The CFS medicine cabinet

Ok.... so this morning on my long walk... I had the forums on my mind.... and well... I think I came up with something that might be fun and hopefully helpful.. I am going to try and make it enjoyable... because really... the topic of ailments as we get older is often NOT fun at all.

I have noticed that quite a few of us are struggling with some really challenging issues such as diabetes... high blood pressure... high cholesterol.... etc. I am certainly NOT an expert.... however... I am a fellow sufferer who is STRIVING to make healthy life choices.

My thoughts are to share encouragement... honest struggles/progress...healthy recipes.... different exercises we like to participate in... and simply a section of what ever might be on someone's mind/heart.

I will start with THIS.... and THIS is big for those of us who have to watch the carbs. I have not been able to find a satisfying replacement for BREAD.... and this morning.... I FOUND it. I will place the link to this bread below. I don't quite understand how to make this particular bread into a proper portion because it's home made.... however... I will include what the stats are. My loaf was baked in a regular loaf pan and it did not rise as high as the picture on this lady's page.... however... I was very careful to measure EXACTLY and I did not forget anything so I know I did it right.
The other thing I did is cut it in very THIN slices ( it slices beautifully ). So the recipe states that the entire recipe is 12 portions. If you can slice the bread into 24 portion would be two slices..... LOOKIE at me getting all mathematical. HA.

Anyways.... the review on this bread by me is 8/10. I could easily give up bread for this bread and be satisfied. I tried one piece as is... and I tried one piece toasted.... both are good.

The down side is that almond flour is EXPENSIVE... I have separated the slices with parchment paper to make it easier to pull apart from the freezer.

If anyone decides to make this... let me know what you think. I was highly impressed.

Calories: 175kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 16g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Trans Fat: 0.01g | Cholesterol: 68mg | Sodium: 120mg | Potassium: 29mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 99IU | Calcium: 47mg | Iron: 1mg

Sweet! I'm in; I need help and prayer.

I have a rare syndrome and that means a lot of preventive care but in the last 3yrs, it seems that my thorn of the flesh requires more and more. I've had several surgies that have left me with intermittent pain and discomfort.
I've also had a years long stint with disordered eating, connected to my health. I'm still recovering but I'm in a much better place than I was 2yrs ago.

I really like walking. My husband purchased a mini treadmill off tiktok. I walk outside when the weather is warmer.

Dynamic stretching is fantastic.
Sweet! I'm in; I need help and prayer.
I've got you covered my sweet sister. I will be praying for you on a daily basis... and I hope to add some tenderness and compassion within the walls of this thread.

I have a rare syndrome and that means a lot of preventive care but in the last 3yrs, it seems that my thorn of the flesh requires more and more. I've had several surgies that have left me with intermittent pain and discomfort.
I've also had a years long stint with disordered eating, connected to my health. I'm still recovering but I'm in a much better place than I was 2yrs ago.
I have a plethora of things happening that stem from NOT taking care of my body for the majority of my life time and the reality is NOW that
if I do not intervene properly on a consistent basis... I will indeed suffer negative consequences.

Almost 4 years ago... I was supernaturally healed from decades of CHRONIC depression. This disease was SEVERE in me and it really affected how I function in life. In my early adulthood... I took to alcohol...I quit when I got pregnant with my daughter... and started again in lesser form ( to self-medicate so I could sleep longer ) when I hit the EMPTY NEST syndrome 18 years later. This kept up until my healing...
and miraculously... the alcohol consumption simply FELL off me. To be honest... I did not try to QUIT drinking... I simply had no need for it after my healing.

The more difficult addiction for me has been smoking... and oh my goodness... this has been so DIFFICULT for me. Perhaps because this habit is one I started when I was 21 and I am now ( almost ) 62. I have quit... and I am blessed to seemingly have quit in time before serious respiratory issues developed but this one still plagues me... I have to make sure that I STAY on top of those awful lies that would tell me I can have just ONE. Been there and done that so many times. Quitting is easy..... staying quit is the reality that those of us with addictive personalities FACE... and for me... it is a daily surrendering of my life... my health... my well-being to Father God.

The above was NOT something I enjoyed sharing but.... those who know me... know that I am real and I am honest in what I post... so NO sense in keeping a secret about my past.

I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in January of 2021.... meaning... my doctor decided to put me on some medications for high blood sugars. I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This all occurred within several months of each other and sadly... I did NOT take any of it SERIOUSLY. I did not make ANY life style changes.

In October of last year... I got a health scare... I had an issue with one of my diabetes medications and it caused me to be EXTREMELY ILL for several days. THAT is when I received my WAKE up CALL if you will.

And so.... these last months... I have been researching how to take care of and control of my health. I am still on some medication which is NOT an issue for me... but I am also NOW actively trying to understand what I MUST DO to ensure the optimal of health.

AS a diabetic ( type 2 )... Diet is a HUGE ISSUE.... and these last months I have done the PURGE that is necessary for a healthy home.
I did not actually have a GREAT deal to dispose of as I generally cook everything from scratch... but in the last few years... salty snacks... seem to have replaced the sweet tooth I once had.

At this present time... I do not have one single snack food in my cupboard. NO crackers... no chips... no cheesies... NO NOTHING. HA.
The good part of that is I am successful in not eating too much or too often.... I am simply NOT eating that at all.... and so those precious calories can be saved for something better.

This Monday... I started this thing of a long morning walk. 4 miles... and apparently if I want to get my 10,000 miles ( oops steps HAHA )... I need to actually add an extra mile. Here I thought I was all that... only to find out... I wasn't. HA.
It will be very easy to add that extra mile... and I might just add it by taking a secondary walk later in the morning. There is nothing that states one must walk their entire 10.000 steps in one session.... and the morning temperatures have been on the cold side so there is also the safety factor of walking in the cold.

Anyways... I have written a novel here... and I haven't even covered diet. I have some pretty wonderful tricks that I learned... and they are helping me to get in more fresh vegetables.... but that for another day.

God bless you cocoa. Looking forward to a new journey in 2025.
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I'm not sure if that poem suggests self-sufficiency or what... but I like the words.
It reminds me of the importance of perseverance... and the equal importance of gentleness to one-self.
That is about as selfy as I want to get.... to be able to do the things I CAN do to make things better and
the knowledge and faith that God will help me accomplish what it is I need to live a healthy and well-balanced

Out of 5 walks this week.... I only really enjoyed ONE of them...the other one was the day after I was dressed like a sasquatch ... so I think that walk was based on sheer gratitude for the lighter load. HA.

I am feeling the reality of being TIRED.... of spending my best time of the morning ( my blessed morning ) on an activity that is getting more difficult to accomplish as I get older. YET.... I am filled to overflowing with GRATITUDE.....absolute GRATITUDE that I am able to breath... to walk... to see... to smell... to feel.

I will gladly accept the little aches and pains that come with doing something that is good for me.... and that is HUGE... coming from someone who several years ago simply didn't want to exist. THANK YOU FATHER for your healing touch... and for keeping your promise that you are FAITHFUL to finish that with which you have begun.
Thank you. You will also be in my prayers.
My report sounded rather serious... and I guess it is... but honestly.... I have no issues... in that... I am not remotely suffering with any kind of physical pain or discomfort.... and so these little annoyances that I pick up when I don't get my way and have to "heaven forbid" go for a WALK.... HAHAHA.... these are NOTHING. HA.

I hope you are not in any kind of pain at the moment.
Ok.... so this morning on my long walk... I had the forums on my mind.... and well... I think I came up with something that might be fun and hopefully helpful.. I am going to try and make it enjoyable... because really... the topic of ailments as we get older is often NOT fun at all.

I have noticed that quite a few of us are struggling with some really challenging issues such as diabetes... high blood pressure... high cholesterol.... etc. I am certainly NOT an expert.... however... I am a fellow sufferer who is STRIVING to make healthy life choices.

My thoughts are to share encouragement... honest struggles/progress...healthy recipes.... different exercises we like to participate in... and simply a section of what ever might be on someone's mind/heart.

I will start with THIS.... and THIS is big for those of us who have to watch the carbs. I have not been able to find a satisfying replacement for BREAD.... and this morning.... I FOUND it. I will place the link to this bread below. I don't quite understand how to make this particular bread into a proper portion because it's home made.... however... I will include what the stats are. My loaf was baked in a regular loaf pan and it did not rise as high as the picture on this lady's page.... however... I was very careful to measure EXACTLY and I did not forget anything so I know I did it right.
The other thing I did is cut it in very THIN slices ( it slices beautifully ). So the recipe states that the entire recipe is 12 portions. If you can slice the bread into 24 portion would be two slices..... LOOKIE at me getting all mathematical. HA.

Anyways.... the review on this bread by me is 8/10. I could easily give up bread for this bread and be satisfied. I tried one piece as is... and I tried one piece toasted.... both are good.

The down side is that almond flour is EXPENSIVE... I have separated the slices with parchment paper to make it easier to pull apart from the freezer.

If anyone decides to make this... let me know what you think. I was highly impressed.

Calories: 175kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 16g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Trans Fat: 0.01g | Cholesterol: 68mg | Sodium: 120mg | Potassium: 29mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 99IU | Calcium: 47mg | Iron: 1mg

That loaf in the picture looks so beautiful. Does it really come out looking like that?
That loaf in the picture looks so beautiful. Does it really come out looking like that?
Yes and no.... I think if I would have used a smaller loaf pan... it would have risen higher. The bread when fully baked does have that beautiful crust.

What I love about this bread is the crumbly texture. It's NOT like normal bread but it will pass the sandwich test and toast test ( in my opinion ).

I won't even try that STUFF they call CLOUD BREAD which is simply egg whites whipped up. I just know that I would not like it.

I have also tried the cottage cheese with cream cheese pizza crust... and although it's tasty... it's NOT bread.
BibleLover I suppose I could add this to my other comment as I still have time to edit but you have read it already... so... HA.

You have to remember that this bread is totally made with a nut flour... and so the finished product is sort of tasting like a tea biscuit. It has a slight sweet taste. It's a pleasant taste but it is NOT the taste of normal bread. Anyways.... for me this is going to be my new best friend... and there is simply no comparison in the carbs... this bread has 5 gr and normal bread has anywhere from 20 - 30+ grams.
Sweet! I'm in; I need help and prayer. I have a rare syndrome and that means a lot of preventive care but in the last 3yrs, it seems that my thorn of the flesh requires more and more. I've had several surgies that have left me with intermittent pain and discomfort. I've also had a years long stint with disordered eating, connected to my health. I'm still recovering but I'm in a much better place than I was 2yrs ago. Remedies I really like walking. My husband purchased a mini treadmill off tiktok. I walk outside when the weather is warmer. Dynamic stretching is fantastic.

While reading posts here on different foods and how to prepare them, the stretching video and low maintenance exercises they're all beneficial that will aid one's health for the long run.

I read an article on disordered eating and eating disorders and never experienced that. But I can respect the seriousness of both and measures taken to treat the symptoms.

Two weeks ago when I learned my blood pressure was too high, this was a wakeup call for me. I immediately stopped all salty snacks (besides discontinuing all sugar snacks long ago.) I've been taking a pill daily called Lisinopril and was prescribed an additional pill called Hydrochlorothiazide daily. My doctor and I had conversations about monitoring my BP more until I get it down to 120/80.

Back in 1990 when I was 33 years old I prayed and asked God to wipe out all my physical ailments but that's not exactly how God works. Should God reverse my health is His Will. I can have that goal, but meantime, I had to accept my type II diabetes and now the BP. Hazel and I are blessed with a senior hospital plan, good doctor, meds when needed and doing our part to manage our health.

I spoke yesterday with member AtomicSnowflakes' husband Kirk who is also a Pastor, ministered to me about health worries. It was an uplifting Word that helped me "hear it from a good friend."

Kirk also shared with me this Scripture;

Philippians 4:1, 1 Therefore, my brothers, in whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.

Exhortation, Encouragement, and Prayer

4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

One last thought. There is a forum called The Cabin and now The Cabinet. Does this sound like a "he and she?" lol!

Oh bobinfaith ... THANK YOU for these beautiful words of encouragement INDEED that you have posted.

I am so blessed because before my healing... I wanted NOTHING... I did NOTHING.... I offered NOTHING.... and I STILL got SOMETHING.
God in HIS GREAT and WONDERFUL MERCY and GRACE..... traded my ASHES for JOY. THAT thought alone keeps my soul at PEACE and filled with JOY to OVERFLOWING.

I know well enough that to dwell on the past is FRUITLESS..... I WORRY NOT about what WAS.... but I am now DELIGHTFULLY PRESENT for WHAT IS.... and day by day.... I am beginning to collect memories.... songs of PRAISE.... and the GRATITUDE I am experiencing is something that words just simply cannot describe.

if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
This rings so TRUE in my life. I am beginning to PRACTICE these things because I now have a sound mind to do so. It's so GLORIOUS.... and I am forever changed by the GRACE and KINDNESS of my SAVIOUR.

One last thought. There is a forum called The Cabin and now The Cabinet. Does this sound like a "he and she?" lol!
In a couple of months... I'll start one called the CLOSET.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.
No walking for me this week-end. A cold front has come in. This morning it is minus 22 ( feels like minus 29 ). This is dangerously cold weather for the skin.
Monday and Tuesday are to be the coldest days at minus 27 ( feels like minus 34).
The cold snap is supposed to last into Wednesday... and by Thursday... it's still WINTER however... it will be walkable.

I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday of this week for a medication renewal and my 3 month blood work up at the lab which is literally down the hall from my doctor and is a first come... first serve... so it's IN and OUT.

That is my medicine cabinet report for Sunday. HA.
Hey Big Moose;

That's a snack from the past! I always loved Pop Tarts (but with pie filling, yum!)

Yes! Cheap, easy to make, just nuke it in the Mickeywave to warm up. I told this to another father of a friend of my son's, and both our wives groaned and rolled their eyes. lol
:rolleyes: (y)
Yes! Cheap, easy to make, just nuke it in the Mickeywave to warm up. I told this to another father of a friend of my son's, and both our wives groaned and rolled their eyes. lol
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAA @ Mr. Moose trying to use the ECONOMICAL and EASY card...... Me thinks you just like playing with the buttons on the "mickeywave". HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Extreme Cold Warning
-28 Feels -35

Make no mistake..... those little sticks IN FRONT of the numbers are dangerous. NOT fun and it's definitely an INDOOR DAY until Wednesday. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday morning... and I think it should be ok for me to walk home from that... which would be a 2+ mile walk. I will resume my morning walks on Thursday when the temps are back to normal.... and HA that normal for me over here in the moosey NORTH country means minus 10 - minus 20.

Ok... so... I still have no idea what I am going to do with this thread... but I am thinking I will be adding a lot of food related posts... and tips about healthy meals.... so... first thing.... a tip

Put 1TBSP apple cider vinegar in a small glass/shot glass... add a bit of water... and slug that back. This is wonderful for GUT HEALTH... and I take a shot every morning.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAA @ Mr. Moose trying to use the ECONOMICAL and EASY card...... Me thinks you just like playing with the buttons on the "mickeywave". HAHAHAHAHAHA
You have no IDEA! Microwave popcorn: just dump 2 cups of popping corn in the mickeywave and in a few minutes:

Good luck getting the crumbs out from under the carousel turning thing, though!