Oh, yes! This is a tough one, but by your prayers for our Sis and for Beloved and me, God is giving answers! And today the first glimmer that those answers are bearing fruit. Just tiny as yet, but I have REAL CONFIDENCE in the Lord that the fruit IS going to grow!!
With serious matters like this you have to expect ups and downs - especially in the person you're helping, but also in the things that you think will help them. God guides you, but the path is seldom, if ever, without stones and some ruts and so on. I don't believe the NT says it any other way!
Today I see a future for our Sister that will be bright because of the major trials and tribulations she's currently going through. The tunnel is DARK, but the light out the other end - when it finally comes! - is DAZZLING!!! Can't wait for that!!
Dunno how to THANK you guys! You're absolutely WONDERFUL!!!
- BM and Mrs
EDIT: As always when we personally go through really rough times as a true Believer, we may hate it at the time, but afterwards, wow, we've learnt things of eternal value.
In this case, really heavy stuff Beloved went through about a decade or so ago is probably what's going to give Sis the turning point she needs. I THINK THAT OUR GOD IS JUST ASTONISHING!!!!