Journal The Garage

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and...... AND...... AND... Mr. Moose... my FAVORITE moose... LOOKIE what I got you.... along with a box FULL of your favourite treats. TODAY is be NICE to a MOOSE DAY!!!!!!!!!! OH my goodness.... Our resident Moose is going to be HAPPY!!!!!!!

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I must be careful to not indulge too much in the chocolate, since you are what you eat, and I don't want to turn into my friend Lenny who became a true Chocolate Moose:

Please, FEED the moose FREQUENTLY!

Warning, do not feed the moose." is a misinterpretation of an old archaic and outdated language
Please NOTE.... our resident moose is fluent in MODERN English...
Any reference of refraining from FEEDING on DEMAND is considered a misinterpretation of the Garage guidelines.

Donuts are now included in the list of delectable treats our dear beloved Mr. Moose enjoys munching on.

Please send in the clowns... I mean the vet... I mean TAKE out the WEIGH SCALE.
Please NOTE.... our resident moose is fluent in MODERN English...
Any reference of refraining from FEEDING on DEMAND is considered a misinterpretation of the Garage guidelines.

Donuts are now included in the list of delectable treats our dear beloved Mr. Moose enjoys munching on.

Please send in the clowns... I mean the vet... I mean TAKE out the WEIGH SCALE.
THE VET!!!??!! I feel fine...and.....I'm the average weight for a moose my size, so..........
A donut a day keeps the doctor away, so I eat two or three just in case. And on top of that, shopping is difficult for me:
Those little carts are hard to push!
Mr. Moose.... I think you must have been at the kid's store because here the carts are so huge that I can't drive them... I go for the little ones with the blunt end.... they are shorter and smaller... those big beasts are NOT my friend because I can't cut the corners properly ( I'm being serious )... HAHA... I don't drive so I really don't understand how to cut a corner and turn.... so I am often crashing into things. Anyways.... this is our food donation cart... I think it would be the perfect size for you my friend!!!!
I have had the most MARVELOUS day... We are in the middle of a heat warning... The humidex makes it to be feeling like 39 C. However.... the lake front is LOVELY.... there is a beautiful breeze coming in off the lake. and..... AND.... I got to enjoy my first ever AIR Show... The snow birds were here... OH my goodness... spectacular and graceful.... UNBELIEVABLE. I don't know how I managed to miss their shows all these years but this morning... I got front row seats... It was SPECTACULAR.
We also had a performance of the CF-18.... That thing scared the jeepers out of me... it disappeared and then all of a sudden this LOUD THUNDEROUS NOISE over head.... I thought I was going to have a stroke... My neighbour knew it was going to happen.... I think he purposely came to sit beside me because he knew I would scream. HAHAHAHA
That thing is LOUD...

It was a SPECTACULAR presentation.... They had to cancel the parachuters because of the wind... but everything else was a go. I am so blessed to have witnessed this wonderful performance.

Anyways.... Off for my second swim of the day... It's a picnic kind of day... so I made a potato salad... and unfortunately... I don't have STEAK... HAHAHA.... but I have those good fat beef jumbos... My neighbour will BBQ me a hotdog.

Ok... so I just wanted to check in. ALL is well. Taking full advantage of the beautiful weather.

Love you all. Happy Wednesday... and to all the VETERANS.... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Good morning my beautiful forum family.... IT's FRIDAY.... AGAIN... The time is just ZOOMING by.

Well... we are officially into summer... so happy FIRST day of summer. Apparently it officially started at 4:50 pm yesterday ( Ontario time )... I got a real giggle out of that because I have never heard of a season have an official "clock" time. My silly imagination went to a baby being born. HAHAHA. YEAH... I know.... my brain is not right... HAHA.

We experienced a brutal heat wave this week. OH my goodness... it got hot!!!!! One day... with the humidex.. we got to 40C. Anyways... It's a wonderful reprieve to be having rain in the forecast today. I am so blessed to be on waterfront property because we usually get a counter breeze coming off the lake. The day of the airshow was like that... so it did not seem as hot as it actually was.

The garden is doing very well... however... I noticed that my tomato plants are behind.... they are getting tall but no flowers yet.... and it's the same with my pepper plants. I think maybe this is an issue of lack of sun. They are all looking healthy... so... that's the main thing. Still amazes me that I started those things from SEED. So amazing!!!!!!

Anyways... I have been enjoying the outdoors more this year than usual... THIS is a good thing. Our summers are so short.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week-end. bobinfaith ... This is me... being cool like you. HAHAHA

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

Where we live on the border of San Francisco is a chilly 59 degrees. The rest of the Bay Area is in the mid 70s to 80s. At first I wasn't happy living in cooler weather but it's grown on us.

Today I'm getting ready to leave and am wearing jeans, high top Columbia shoes and a sweater and jacket, pretty much the same attire when we were visiting Guelph, Toronto, Canada last August.

Question. Are tomatoes (plural) considered the buds on a tomato (singular) flower?

God bless you, In Awe of Him.
Hi bobinfaith ... If I'm not mistaken the tomato ( fruit of the plant ) grows under the flower. Once a tomato plant and pepper plant flowers... that is when the peppers and tomatoes grow. I did not look this up.. but that is what I have witnessed in seeing them over the years. There is also the issue of pollination which the insects( bees ) do... along with the wind.

I don't have the same varieties of plants as my neighbours so it could be that mine are just late starters. It's all a learning year for me.

I am shocked to hear of the big temperature difference in California... I just assumed the entire state was very hot.

For me... being in the North of the province ( which is actually only the beginning of what they call NORTH )... there is a significant difference in summer and winter temps. Plus... living on the lake makes a huge difference. It's much cooler where I am which is a WONDERFUL thing.
Good morning my beautiful forum family,

Well... I'm on a journey this week. This is not something I planned for or even thought about but this morning.. it just suddenly popped up as a thought. It's a question with a challenge attached to it.

HAVE I forgiven it all? - meaning... is everything I have experienced truly and totally surrendered to God and are all those who have hurt me FORGIVEN by me? I'm not sure of the answer to this question. That may seem strange... but because of my trauma and large blocks of my memory GONE.... I don't process or remember things in the same way as most people do.

I want all aspects of my life to be RIGHT with GOD... and so for some reason... it seems that I need to get down and dirty and visit this topic in a real and raw way with the assurance that I need not be afraid.

We have a beautiful day forecast... CLEAR and nicely warm... so... I have decided to make myself a picnic lunch and spend the day at the beach with my Bible... and an open heart.
HAVE I forgiven it all? - meaning... is everything I have experienced truly and totally surrendered to God and are all those who have hurt me FORGIVEN by me? I'm not sure of the answer to this question. That may seem strange... but because of my trauma and large blocks of my memory GONE.... I don't process or remember things in the same way as most people do.

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

David asked God to search his heart, not once, but daily. He was a man after God's heart. I strive to follow David's example and ask God in my prayers to search my heart in everything.

Psalm 139:23-24,
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! - ESV

In 1 Samuel 13:14 Saul did not follow God's command so God anointed David to rule over His people;

14 But now your kingdom shall not continue. The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be prince over his people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.”

As far as our memories, trauma and life's physical and spiritual setbacks, God's strength overcomes our liabilities and will make known the areas of your life because you want to do right in the Lord's sight.

Please give this some thought, In Awe of Him, and then pray and ask what God says.

God bless you, and I'm praying for you in this area.
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