Journal The Garage

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"For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you.'" Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. ~Isaiah 41:13

13 For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you!
~Isaiah 41:13 ( Amplified Bible )

Checks for extra alphabet pieces.... nope....... Bob will be SO PROUD of me. However... I don't know what edition it is and I usually like to put that ... Hold on... wait a minute... I want to get this right.... >>>>> Goes back to Bible Gateway and finds an edition she can list.

Ok.... so the first one I just copied from a Scripture of the Day site and it did not list what scripture it was. I had to go digging. The first one is way longer than just Isaiah 41:13 but I can't easily find the reference for it. It could be an AMPLIFIED version of the AMPLIFIED bible HA. It's very descriptive and I usually really like that because.... well.... I love descriptive words. Anyways.... I'm leaving it... because I like it... but underneath is the proper scripture and edition reference.

WOW.... all that to say.... God's got your back today and tomorrow and the next day... just like He did yesterday but... just focus on today and you will find that His mercies... and strength are FRESH off the press. Full meal deal folks. All you can take... all you need....same cost of His precious blood.

How blessed we are to be given so many PROMISES filled to overflowing with comfort and HOPE.

9 And this I pray, that your love may abound more and more [displaying itself in greater depth] in real knowledge and in practical insight, 10 so that you may learn to recognize and treasure what is excellent [identifying the best, and distinguishing moral differences], and that you may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ [actually living lives that lead others away from sin]; 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God [so that His glory may be both revealed and recognized. ~Philippians 1:9-11 Amplified Bible

Good morning everyone... bobinfaith I left the numbers in. You never instructed me about numbers.... just letters. HA.

I was born 61 years ago today. Oh my goodness... Where has the time gone? Anyways... I am off for a sleep over at my friend's house tonight..... which means...............................................wait for it.............................................I get to sleep with the dog. ( my favourite thing ).

I am SO BLESSED.... so TRULY BLESSED.... I just can't contain my JOY.


I'm so glad I caught this post in time to edit.... I had to include this lovely tradition my friend and I have. We mail each other the same birthday card every year. This brings me a lot of joy ( as if I don't have enough already. HA )​



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A very Happy Birthday and may this day be filled with happiness and everything good.

Blessings and enjoy your special day.


Happy Happy Birthday, In Awe of Him!
Dear In Awe of Him;

Enjoy your Special Day celebrating another year of life with the Lord!

Numbers 6:24-26, “‘“24 The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’ - NIV

You are a blessing to us all at Christian Forum Site! 😎👍
The garage is being WASHED..... HAHAHA.... therefore will remain empty for a day or so.

WHAT a BRILLIANT way to say........ I have writers block. HAHAHAHAHA.

My birthday was wonderful. I felt so loved. My party had three people at it... plus two dogs.... HA.
There were many laughs and lots of love. PLUS.... I got to sleep with a brown long sausage dog. That is the BEST!!!!!!!!!1

Yesterday, my landlords had me upstairs and ordered Chinese Food.... a super special treat for me as I don't eat out and Chinese
is my favorite.

Today I am EXHAUSTED.... so I am just RESTING.

HAPPY MONDAY to my forums family. The garage should be ready to go for tomorrow morning. HA.
Hi In Awe of Him
Glad you had such a wonderful day celebrating your birthday.
Is it back to the jigsaw tomorrow?
God Bless
The garage is being WASHED..... HAHAHA.... therefore will remain empty for a day or so. WHAT a BRILLIANT way to say........ I have writers block. HAHAHAHAHA. My birthday was wonderful. I felt so loved. My party had three people at it... plus two dogs.... HA. There were many laughs and lots of love. PLUS.... I got to sleep with a brown long sausage dog. That is the BEST!!!!!!!!!1 Yesterday, my landlords had me upstairs and ordered Chinese Food.... a super special treat for me as I don't eat out and Chinese is my favorite. Today I am EXHAUSTED.... so I am just RESTING. HAPPY MONDAY to my forums family. The garage should be ready to go for tomorrow morning. HA.

Hello In Awe of Him;

Since you haven't anything to say in today's Garage, I'll be your reinforcement. lol!

Back in high school and my first year in college I played in a rock band and light jazz group. We carpeted our family's garage and I stapled egg cartons on the wall to help sound proof the room. The amplifiers, keyboards and drums were all set up so we didn't have to setup and take down which is what a lot of groups do who cannot afford a studio. It was really cool.

Later we kinda decorated the garage with color lights and extra chairs for guests or friends who sat in the sessions.

Anyway, that's what was on my
Garage, or mind. lol!
HAHAHAHAHA bobinfaith ... So glad to know I have a BACK up (man instead of plan ). HAHAHAHA.

I can't say that I have anything to say today either. GOOD grief!!! It seems my birthday celebrations zapped me of all my energy. HAHA.
You know you're old WHEN.... you need a two day rest after a one night sleep over. HA.

I don't really know where my mind is gone... I just went quiet very suddenly. I am having company for supper on the week-end... and I am having to plan my menu for February for the fire department... Plus trying to get another package ready to send out East so that it makes it BEFORE Valentines. Last package was for my daughter's birthday January 10th...She sent me a video of her opening her presents as well as the dog sitting there with such GREAT hope and anticipation that surely gramma did not FORGET about him. SO.... this package is all about the dog. HAHAHA.

Anyways.... Happy Tuesday everyone... oh my goodness... ONE month down and 11 more to go. WHERE does the time go??
If you're God's child, It's no longer you against the world.

I have been absolutely comforted by this truth. I have FELT the power of GOD's protection and provision during times where I surely thought I would never make it... yet not only did I make it... I came out prospering.

I am in AWE of how many BLESSINGS and PROMISES we are actually given as Christians. When I think about the protection aspect alone... It's truly a cause for CELEBRATION.... and so.................. that is what I am gonna do today... CELEBRATE how BLESSED I am.

It's pay day today... so I am off to the bank and the BIG mall on the other side of town. I have to find things to fill up that parcel that is going to my daughter for Valentines Day. :)
Oh my goodness.... Where did January go??? it's February 1st. I cannot believe it.

The month was calm and smooth. I like that... I am grateful for that. It was a month of healing and JOY. I like that too.

My puzzle is experiencing abandonment issues. HA HA. I expect the local authorities will be showing up at my door with complaints of NEGLECT. I am honestly feeling a bit at a loss for how on earth I am going to get this task done. So.... I am taking some time off to come up with a plan of attack.... which actually means... I am doing NOTHING. HAHAHA.

My daughter bought me my first Ravensburger puzzle ( gotta love Amazon )...which should be an incentive to finish the one I'm working on now... plus... I have decided to glue and frame the giraffes... so this is actually an investment.That thought should kick in shortly and I will be back on track. HAHA.

Anyways.... it is well here in my part of the world. I think my thought of the day will simply be.... I AM BLESSED beyond measure.
I have come to realize that counting my blessings is like trying to count the raindrops in a hurricane! Our GOD is incredible!
Sometimes I say to God.... OK.... today... .is the DAY where I am going to PICK my number 1 FAVOURITE thing about you. It's become a funny joke between God and me.... BECAUSE.... I start thinking about HOW AWESOME GOD IS and then I get all EXCITED... and I just can't PICK. HAHAHAHA.

I wish EVERYONE knew God in that way. I wish all believers would be DRIPPING... BUBBLING OVER.... with JOY
The world would see us and be SO JEALOUS. Sadly.... this is often times NOT what we portray.
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