Hi In Awe of Him
Phlebits is usually found in the legs. It is very treatable.
Praying for you dear Sister.
God Bless
Phlebits is usually found in the legs. It is very treatable.
Praying for you dear Sister.
God Bless
Well... It's me that suggested to my doctor that this is what I might have according to my symptoms. I was supposed to have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday however... I was so uncomfortable... I asked if they could squeeze me in two days ago so that I would not have to suffer over the week-end. HAPhlebits is usually found in the legs. It is very treatable.
Well... It's me that suggested to my doctor that this is what I might have according to my symptoms. I was supposed to have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday however... I was so uncomfortable... I asked if they could squeeze me in two days ago so that I would not have to suffer over the week-end. HA
I tried to get my blood work done then... as the lab is just down the hall from my doctor however.... the test I need done to check for Phlebitis needs to be frozen so they only do that specific test in the mornings... even though I was there right at 1pm and they are closed for lunch ).
So that is unfortunate because we have been in a deep freeze these last two days and I have not been willing to walk several blocks to wait for the bus. ( minus 27 is not safe to be outside for extended periods of time ).
Anyways... it's definitely in my legs... but I will not know for sure until the blood test is back. I have never experienced anything like this before.... and I don't know how to describe it except for my skin hurts at the back of my legs.
It's all good... I am good.
Well.... lookie at you... Dr. Bob is in the building. HA.Can I suggest filling a bucket of hot water with salts or oils, and soaking your feet for 20 - 30 minutes? Also, apply Bengay or a comparable ointment on the back of your legs?
I minister to middle and senior age brothers and sisters. They experience your symptoms. As for me I soak my head in cold water for 45 minutes. It helps me think clearly before posting at CFS.lol!
Thank you for this beautiful note... I should know by early next week what the verdict will be. HA.Blessings to all- You just may be fitted for compression stockings which will help with the circulation issues related to phlebitis.
Might you find that which you seek and relief from related symptoms. Being grateful for what we have helps us in so many different ways.
Keep the good hope, as this is an inspiration to those reading these pages. Hugs and happiness~
It's so easy to get lost in the NOISE of this world... and it's equally easy to get so encrusted with LEARNING all there is to learn about CHRISTIANITY... that it tampers with the ability to actually LIVE it out in LOVE.
Simplicity is the key that I use to keep my joy and peace. THANKSGIVING and GRATITUDE are the food that I feed my soul to prosper.
Thanks bobinfaith ... I don't know why those letters are in some of the scriptures that I copy.
I always have the radio set at the Christian station... gosh I don't remember the last time I listened to any other station... I couldn't tell you anything about current music.. or the groups they have now a days.Some mornings while on CFS I'll have the news on in the background. It's important to keep abreast of the world so I know how to pray. But when it turns to grumbling about the other party and lamenting on life I simply turn off the TV.
HA Bob..... I saw the letters there... but felt like it was disrespectful to remove them. HAHA.When you paste a Scripture, please check first before you hit the post button. There may be [letters] in between the verses which are to reference side notes.