... Anyways... If you don't like the stick man picture... feel free to choose something that is YOU...... HAHAHAHAHAHA
