THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Yes, I am aware I was shouting.

I just got word this morning that my sister gave her heart to Jesus!!!!! She is saved!!!!

Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Praises be to the God Most High!!!

If anyone feels so led, please pray for her. She was, at one time, into Wicca. The enemy is not going to like that he has lost her! ha!

SHOUT AWAY, dear Fluffy!! I shout with you! Shout into the highest heavens to bless and praise our great God Who by His Spirit has drawn one more soul into His glorious Kingdom! Wow, wow, wow!!

I shall add her to your family group for prayer.

Much love!

- BM



NOTE: You will realise that some of this post is written as Jesus speaking directly to our hearts!

In response to SweetSurrender's post, my mind went to maybe my most favourite part of His Word: round about John Chapters 14 to 17, and especially Chapter 15. And the actual word that came into my mind was a beautiful one: CLEAN!!

John Ch 15:3 You are already clean because of the word [words] which I have spoken to you. HE cleanses us BY HIS WORD!! As we ALLOW His Word to infiltrate every corner of our being until we are, as it were, virtually IMMERSED in it; as we TAKE FULL NOTE of His words to us, PONDER them, CONSIDER them, ALLOW them to go deep, deep into our very being, we are more and more CLEANSED of the rubbish and garbage there!! Righteousness of life - living righteously - then TAKES THE PLACE of this!!! Praise His Holy name!!!

v. 4a Abide in me, and I in you, says Jesus: Live, and make your HOME - your very LIFE IN ME. Allow yourself to become connected and interconnected with Me, with all that I am, and Who I am. And I in you: allow me to fully abide/live in you. Continually come to Me for cleansing THROUGH MY HOLY WORD (whether by reading the Scriptures, by word of mouth that others expound to you, or by reading exposition of others) - LISTEN to the message, take careful NOTE of everything, AND put it INTO PRACTICE in your life! Let's you and I ABIDE in each other!!

v. 1 I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. v. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. My Father's part (v. 2) is that HE will continually be pruning in your life: to REMOVE the parts that are NOT BEARING FRUIT - so that you may bear bear MORE FRUIT! - i.e., fruit of GOODNESS and of RIGHTEOUSNESS; fruit of LOVE and CARE of OTHERS; fruit of PRACTICAL CARE of and for THE REALLY NEEDY. He WILL do this - but you must allow it, be OPEN to Him doing this, WANTING Him to do it!!

I believe in God's TOTAL cleansing power in ALL of our lives!!!

- BM, with his Love


Yes! She is clean! She is free!
My sister and her husband had been having trouble, so they went to see a counselor who happened to be a Baptist preacher. He led her to the Lord.

My mother says everytime she talks to her on the phone, she hears joy in her voice!

Even though she had not been in it for a long time, my sister was deep into Wiccan. She had some terrifying experiences. But that is all behind her, now! She is no longer tainted by it, or tied into it, or anything!

However, the enemy will 'pull out all his stops' of temptations and trials and what-have-you to try to get her back onto his side! Anyone that converts to the 'light side' will find their troubles are not over and its not all roses and sunshine. She will need strength and support and encouragement.

Thanks for adding her to your prayers! I am in the process of finding out about her husband. I think he may be a believer, but I am not sure I remember it correctly. I really dont know him, and they live so far south.....
Fluffy, that sounds soooo awesome. Does your sister have children? It's too bad you are so far away from them. Tell me all. What does her dh do for a living? Does she work? Just want to know what her life situation is. I have an enquiring mind. It's so encouraging to see when God answers prayers. Sometimes it takes so long, but it's all in His time. Wonderful !
We are Home!

Hi there! Care-A-Van is back!

We had awesome time!
Great news Fluffy on the family!

Bondman, you and Gertie and the Mrs sat side by side with prostitutes and drug dealers at street church, you rode the subway, went to Times Square, Central park, and so much more! oh and witnessed to a prostitute from the Philipines!

You would not believe the people that God used you to minister to while on the trip!

Check out the group photo below.
I will be starting a blog to share all my stories..

Please keep my exmother in law in prayer. She is in ICU fighting for her life.. I leave tomorow for son's graduation! you guys are headed to Edinboro univeristy for a graduation now! man I don't know about you but I am exhausted!

Fluffy, that sounds soooo awesome. Does your sister have children? It's too bad you are so far away from them. Tell me all. What does her dh do for a living? Does she work? Just want to know what her life situation is. I have an enquiring mind. It's so encouraging to see when God answers prayers. Sometimes it takes so long, but it's all in His time. Wonderful !

Amen to that! (He answers prayers when we PERSIST!)

- BM
Hi there! Care-A-Van is back!

We had awesome time!
Great news Fluffy on the family!

Bondman, you and Gertie and the Mrs sat side by side with prostitutes and drug dealers at street church, you rode the subway, went to Times Square, Central park, and so much more! oh and witnessed to a prostitute from the Philipines!

You would not believe the people that God used you to minister to while on the trip!

Check out the group photo below.
I will be starting a blog to share all my stories..

Please keep my exmother in law in prayer. She is in ICU fighting for her life.. I leave tomorow for son's graduation! you guys are headed to Edinboro univeristy for a graduation now! man I don't know about you but I am exhausted!


Utterly exhausted!! *grin*

Look forward to hearing more!! Have a great time at the graduation.

- BM
Reaching Higher #13


God's Major Answers for Your Life in Christ... NOW! - Part 6

... Continued from Part 5. Part 1 is here.

In recent posts I've sure put some serious matters before each Christian Believer!! One of the three below should be considered as a quite SERIOUS threat to your eternal security of living with GOd forever if you should FAIL it!! It's up to you to prayerfully assess where you stand on these important Scriptures!

A. YOU CAN/MUST STOP BEING GOD'S ENEMY. James Ch 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Involves a change of ATTITUDE and almost always a life-style change as well (not all at once!) If you set about changing then you can STOP being His enemy - which I can personally assure you will bring GREAT BLESSINGS TO YOU that as yet you cannot even imagine! (Click HERE to read more.)

Mark Ch 16:15b Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Matthew Ch 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you..."

We are to (a) GO to the whole world, and (b) PREACH the GOSPEL to all people, and then (c) TEACH and DISCIPLE them. SERIOUS: Speaking about END TIMES Jesus said in Matthew Ch 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. Those looking for JESUS' RETURN need to realise we have 3 billion more to evangelise first. Let's GET GOING on our part in this, shall we!!! (I'll show you how you can easily start on this, next post!)

And I can tell you that God much BLESSES those who reach out to help THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET HEARD!!!

C. GIVE DUE HELP AND CARE TO THE REALLY REALLY NEEDY. Upon this one Jesus says THAT YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY HANGS!!! We say: "No Lord, NOT SO!! I believe in Christ, so I know that I will go to heaven." THAT'S NOT WHAT JESUS SAYS!!! For what we MUST DO click HERE now to read Matthew 25 - set out very clearly for you (in Message #183) - then return here.

People, this HELP you just read about is NOT OPTIONAL!! Where we spend ETERNITY firmly depends upon us DOING it. And most of us are FAILING I think! (NOTE: These HIGHLY and GREATLY in need that we must give to are to our Brother Christians!) As to our EXCUSES and supposed REASONS for not caring for the really, really needy, and thus NOT MINISTERING TO JESUS HIMSELF: Matthew Henry here summarises what Jesus said:

"When I was in these distresses, you were so selfish, so taken up with your own ease and pleasure, made so much of your labour, and were so loth to part with your money, that you did not minister as you might have done to my relief and succour."

These who FAIL to do this are the ones who are consigned to hell for ever, and GOD CURSES THEM as they go!! But I'm going to show you how you can immediately start to ENSURE that this is NOT your end!!! And in fact READILY FULFIL ALL of the three things above!!!

Continued in Part 7 "Wonderful (and Easy) ANSWERS to What We Must Do!!"...

- BM and his Lady

Great Great message Bondman!
Off to college graduation for my son tomorrow!

You, Gertie and the Mrs. are headed to a graduation of 900 students in Edinboro, PA

Fluffy, that sounds soooo awesome. Does your sister have children? It's too bad you are so far away from them. Tell me all. What does her dh do for a living? Does she work? Just want to know what her life situation is. I have an enquiring mind. It's so encouraging to see when God answers prayers. Sometimes it takes so long, but it's all in His time. Wonderful !

Yes, my sister, Amanda, has 3 children. A preschool girl and twin boys about 18 months!
She and Zach have a pool cleaning business down in Galveston. (go figure! A beach, and there are swimming pools? More than you would think!) She used to work with him until she got pregnant with the twins.
She and Zach are not married, but someone in the church she is now going to is helping her with her legal troubles so she can finalize the divorce from her abusive husband (estranged now about 3 years) so that they can get married. He is a believer, but not living it. Maybe she will be an influence on him, huh? :}
I am so happy that she has found a church that is embracing her and helping her out instead of condemning her for her past!
Amen to that last statement, Fluf! I do get SO upset at these condemning church-goers (who, in my experience anyway, are worse at this than unbelievers! What, they never SIN or MESS UP themseles?)

Praying for a good result for your Sis!

Much love to you!!

- BM

Thankyou again for praying!

This is not gonna be sorted by early next week - so we gotta KEEP UP PRAYER! It's more complicated that we thought, is serious, and there's longer-term work to be done.

Meantime our dear Sister is having a rather torrid time of it I'm sorry to report. I'm confident in the Lord that we will get this sorted out. Will you please bring her to the Lord as often as possible till the sorting out is accomplished.

I'll let you know, of course.

I've seen the difference you guys can make - even to miracle results!

Love ya all!!

- BM

WOW!! Man, oh, man, like I've said, when you guys pray God's responses can be akin to miracles! - in less than 24 hrs I had new things for our dear, dear Sis., and my Beloved had even better things!!

We passed them on and while it's still early days, seems possible we may have hit pay dirt for our Sis's immediate problems!! Which is quite FANTASTICO!!

She is still processing what we've said of course (Rome wasn't built in a day, they reckon!!), so please pray for her to be able to ACT - in her own way - on what we've passed on to her. If it should be that this DOES help her, then I think that we'll have broken a pretty major barrier in her longer-term problem - which could then revolutionise her immediate day by day life. Time will tell...

THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! - and I'll keep you posted!

With much love!

- BM and his Beloved

Tomorrow Morning...

... Ausssie time, I expect to put up a VERY SPECIAL MESSAGE containing MAJOR (and incredibly EASY) PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS FOR YOU, regarding the 3 things I wrote in the previous message (WHICH I DO RECOGNISE KIND OF 'BOMBED SOME OF YOU OUT'!!)

This will be at least the THIRD time (and maybe even the fourth) that I've tried to do this - and each time it's NOT PANNED OUT... No doubt satan had his grubby little hands in that!!! So here's praying and trusting in the Lord for THIS time!!

I WANT TO URGE YOU MOST STRONGLY to read ALL of the Message!!! Long-term this will "pay you" the greatest possible Spiritual and Heavenly dividends if you DO!! And I MEAN that most earnestly and most sincerely!!!

See you there...

- BM and Mrs

EDIT: those who pray on/for this thread, please pray for 1) Many to read, and 2) Then to do!

Thankyou so much!!
Reaching Higher #14


Wonderful (and Easy!) ANSWERS to What We Must Do!! - Part 7

... Continued from Part 6 "God's Major Answers for Your Life in Christ... Now!" . Part 1 is here

AS PROMISED!! (more than once!! *sigh*) Let me start straight off with the OH SO SIMPLE steps that you can do TODAY (if you choose to) that SOLVE 2 of the 3 things (B) and (C) in the previous Message!!! (which includes the highly SERIOUS one), AND will start you off towards solving the remaining one there (A) as well!! SO HOW'S ABOUT THAT for a VERY SATISFYING great poke in the eye to the devil!!! (yep, I admit it, I AM LOVING THIS...)

Alrighty, let's get this show on the road. What we're going to do is so easy... literally give JUST a few dollars to: #1 - Someone REALLY REALLY NEEDY, and #2 - Someone already EVANGELISING those who have NEVER HEARD the Good News! That sure GRABS me! How about you? Open a completely new, 2nd copy of your Browser, then type in this URL: (very difficult to remember, that!!) If your browser needs you to, you can simply click this link: Gospel for Asia - GFA, THEN RETURN HERE!

Gospel for Asia is a 26 year old, highly reputed Missionary Organisation with approximately 27,000 (growing rapidly) local, Bible College trained Missionaries and Missionaries-in-training VERY effectively and successfully EVANGELISING their own people!! Briefly, why "LOCAL": a) They KNOW the customs and language b) They're THERE!! c) It costs just $1,500-$2,500 a year to FULLY support a local misho!!! - they live the same way as those they are evangelising. WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS MAMMOTH - they are PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST in the 10/40 Window!!! (and now WE can help them!!!!!)

"The 10/40 Window". Over 90% of the World's Unreached Souls (almost 3 Billion) Live Within This Window!​

Up at the top left you can maybe make out the name of teensy Israel - your and my Jesus walked there!! Go RIGHT and there's Iraq where our boys and your boys are serving! Keep going right to Iran which we hope won't become another Arab trouble spot. Next in green is Afghanistan where again our boys and yours are serving. Then next to Afghanistan is Pakistan, a country with nuclear weapons that the Taliban is slowly infiltrating, taking over whole cities!! NOT GOOD! And on to INDIA where GFA started, and much AMAZING work for the Lord is being done. Then finally to all the smaller S.E. Asian countries like Vietnam, Thailand and so on, where GFA also works!

Continued in next post...
... Continued from previous post

If God called me to: "Go into the World and preach the Gospel, making Disciples and teaching them," WHERE would I want to go? I think to where the GREATEST NEED IS!! And where is THAT? Where there is the greatest number (densest population) of UNREACHED SOULS - and that's in Northern India!!! And to especially preach to the 300 million Dalits (the "Untouchables") many of whom live there. BUT HERE'S THE SHOCKER: less than 0.05% (that's 1/10th of 1/2 a percent) of the total resources of Western churches are being sent into the 10/40 Window!! Yet 500,000 Villages in India alone have not yet heard the Gospel... *ashamed!!!*

Alright, let's go and help to remedy that just a little RIGHT NOW!!!!! And I DO mean NOW!!! (you don't have to even leave the house!!) At the end of this Message (next post) I've done a very simple SUMMARY of how to navigate (find) all that's below! (If you wish you can now start using Alt+Tab (hold down Alt while you just tap Tab) to easily swap back and forth between the 2 copies of your Browser.) Go to the copy now. Near the top is a Menu across the page. Look for "Donations" and click it. There's now a second Menu under the top one (starts with "Major Ministries"). Go across and click on "From the Stable". The animals you'll see there go to really, really poor CHRISTIAN Dalit families - to breed for food (or to sell to get money).


You can spend any amount you like for any animal - perhaps for a pair of chickens or rabbits (which DO breed like rabbits!! *hee!*). Just type in $2, or $5, or the whole $11, or whatever you wish! Both very practical gifts we reckon! Ensure you click "Add to Cart." Wow-ee, YOU HAVE JUST GIVEN A PAIR OF RABBITS TO JESUS!!! - because you've just given FOOD to the HUNGRY!! You've started CARING for the VERY VERY NEEDY - and that covers #1 mentioned near the top of this Message!!!!!

Continued in next post...
...Concluded from previous post

Return to that 2nd top Menu and click on "Tools for Missionaries". Scroll down to "Bibles $3" (on their 3 giant printing presses, GFA prints BIBLES in many languages, and much more - for themselves AND other Christian works in India!) You could spend $3 for a Misho to give a full Bible to a new convert, or a measly $4 for an amazing 8 New Testaments to give out!) Oh, and every dollar, repeat EVERY DOLLAR, reaches the field!!! Not one cent is ever deducted - how about THAT for SPECIAL!!


Straight underneath is "Gospel Literature $1", where you may purchase 200 TRACTS for evangelism. Totally unlike in our countries, Tracts are one of the most successful means there to reach people for the Lord!! For a buck this is incredible VALUE - for AMAZING Kingdom results!! Again you can put in whever amount you wish. Pretty easy, hey!! And guess what, you just OBEYED JESUS by taking the Gospel to the World!! - thus fulfilling #2 also from up top!! And all without leaving home!

Don't forget to click "Add to Cart" each time you enter an amount for something you're paying for. When finished, you can check "REVIEW CART" over at the right of the page, and click on "Checkout". GFA will probably collect some details from you so you can get regular emails from KP (KP Yohannan, the President and Founder of GFA - such a beautiful man!) to tell you what's happening, things for prayer, and so on. That is, you kind of become of "member" (but with NO obligations whatever!) of this astonishing Missionary Outreach work!!!

Finally, how can you manage to PAY for things you'll see on the large GFA website which, if you're anything like us, you'll want to do!! Initially, how about simply GOING WITHOUT SOMETHING SIMPLE - a coffee when you're out; resist 'the impulse buy'; buy the cheaper item, don't Supersize at Macca's (Macdonalds) - you get the idea! I tell ya it's plumb AMAZING the things we buy that we don't need!! This is a simple SWAP of one PERSONAL purchase for an ETERNAL result!!! And THAT covers what we mentioned above as (A), in the things we've been looking at here lately (moving to a simpler, LESS WORLDLY way of LIFE and ATTITUDE!!!)
SUMMARY: 1. Open 2. Click "Donations" on Menu. 3. Click "From the Stable" on Menu below top one. 4. Click "Tools for Missionaries" on same Menu.

Sending love and practical help into the 10/40 Window!

Continued in Part 8, "In As Much As You Did It Unto Them"...

- BM and his Beloved


Oh, yes! This is a tough one, but by your prayers for our Sis and for Beloved and me, God is giving answers! And today the first glimmer that those answers are bearing fruit. Just tiny as yet, but I have REAL CONFIDENCE in the Lord that the fruit IS going to grow!!

With serious matters like this you have to expect ups and downs - especially in the person you're helping, but also in the things that you think will help them. God guides you, but the path is seldom, if ever, without stones and some ruts and so on. I don't believe the NT says it any other way!

Today I see a future for our Sister that will be bright because of the major trials and tribulations she's currently going through. The tunnel is DARK, but the light out the other end - when it finally comes! - is DAZZLING!!! Can't wait for that!!

Dunno how to THANK you guys! You're absolutely WONDERFUL!!!

- BM and Mrs

EDIT: As always when we personally go through really rough times as a true Believer, we may hate it at the time, but afterwards, wow, we've learnt things of eternal value.

In this case, really heavy stuff Beloved went through about a decade or so ago is probably what's going to give Sis the turning point she needs. I THINK THAT OUR GOD IS JUST ASTONISHING!!!!

Reaching Higher #15


In As Much As You Did It Unto Them... - Part 8

... Continued from Part 7 "Wonderful (and Easy!) ANSWERS to What We Must Do!!" . Part 1 is here.



Incredibly they are literally considered sub-human by the Hindu caste system. She is a Dalit, an "Untouchable". Commonly abused, raped, murdered. Many of them live in slums in India. Others provide bonded labour, working long hours for pennies basically in slavery. There is NO WAY OUT. Generation follows generation - no change, no freedom, no hope.

But there is an answer! GFA is dedicated to bringing the Gospel to the Dalits, including Christian schooling to change the lives of the children. They are taught the Bible as well as school subjects, provided with clothing, food, and health care. Numbers of their parents receive Jesus through these children!

Some of the above I took from a great video. If you go to: it may still be there, or click one of the pics on the page to watch similar wonderful videos!!

Continued in Part 9 "We Can Do It, We Can!" ...


- BM and Mrs

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