Journal The Garage

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Good morning beautiful forum family....

Well... It's been busy in the Garage this last week and I am happy to report that the Christmas tree is finally decorated thanks to the absolute organization of the snail family. As they say... many mollusks make for light and slimy work. :D

Today's kitchen question is cookies.... >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enter.... Cookie monsters!!!!!

What is your favourite type of cookie? I'm guessing Mr. Moose will say.... Peanut butter cups... which is not really a cookie... but I will let it pass... being that it's the SEASON to be JOLLY and all. :D
Over this way in western Kentucky, we make up animal shaped Christmas cookies with toppings and some with sprinkles.

I recon our cookies is a bit different than yours, 'cause our deer shaped cookie topping is deer sausage, our moose shaped cookies is topped with moose moss from their shed antlers, our fish shaped cookies is topped with trout fillets, our grouse shaped cookie topping is grouse white meat pepperoni and our turkey shaped cookies is topped with turkey drumstick puree.

We also make up a batch of regular Christmas Cookies shaped like a Christmas tree that's got regular sweet icing and them sweet candy colorful sprinkles for dessert.

My cousin Bubba's wife and my wife get together to make up all them cookies after Bubba and I get back from huntin'. The youngins' have a real nice time decoratin' them cookies and tastin' some along the way and all the bits of crumbs go to the dogs. We got us a really clean floor after the dogs get their share.

Y'all have a nice cookie decoratin' season and take care, now, y'hear.

What is your favourite type of cookie? I'm guessing Mr. Moose will say.... Peanut butter cups... which is not really a cookie... but I will let it pass... being that it's the SEASON to be JOLLY and all.
If it is shaped like a cookie, I call it a cookie. Another good one is the peanut butter cookies with a Hershey kiss on top. (Yes, I know it is still chocolate and peanut butter in another form. I. Do. Not. Care.)
I recon our cookies is a bit different than yours, 'cause our deer shaped cookie topping is deer sausage, our moose shaped cookies is topped with moose moss from their shed antlers, our fish shaped cookies is topped with trout fillets, our grouse shaped cookie topping is grouse white meat pepperoni and our turkey shaped cookies is topped with turkey drumstick puree.
What happens in the trailer kitchen... STAYS in the trailer kitchen.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Would you look at that cookie!!!!! It's shaped like a cookie.... Doesn't look like a cookie but Mr. Moose does NOT care!

Good morning my beautiful forum family...
Well... after all that kitchen talk... I bailed out and decided I am NOT baking for Christmas. I was going to make a large baking basket for the Fire Department.... but since I already have to make a meal next week... and also because these guys don't really eat a lot of sugary things... I will let someone else do the baking this year. The cost of everything is INSANE.... and so.... I am going to take it easy and simply enjoy the rest of the month.
Besides.... I am spending Christmas alone this year. So... once my meal is over and done with... and up until then... I am simply going to spend my time WORSHIPPING and being THANKFUL for my absolutely ABUNDANTLY full and JOYFUL life!!! It's hard for me to not GO OVER THE TOP when I give... and so this was a difficult decision for me to make.


and Lookie what I just pulled out of the closet... I forgot I had it... I cancelled my order for a Christmas puzzle this year.
The only problem ( which may not even be a problem is that the puzzle is used... and all the pieces might not be there).
I have not yet decided if I will attempt to do it.... as honestly.... the puzzle bug has not infested me this year. HAHAHA.

Ok... so.... I hope everyone has a beautiful day... WE have snow.... Lots of snow... and I am going to meander to Giant Tiger this morning. I cancelled shopping with Margaret... the snow is fresh and we have a snow squall warning. It's safer for me to walk... and I will be done and back home before Margaret even leaves her house. HA.
This CRACKS me up.... as in literally.... Good moorning pineapple. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Gotta put the sound on.

Ok so...., that song is WORSE than the Song that never ends.... I have been singing it all day long...
OH my goodness...... Good mooooorning pineapple.... HAHAHAHAHA..... Don't listen to it.... I'm telling you... JUST don't do it. HAHAHAHA

Good morning my beautiful forum family.
I cannot believe it's already the 6th of December. This is my favourite Christmas song.
As the time comes closer to Christmas Day... my soul is beginning to rise up in AWE.
May we WORSHIP the child of GOD in a spirit of TRUTH for WHO HE TRULY IS.
The COST of our SALVATION was the BLOOD of CHRIST.
Mary said YES... so that CHRIST could say YES. HE paid the price of SIN once and for ALL.
1733564033782.png This is me trying to find a store in the big mall yesterday. I must have circled the mall 3 times looking for Laura Secord ( a chocolate store ). I am directionally challenged so... finding things is a huge deal for me... however... it is always a situation of CHANCE... because I never remember where anything is... AND......AND...
the mall is not a straight line. The stores are all in different corridors ( for lack of a better description ). Anyways... suffice to say that I did not end up finding the ONE store I really wanted... and I ended up coming back home empty handed except for a muffin tin that I purchased at Walmart and one which I could EASILY have purchased on my end of town.

I have made a mental note to STAY AWAY from the big mall. It is an exhausting and always DISAPPOINTING experience.

When I got home.... I looked up the directory of the mall on line.... and wouldn't you know it... the chocolate store has been gone for MONTHS now. GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!! They have taken my mint smoothies and done a runner. HAHAHAHA.

Anyways..... It's the 7th of December... and the time is ticking. Canada Post ( our mail service ).... has successfully ruined Christmas as I will not be mailing my daughter her Christmas parcel any time soon because they have been on strike for two weeks now. So.... I have a huge box that is nicely folded and that I paid almost 40.00 for... to ship. It's a flat rate box... If it fits... they will ship it for the flat-rate price. Only stipulation is it can't be over 11 pounds or they will not send. WELL... they are NOT sending this year. I'm not a happy camper about this... I have three matching dog sweaters and treats that NEED to get there. I also have a special gift that is hijacked somewhere in the mail universe. It did not make it to me BEFORE the strike happened... and this was the SPECIAL present. So.... no parcels this year.

My daughter ordered a bunch of gifts for me through Amazon... that arrived a few days ago... My niece will come pick up the big box and wrap my presents separately for Christmas Day.

I guess what I will have to do is email transfer my daughter some money... and she can buy something she wants. The doggy fashion show will have to wait. HAHA. I was so proud of picking matching sweaters. Anyways... it is what it is.

Happy December 7th. It is well with my soul.... despite things not going according to plan. Thankfully... I have a lovely
8 X 10 picture of my precious Mr. Moose to keep things festive in my home. :D
I guess the above post sounds like I am upset.... but I'm not... I talked to my daughter this morning... and none of our Christmas plans will be there is nothing sad about sending my Christmas box when the postal strike is over. Thankfully the matching sweaters are NOT Christmas ones. HAHAHA.... They have snowflakes on them so they are simply winter sweaters.

WE are so blessed as believers to understand that our PEACE comes from knowing the PEACE MAKER... It is WELL with my soul... and I am praying for those who are struggling at this time as Christmas CAN be a difficult time for many.

THANK YOU FATHER... for filling my heart with PEACE and GREAT JOY!!!

It is WELL with my soul.
Good morning, In Awe of Him;

I read both your daily Garages this morning and may I offer two suggestions?

Since we still have time, God blessed you with providing your daughter Christmas gifts. Why not send them FedEx or UPS? Their services do cost more than the postal service but it's only one time a year that their delivery services will reach your daughter before Christmas.

During my working career my job dealt with paying the invoices of commercial delivery services. But when it came to personal sending, knowing it arrived before the special day was worth it, if only 1 time during the year.

If there's God's Will, there is His Way.

I'm only suggesting,
sister, of course it's up to you.

As far as the chocolate store that closed down, most of time if boils down to cost. The Amazons, Wayfairs and other online shopping make it harder for the brick and mortar stores to remain in business.

Personally, I love See's Candies but since I have a strict diet on sweets I enjoy licorice (black or
red) that is 0 sugar.

God bless
you, In Awe of Him, Merry Christmas and am looking forward to the Cabin in January 2025.


Hello Dear Bob...

I would have considered sending the parcel via another route... however... I have already paid for a flat rate Canada Post box and I am not able to get a refund on it. I am also waiting for one of my daughter's presents that is stranded somewhere... It's her special gift and I cannot send the box until that gift has arrived so it's a complicated matter.
Ironically... it's the first time EVER that I have ordered something via mail.... so I think from here on in... I will be one to vote for Amazon due to the fact that they do not rely on Canada Post for their delivery service.

There are no grandchildren in this scenario and my daughter is more than happy to wait for Christmas #2 from Ontario.

Had I not paid for the box already... I would have probably chosen to send via FED EX or PUROLATOR... I don't think we have UPS in Canada ( I might be wrong ).

The Laura Secord ( chocolate company ) was in the mall for decades. To be honest... I'm surprised that it lasted that long. What I did notice when I was there was that several other stores were also missing... including The Source and a bath and body shop. Things are definitely changing in the world... and I agree that Amazon... Wayfair and these types of companies have done much damage to the brick and mortar establishments.

Thanks for the friendly advice Bob. It was good advice which I would have taken but I'm not willing to lose 40.00 for one box and then have to pay probably about 100.00 more to send presents that don't even add up to that much. HA.

Next year... I will simply send money. This year... I am stuck waiting for things to get back to normal. HA.

For me... this year... I will be spending a very different Christmas. One that is filled with CELEBRATION and GREAT JOY as well as ANTICIPATION. I am putting in a lot of effort to make the day "perfect" ( for me ). This does not mean that everything must GO according to plan.... because I have no plan other than to simply be present and INVITE the GUEST of HONOUR who is JESUS. However.... I do have work to do to make the day memorable... so that it does not play out like any other day in my very quiet life.

I am reflecting on the TRUTH that lavishness is not something I am comfortable with. Focusing on making things special for me is NOT something I know how to do. YET.... our FATHER is the KING of LAVISHING. He sings over us with JOY and GLADNESS. HE fusses over us.... encourages us... BLESSES us with His LOVE.

So.... with that... comes a reminder that it's not about getting my house decorated and having the ultimate menu plan executed. It is simply about showing up with a heart filled with GRATITUDE. Something that I am challenged to do... every single day of the year.

There is something special and so powerful about KNOWING who we are in Christ. It allows us to venture into the world with full knowledge that whether we are in feast or famine... our hearts can still be filled with great peace and JOY.

Paul said we must learn to be comfortable in both those places.

Thank you Father that this year.... I will be given the honour of experiencing a season of ABUNDANCE.
Good morning, In Awe of Him and everyone;

I love the company here that's in God's Garage. It's safe, welcoming, accepting and loved. Thank you all for preparing the way of the Lord and for any new member who may wander in here and learn what chocolate tomatoes are and still want to stay.
🥰 🤡 🤠 😇 🤖 😂 😎 👍

There was a time when the moderators were short handed. I had just woken up that morning and with my cup of coffee logged on and was shocked to see a post displaying an emoji giving the finger. YIKES! I immediately and (quietly) deleted it. lol! It was a pleasant post and I'm sure the poster didn't mean it.


I love the company here that's in God's Garage. It's safe, welcoming, accepting and loved. Thank you all for preparing the way of the Lord and for any new member who may wander in here and learn what chocolate tomatoes are and still want to stay. 🥰 🤡 🤠 😇 🤖 😂 😎 👍

There was a time when the moderators were short handed. I had just woken up that morning and with my cup of coffee logged on and was shocked to see a post displaying an emoji giving the finger. YIKES! I immediately and (quietly) deleted it. lol! It was a pleasant post and I'm sure the poster didn't mean it.
Oh my goodness BOB!!!!!!!!! As of late... I have concluded that it is WISE of me NOT to have any kind of beverage in my mouth when reading your posts.... HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA and still HAHAHAHAHA.... I cannot imagine the horror of discovering what your little eyes were made to see and all before your first cup of coffee...... HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I also LOVE the company that visits God's Garage. It is all those things you have mentioned and MORE.
I join you in THANKING everyone who has contributed to make this place the success that it has been.

I just started my lasagna sauce which is STEP ONE of the process. I like to cook my sauce several days ahead. I made a huge batch so tomorrow morning it will simmer away to perfection... and then it will have two days to rest so that the flavours can marry ( as they say ).

I started a new puzzle... I have no idea why I put the other one away... however... I cannot seem to find several border pieces... I am sure they were in the mix but I found the one I did last year for Christmas and well... I decided to go with that one because I know that it has all the pieces. My puzzling is rather puzzling this year... HAHA.

I will finish this one however.... I am FEELING it. HAHAHA... My deadline of course is Christmas Eve. At this rate that might be an issue. HA.
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