I did not purposely add the URL at the end of my post... It is the same as the scripture I included up top.
Wow! This is so well written (content-wise) that I was imagining that I was reading a Christian self-help book. Haha, that sounds like an oxymoron, Christian self-help book, haha. But seriously, you should think about making a real journal of these type of thoughts, (or just put them here), and organize them into a book version or something. I don't know what you would call it, but these musings and life lessons have value for others to "swim" in.Philippians 4:11-13 Amplified Bible (AMP)
Not that I speak from [any personal] need, for I have learned to be content [and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy] regardless of my circumstances. I know how to get along and live humbly [in difficult times], and I also know how to enjoy abundance and live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret [of facing life], whether well-fed or going hungry, whether having an abundance or being in need. I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]
Gosh... my journal is at page 18 already. I have to say... I'm quite impressed that it's now June and this place is still going. HA. Between Bob... the resident moose... and Cosia.... plus the snails. HAHA. The garage has become a very HAPPY PLACE for me.
so.... GOOD MORNING... my PRECIOUS forum family. Happy Sunday morning to all.
The above scripture is something I have been pondering lately. I spent most of my life NOT seeing the many blessings bestowed upon me. I could not seem to get past the waves of despair that would wash over me steadily and without reprieve.
This month marks my 3rd Anniversary of my "experience at the lake". It seems I've been making mention of this a lot lately. It recently occurred to me that sometimes... it is harder/more difficult to accept the good things than the bad.
I guess I became conditioned to expect that depression would be the norm for the rest of my life. I stopped hoping for anything more... and accepted that on this side of heaven... there would be nothing but deep sorrow and suffering for me. I was NOT the victim... I did not complain... but I did give up in that I withdrew almost completely from the world.
My landlord's affectionately refer to me as their resident troll aka domesticated troll. The troll in the garage sounds so comical to me... that I decided to run with it. HAHA.
It took me more than a year of experiencing UNSPEAKABLE and OVERFLOWING JOY to finally realize this is not just a phase... it is not something I have to pinch myself for ( to see if it's real ) and it's not something that will disappear. I don't need to fear that if I start enjoying this condition I am living in... that it will be taken away or leave me. I am now at the stage where IF I was told... I would be experiencing another DESERT walk... Could I accept that? and to my shock... I found the answer inside me to say a resounding YES.... YES... I could handle if I LOST it all.
I am getting into the beginning of my senior years. I have come face to face with the fact that although I love living here... and am BLESSED to be here... that my landlords are NOT going to live forever... and I will within the next years to come... have to face the fact that I will not be able to live here till I die. That was a sudden and sobering thought for me... but one that I believe God has orchestrated for me so that I might begin to make some plans for my future care.
This week... I stopped by a property management company that oversees senior housing.... and I will be applying for affordable housing. The wait list is probably going to be about 5 years... and so... now is the time. I will be applying to live in the same building that my mother lived in before she passed away. Somehow that is a comfort to me.
So.... GOD is indeed all-knowing... and all-caring to ensure that His children get their needs met.
We are commanded NOT to grow weary and not to be afraid of the more difficult situations that face us on a daily basis. These last months... I have really been focusing on ENJOYING each task that lays before me. To really give everything I do... my BEST. I have learned that these little moments add up through out the day and PRESTO... before I know it... I've had an AWESOME day because I accepted and embraced EVERYTHING that came my way. Sometimes I am guilty of mumbling... of becoming offended by something someone says or does... and even of saying some NOT SO CHRISTIAN things. I am learning to STOP in mid track.. and get back to GAZING upon my SHEPHERD. Everything else grows strangely dim when I remember to only think about HIM.
We are BLESSED as Christians to have all kinds of declarations we can speak over ourselves and our loved ones. These promises and declarations are our birth right as believers. I am so relieved that I finally understand that I am ALLOWED ( given permission by God Himself ) to BOLDLY enter into the Throne Room of praise. WOW.
Going to be a beautiful hot day today... Yesterday I went for a nice swim to end my day... and today I may just spend the day at the lake with a picnic lunch.
God bless you all. May your Sunday be filled with the SON.https://www.bible.com/bible/1588/PHP.4.11-13.AMP
GOOD GRIEF Mr. Moose... Are you trying to butter me up for something??? something with chocolate perhaps? HAHA.Wow! This is so well written (content-wise) that I was imagining that I was reading a Christian self-help book. Haha, that sounds like an oxymoron, Christian self-help book, haha. But seriously, you should think about making a real journal of these type of thoughts, (or just put them here), and organize them into a book version or something. I don't know what you would call it, but these musings and life lessons have value for others to "swim" in.
Just because a moose sits on your chair, doesn't mean you need a new chair. Well, as long as it is a sturdy one. LOLI think I will have to get him a new cozy chair because I'm quite certain I caught Mr. Moose eyeing it up the other day.
Figures... cuz it's right under Uncle Hank's picture. HAHA.
just because a moose sits on your chair, doesn't mean you need a new chair. Well, as long as it is a sturdy one. LOL
Well, in my defense, I didn't see "Bob's Chair" written on it!Dear Mr. Moose... Please forgive me for the misunderstanding. I thought I saw you eyeing up Bob's favourite chair... we all know that possession is 9/10's of the law... and so it is BOB who would need a NEW chair if you decided to sit under Uncle Hank. HAHA.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... you were actually funnier than me... Oh my goodness..... HAHAHAHAHAHA.Is this going to be like Sheldon knowing someone was in his seat? Aren't you supposed to turn the seat cushion over when you spill something on it?
I am getting into the beginning of my senior years. I have come face to face with the fact that although I love living here... and am BLESSED to be here... that my landlords are NOT going to live forever... and I will within the next years to come... have to face the fact that I will not be able to live here till I die. That was a sudden and sobering thought for me... but one that I believe God has orchestrated for me so that I might begin to make some plans for my future care.
This week... I stopped by a property management company that oversees senior housing.... and I will be applying for affordable housing. The wait list is probably going to be about 5 years... and so... now is the time. I will be applying to live in the same building that my mother lived in before she passed away. Somehow that is a comfort to me.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I knew you had the touch.... oh my goodness... Bob is going to be impressed big time!!!!!!!!
View attachment 11005
View attachment 11015 YOUR forum family MISSED YOU.
Hope you had a wonderful vacation on the Pacific Ocean.
We decided to throw you a PARTY. Mr. Moose and Cosia re-arranged the furniture.
GLAD you are BACK!!!!!!!
Love, Your Forum Family
Welcome back Bob!Hello In Awe of Him and my CFS family;
Thank you for the warm welcome and it feels good to be back here. I'm getting caught up with the staff memos, many posts and welcoming new members, I'll jump back in later and catch up with everyone.
God bless you, sister.