HAHAHAHAHAHA.... and still HAHAHAHAHA.... I DID know that... HAHAHAHAHA.... Oh my goodness... that was so funny.I have a confession. I never started the one puzzle I have but you probably already knew that.
HAHAHAHAHAHA.... and still HAHAHAHAHA.... I DID know that... HAHAHAHAHA.... Oh my goodness... that was so funny.I have a confession. I never started the one puzzle I have but you probably already knew that.
I must be careful to not indulge too much in the chocolate, since you are what you eat, and I don't want to turn into my friend Lenny who became a true Chocolate Moose:and...... AND...... AND... Mr. Moose... my FAVORITE moose... LOOKIE what I got you.... along with a box FULL of your favourite treats. TODAY is be NICE to a MOOSE DAY!!!!!!!!!! OH my goodness.... Our resident Moose is going to be HAPPY!!!!!!!
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HAHAHA..... apparently his name is Lenny the chocolate moose. HAHA.Now when I think of Big Moose I'm going to think of M&Ms.
Are you sure it's not "Warning, donut feed the moose."? This sounds right to me."Warning, do not feed the moose." is a misinterpretation of an old archaic and outdated language. A better translation is, "Warning do not, feed the moose." It is all about where the comma goes.
Please NOTE.... our resident moose is fluent in MODERN English...Warning, do not feed the moose." is a misinterpretation of an old archaic and outdated language
THE VET!!!??!! I feel fine...and.....I'm the average weight for a moose my size, so..........Please NOTE.... our resident moose is fluent in MODERN English...
Any reference of refraining from FEEDING on DEMAND is considered a misinterpretation of the Garage guidelines.
Donuts are now included in the list of delectable treats our dear beloved Mr. Moose enjoys munching on.
Please send in the clowns... I mean the vet... I mean TAKE out the WEIGH SCALE.
HAVE I forgiven it all? - meaning... is everything I have experienced truly and totally surrendered to God and are all those who have hurt me FORGIVEN by me? I'm not sure of the answer to this question. That may seem strange... but because of my trauma and large blocks of my memory GONE.... I don't process or remember things in the same way as most people do.
Is this your idea of Humpty Dumpty Lamb, soon to have lots of trauma when falling off a memory block?