Journal The Garage

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There's something in the drinking water today... The garage is out of control. HAHAHAHAHAHA...
I laughed so hard today... Poor Bob... He started this.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.
and Mr. Moose has not even been in yet to give his two cents worth.

Thank you for the beautiful day of JOY... my dearest forum family.
Mr. Moose here so as not to disappoint. Got stuck in the woods for a while. I heard that the snails from Australia are all named "Bruce". You all need a "slug" of "slow" gin fizz, of course the gin is ginger ale.
Good morning my beautiful forum family...

I seem to be out of things to say. HA. Today is Canada Day... I feel very blessed to be living where I am. The weather is lovely.... we get 4 full neighbourhood is filled with peace and joy ( for the most part )... and I am FREE.... not only as a Canadian... but especially as a Christian. So much to be thankful for... the list is ENDLESS... and so today... I am going to enjoy the reality of my life. It is a GOOD LIFE... and I think God for the honour of being part of it.

I love you guys... I have been spending a lot of time outside. My garden has absolutely EXPLODED with colour. My tomato and pepper plants are doing very well in the garden... so we'll see what happens.

A mother duck has laid her eggs in my neighbour's garden. We are so excited about this... I sure hope I get to see her parade to the lake with her babies. Kind of hard to know how long and when the eggs will actually hatch.

Such a BEAUTIFUL PLANET we live on. God bless my precious forum family.
Hi In Awe of Him , that is exciting!
Just googled and they a ll seem to agree, the average hatching time is 28 days. But if it is too cool can take from 31 to 38 days.
Have Fun
and God Bless.
I seem to be out of things to say. HA. Today is Canada Day... I feel very blessed to be living where I am. The weather is lovely.... we get 4 full neighbourhood is filled with peace and joy ( for the most part )... and I am FREE.... not only as a Canadian... but especially as a Christian. So much to be thankful for... the list is ENDLESS... and so today... I am going to enjoy the reality of my life. It is a GOOD LIFE... and I think God for the honour of being part of it.
What is Canada Day? Is that like an Independence Day? I must be thirsty, because when I first read "Canada Day", I actually read "Canada Dry". Too much fizz on the brain!
Hi Mr. Moose... We seem to be on opposite shifts... HAHA.

Canada Day is like your July 4th. It's the day we celebrate our nation's founding. I'm sure there's more to it than that... HA.... but... it's the day we eat RED and WHITE cake... HAHAHA. Our fire works are NOTHING compared to a good old American 4th of July celebration... because of that... our wildlife here in Canada is much CALMER... HAHAHAHA.

I just saw a joke about two dogs checking in at an airport... wanting to fly ANYWHERE there were NO fireworks. HAHA.

I noticed your mention of gin fizzy.... several times... I think you might be too POLITE to request that I buy some Canada Dry gingerale... so I have taken it upon my self to treat you to your own little MOOSE FRIDGE.... filled with gin frizzy.. Not sure if you're into lemons... but I like to squeeze lemons in my fizzy water.
Hi Mr. Moose... We seem to be on opposite shifts... HAHA.

Canada Day is like your July 4th. It's the day we celebrate our nation's founding. I'm sure there's more to it than that... HA.... but... it's the day we eat RED and WHITE cake... HAHAHA. Our fire works are NOTHING compared to a good old American 4th of July celebration... because of that... our wildlife here in Canada is much CALMER... HAHAHAHA.

I just saw a joke about two dogs checking in at an airport... wanting to fly ANYWHERE there were NO fireworks. HAHA.

I noticed your mention of gin fizzy.... several times... I think you might be too POLITE to request that I buy some Canada Dry gingerale... so I have taken it upon my self to treat you to your own little MOOSE FRIDGE.... filled with gin frizzy.. Not sure if you're into lemons... but I like to squeeze lemons in my fizzy water.
That is great! The cooler outside the Garage was getting too crowded!
Also, the summer heat is melting the PB cups. You may have chocolate hoof marks on the carpet. Sorrrrrry Hopefully the gin fizzy will take it out.
The exterminator ( I mean ) carpet cleaner was in today to wash the carpets... due to the large chocolate hoof prints left in the living room area... Oddly the trail stopped at Mr. Moose's kitchen cupboard where we have been keeping his peanut butter cups. WE have no idea who left this trail... and so please be kind and refrain from judgemental accusations...
**** sneaking a look at Mr. Moose.

Please note **** the peanut butter cups have been moved to Mr. Moose's personal fridge. I have included a large industrial garbage bin BESIDE the chair that is under Uncle Hank's picture. I also included 10 extra recycling bins for the gin ( short for ginger ale ) frizzy cans. They are lined up OUTSIDE the garage. Please do not use the recycling bins for basket ball practice... as this makes the snails very nervous. They are very sensitive to noise. Thank you for your cooperation.

I have been thinking about getting Bob his own puzzle table so that he can finally begin his puzzle called "his balcony"
How wonderful that someone made a puzzle of Bob's balcony. We would all like to see it. :D
Once again... I'm late to the party... I could lie and say I've been busy cleaning the garage but nope... hahaha
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all my precious USA friends... I wonder if Mr. Moose will be dressing up in RED WHITE and BLUE....
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Happy 4th of July, In Awe of Him;

Thank you for blessing us with well wishes. It's nice to brush away all the stuff going on in these times and enjoy a day to remember our country's independence.

God bless
you, In Awe of Him.
Goodness gracious... the time is just ZOOMING by... I've been spending more time outside and less time at my computer which is a good thing. I have plenty of time to be house-bound come the winter months.

My garden is unbelievable.... the pots of flowers are overflowing with vibrant colours... and my tomato plants are over 4.5 feet tall with lots of flowers. I am glad I decided to put them in the garden area even though I don't get full sun. I am hopeful that I will get a few tomatoes out of this arrangement. The critters have so far been kind to me... HA.

I do have lots of pictures however I can't seem to get my SD card reader working so that I can transfer them onto my Chromebook.

This is a picture I found online however this is exactly what my nasturtium looks like... It went WILD... I have a waterfall of yellow flowers in one pot and a more orangy flower in another pot... the leaves are huge and I just can't believe I started it from a seed. My one plant must have about 40 flowers blooming... and they just keep coming.


The lake is very nice and warm now... It takes about two months to get from ice to warm. I think I mentioned this before but I really like the colder water swimming... My first swim this year was May 18th and that was VERY EARLY. I will see how late I can go into the autumn.

Momma duck is still hiding in my neighbour's garden. They set up a camera to catch the event in case we miss it. I'm pretty sure that a momma duck would not take her babies out for their first swim in the dark... so hopefully we all get to see the parade to the lake.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. Soon enough it will be time for the return of the jigsaws. For now... I am simply enjoying the great outdoors.
Hello, In Awe of Him;

I love your enthusiasm for your garden. Who pulls the weeds?

I asked because I used to tend to my wife's garden - a 60 foot wooden retaining wall that looked like this photo online.


When the weeds grew I went out to pull them but my wife asked me not to because she thought they looked pretty. I told her, "but these are American weeds!" She was convinced but I still had to pull the weeds by myself. lol!
Hello, In Awe of Him;

I love your enthusiasm for your garden. Who pulls the weeds?

I asked because I used to tend to my wife's garden - a 60 foot wooden retaining wall that looked like this photo online.

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When the weeds grew I went out to pull them but my wife asked me not to because she thought they looked pretty. I told her, "but these are American weeds!" She was convinced but I still had to pull the weeds by myself. lol!
American weeds??
Pray tell.
I was taught by my high school botany teacher, “The definition of a weed is ‘any unwanted plant’.
My wife loves to get her hands dirty, so when it comes to weeds, I say ‘be my guest’.
I love your enthusiasm for your garden. Who pulls the weeds?
Good morning Bob.... I am shocked that I don't have a weed problem.. I'm not sure why... I think my pots are so FULL there is no room for weeds.... I also planted some things in a decomposing tree stump and I am letting the clover grow... picking out things here and there but truly.... this gardening season has basically been weed free.

The garden laid barren for years so this is the first time for plants to actually be going in. My bigger problem is that the pine needles will soon begin falling and oh my goodness... that is a mess... When I cleaned up the side of the house this Spring...I had BAGS and BAGS of pine needles and pine cones. NOT fun.

HAHAHAHA.... crossnote and American weeds.... they are special weeds... HAHAHAHA.
WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT FACE...... LOOK at it!!!!!!!!! That is cuteness overload. I LOVE MOOSES.... I absolutely LOVE MOOSES. It must be a Canadian thing. I have pre ordered a moose for heaven... I did this YEARS ago... His name is Morris.... and I even bought him pyjamas..... OH my goodness..... I don't tell many people that I have in the past pretended that heaven has a catalogue and that you can order things just like the old Sears catalogue... HAHAHAHAHA.... Honestly... I think this is BRILLIANT.

Anyways.... Bubba told me a scary tale one day... We were sitting at the camp fire and Bubba started one his stories ( right in the middle of roasting marshmallows.

ONE summer.... in the deep Kentucky woods... Bubba's entire family got LOST in them 'merican weeds. It took weeks before they found their way home... they survived on swamp water and bull rushes. His cousin Billy never did recover... and spent the rest of his years locked in the shed with the light on at all times.
Yesss, Ma'am... them wuz scarry times. We wuz all out pickin' berries and a bear came toward us 'cause she wanted some, too. Well, we backed away, but she wuz blockin' our way home, so Bubba said we had to go way around her and got crossed up a little on our directions. We circled around and got into some unfamiliar territory. We herd some kind of rumblin' noise up ahead and thought it might be a construction crew workin' on a road. But, when we got over the next hill, we saw one of them UFO thingies in an open field and small gray aliens fixin' somethin'. Bein' neighborly, we walked up and offered to help. Them gray's wuz hospitable and after the landing gear wuz fixed, they invited us in for a ride. We got on board that UFO and wuz taken all over the solar system sight seein'. Billy Bob wuz a little scared 'cause he's got motion sickness and barfed all over one of them control panels. They cleaned it all up and put Billy Bob on a cot 'cause he was as gray as them gray's. They took a blood sample from Billy Bob and that freaked him out. Not sure how long we wuz sight seein', but whenst we got out of that UFO, we wuz only a short ways from the trailer house. We looked at the mail in the mailbox and the newspaper dates showed us that we wuz away for two weeks. It sure didn't seem that long whenst we wuz gone. Billy Bob wuz shakin' like mad and wouldn't come out of the shed except fer eatin', but he finally got OK again after we read Ezekiel Chapter 1 to him through the window. We is all OK and are back doin' what we do here in the back woods of Kentucky.

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