The Mark of The Beast pt1

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Your rt about preterists and is why I think it's heretical. The 70 weeks of Daniel have come to pass is all I said. And I hold to the historical view. Both preterists and futurist are Jesuit (popery) teachings, and that I know.. So not sure why u think I'm a preterist

Because you said twice.......
"The 70 weeks of Daniel have come to pass is all I said."

That my friend is the basis for the Preterist view.
Your rt about preterists and is why I think it's heretical. The 70 weeks of Daniel have come to pass is all I said. And I hold to the historical view. Both preterists and futurist are Jesuit (popery) teachings, and that I know.. So not sure why u think I'm a preterist

Were all prophecies fulfilled by 70 A.D.?
Did Christ's second coming take place in 70 AD. If it did then why has there been war, disease, persecution, terrorism, death?
Has there been a massive event where Dead bodies were raised? Will you post the time in HISTORY when that took place.
When was the The Judgment? When did the the Great White Throne Judgment take place?
Please explain the New heaven and new earth and why is there not a New City of Jerusalem suspended in air above the old city?

All of those fall under the "Historical View" and I for one believe you should give an explination of these points.

A few misguided people say it is so, calling it "historical" which is the basis for preterism. Preterism always leads to anti-Semitism and ends with Replacement theology and from reading your comments, YOU have done and think exactly that.

It is just that simple my friend and that is why I KNOW that you are a Preterist.
Because you said twice.......
"The 70 weeks of Daniel have come to pass is all I said."

That my friend is the basis for the Preterist view.

It was first the historicist view. But the prophecy of 70 weeks is part of a larger time prophecy.
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It is also the historicist view. But the prophecy of 70 weeks is part of a larger prophecy.

I know that. But the point is that the "historical" view will end in the Preterist view.

IMO, the 70 weeks IS still future and actually the Revelation is the unveiling of that prophecy.

Daniel 12:4..........
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end, many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased."

The Revelation does not record the past, but opens the book of Daniel and thereby reveals the future. It makes this claim in the Title--"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of THIS PROPHECY," Rev. 1:3; and four times in the concluding chapter. Rev. 22:7, 10, 18, 19.

It is the summing up and consummation of all prophecy. In it all unfulfilled prophecy is fulfilled. It is the "finality" in prophecy until Jesus comes back. There has been no "new revelation" since it was written; and all those who claim to have received new and later "revelations" are impostors and false prophets.

There is no place for "additions" or "subtractions" in the Book. It opens with a "blessing" promised the reader. and ends with a "curse" upon those who "ADD UNTO" or "TAKE FROM" it.
I know that. But the point is that the "historical" view will end in the Preterist view.

IMO, the 70 weeks IS still future and actually the Revelation is the unveiling of that prophecy.

Daniel 12:4..........
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end, many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased."

The Revelation does not record the past, but opens the book of Daniel and thereby reveals the future. It makes this claim in the Title--"Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of THIS PROPHECY," Rev. 1:3; and four times in the concluding chapter. Rev. 22:7, 10, 18, 19.

It is the summing up and consummation of all prophecy. In it all unfulfilled prophecy is fulfilled. It is the "finality" in prophecy until Jesus comes back. There has been no "new revelation" since it was written; and all those who claim to have received new and later "revelations" are impostors and false prophets.

There is no place for "additions" or "subtractions" in the Book. It opens with a "blessing" promised the reader. and ends with a "curse" upon those who "ADD UNTO" or "TAKE FROM" it.

IMO, starting from verse 1 in Revelation, we are told how to read Revelation. Many times, the bible actually tells us how to study it's contents.

v1 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:"

So John in the first century recieves a vision of things that must shortly come to pass.

Then notice what he says in vs 19.

19 Write the things which thou hast seen (past), and the things which are (present), and the things which shall be hereafter (future).

This to me is a clear and literal declaration from Jesus's lips of the historicist viewpoint. Therefore, before I go with any other view, my philosophy is to first obey the explicit teachings of scripture.
Short and simple. The beast was the Roman Empire that was transfered to Constantinople by Constantine the Great.

That city was called the New Rome and its empire was called the Bizantine Empire. A continuation of the beast, an image of the beast.

That Empire lasted for about 1,200 years and was replaced by the Ottoman Empire.

The Roman and Bizantine Empires had a great influence on Western Civilization. A lot of the customs we do now were started by these two governments.

Rome built over 7 hills, Constantinople built over 7 hills.

There is more.
There is no historical facts that support everything written in Revelation. Where's the temple without the outer court? Revelation is still coming - not all of it, chapters 1-3 deal with the Messianic age, 4-22 are about the times to come. But to each their own.
Short and simple. The beast was the Roman Empire that was transfered to Constantinople by Constantine the Great.

That city was called the New Rome and its empire was called the Bizantine Empire. A continuation of the beast, an image of the beast.

That Empire lasted for about 1,200 years and was replaced by the Ottoman Empire.

The Roman and Bizantine Empires had a great influence on Western Civilization. A lot of the customs we do now were started by these two governments.

Rome built over 7 hills, Constantinople built over 7 hills.

There is more.

Simple and simplistic imo. I find the biblical truth is often simple and profound. When I think image, I think of creation, how God made man in His image. I think of Jesus, who is the express "image" of the father. I think of Adam's son, Seth, who was born is Adam's image (Gen 5:3) "

In all those cases, to take on an image is more than just looking like the original, according to scripture it is taking on the very character of the thing. Therefore, when you consider the image of the beast, the image is not the original, but is a copy of it, and takes on its characteristics. What are those characteristics for that read Rev 13:1-10 and read all of her acts. Those actions will be repeated by the image and that is what makes it an image.
There is no historical facts that support everything written in Revelation. Where's the temple without the outer court? Revelation is still coming - not all of it, chapters 1-3 deal with the Messianic age, 4-22 are about the times to come. But to each their own.

There is a temple w/ no court.

Heb 8:

Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;

2 A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.
There is a temple w/ no court.

Heb 8:

Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;

2 A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.
So the antichrist came, 3/4 of the world died, the 144,000 came and left, the Two Witnesses came and went, Jesus ruled on the earth for a 1000 years, the devil was jailed during that time which means there must have been 1000 years of peace, Gog and Magog were destroyed with fire from heaven, the white throne judgement happened... what's left to come? Nothing apparently I guess. Is that what you're saying?
So the antichrist came, 3/4 of the world died, the 144,000 came and left, the Two Witnesses came and went, Jesus ruled on the earth for a 1000 years, the devil was jailed during that time which means there must have been 1000 years of peace, Gog and Magog were destroyed with fire from heaven, the white throne judgement happened... what's left to come? Nothing apparently I guess. Is that what you're saying?

Negative. Revelation is written as a Chiasim. Therefore, when you consider the different themes in Revelation (eg. 7 churches, 7 trumpets, 7 seals, Rev 12, Rev 13, Rev 14 etc...) they each contain events that are past, present and future (rev 1:19). For example, the 7th trumpet is yet to sound, but the 6th trumpet is still currently sounding. Similarly, the 6 seal has already been opened but all things in it have not fully come to pass. A studious person would note that the 7th trumpet and 7th seal go together.

Therefore, for the historicist, the 144k is yet future, the two witnesses has already come to pass , The millennium is still future (FYI Jesus does not rule the earth for 1000 years), the devil has not been "jailed" yet for 1000 years, Gog and Magog have not been destroyed yet, and the white throne is yet future.

-p.s.(update). The Antichrist system has already come and is here now. But don't think he is goign to have a sign that says worship me, saying "I am Antichrist." The devil is more subtle then that (gen 3:1).

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Commercial bar codes are divided into left and right by lines, that in the number code represent six, so that you get six, six, six in every commercial bar code.
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Commercial bar codes are divided up into left and right, divided by lines that in the number code represent the number six, so that in every bar code you get six, six, six.
IMO, starting from verse 1 in Revelation, we are told how to read Revelation. Many times, the bible actually tells us how to study it's contents.

v1 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:"

So John in the first century recieves a vision of things that must shortly come to pass.

Then notice what he says in vs 19.

19 Write the things which thou hast seen (past), and the things which are (present), and the things which shall be hereafter (future).

This to me is a clear and literal declaration from Jesus's lips of the historicist viewpoint. Therefore, before I go with any other view, my philosophy is to first obey the explicit teachings of scripture.

"The things which shall be hereafter" certainly tells us that there are things yet to happen my friend. Have you sat down and really considered all the ramifications involved in accepting this doctrine of Preterism??????

THINK.........If the Rapture "has already taken place", then the resurrection has already taken place. Since you that the events of Matthew 24 are history and say that the "generation that sees these things" was the generation concurrent with Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago, you must then out of necessity show that the resurrection has also taken place. The only way that is possible is to spiritualize the text by saying that the resurrection was a spiritual one and not a physical one.

THINK........If the Rapture took place in AD 70, then certainly that generation witnessed the fulfillment of "all the things" Jesus addressed in the discourse.

If by the word "generation" Jesus was referring to those who heard Him the day He gave the teaching, He would have in effect been saying that His coming (i.e. His 2nd parousia) would be before the last man of the generation who heard Him that day, died. But, by Jesus' own admission, He did not know "the day or the hour" of His return (Matt. 24:36).

THINK.........It is obvious from His teaching in Matthew 24:45-51, that Jesus was expecting a rather long delay before His return. The "master's" remanstrance with the "evil slave" (24:48) indicates that the delay was of such duration that slothfulness and indolence has set into the fabric of the church. That indication is repeated in the parable of the ten virgins. The delay of the bridegroom's coming was such that the virgins fell asleep (25:5).

THINK..........In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus gave an illustration of the "sign of [His] coming and the end of the age." In verses 27, in answer to the disciples' questions, Jesus, having sequenced the events that lead up to His return, concluded with,

"For just as the lightning comes from the east, and flashes even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."

The purpose of this illustration is to demonstrate what the sign of His coming will be like. In other words, when Jesus returns and the events elucidated in the Olivet Discourse are fulfilled, the arrival of Christ will be like "lightning" - seen by all! No one will miss it! THE WHOLE WORLD WILL KNOW OF IT.

The question has to be asked, "When did that happen?" Those insisting that "this generation" means the generation living when Christ was physically upon the earth are saying that Christ has already returned, fulfilling the events spoken by Him in the Olivet Discourse. If this is the case, when in history did the entire world witness this event as described by Jesus in the discourse?

Are you aware that those declaring that the Rapture and the resurrection took place in AD 70, believe that the shout of the Lord was silent, the voice of the archangel was silent and the trumpet of God was silent, contrary to the force of what Paul was teaching the beleagured believers in Thessalonica. But what does the Word of God say????????

1 Thess. 4:15........
"He said the Lord would descend with a shout...[with] the voice of the archangel...[with] the trumpet of God....!!!!!
Negative. Revelation is written as a Chiasim. Therefore, when you consider the different themes in Revelation (eg. 7 churches, 7 trumpets, 7 seals, Rev 12, Rev 13, Rev 14 etc...) they each contain events that are past, present and future (rev 1:19). For example, the 7th trumpet is yet to sound, but the 6th trumpet is still currently sounding. Similarly, the 6 seal has already been opened but all things in it have not fully come to pass. A studious person would note that the 7th trumpet and 7th seal go together.

Therefore, for the historicist, the 144k is yet future, the two witnesses has already come to pass , The millennium is still future (FYI Jesus does not rule the earth for 1000 years), the devil has not been "jailed" yet for 1000 years, Gog and Magog have not been destroyed yet, and the white throne is yet future.

-p.s.(update). The Antichrist system has already come and is here now. But don't think he is goign to have a sign that says worship me, saying "I am Antichrist." The devil is more subtle then that (gen 3:1).

That's more confusing than the plain text. How can you pick and choose what's future and what's past and what's present? The trumpets and woes, etc. imply chronological order. The Two Witnesses are killed by the AC who is a man, not a system. AC's have been around since Caine because the devil doesn't know when his time's up. Judas was an AC. The AC will kill the Two Witnesses 1260 days after they begin to preach, then Israel is to flee to the mountains for 1260 days, then the Lord returns. Added up equals seven years. The tribulation is seven years long and start with the arrival of the Two Witnesses.
"The things which shall be hereafter" certainly tells us that there are things yet to happen my friend. Have you sat down and really considered all the ramifications involved in accepting this doctrine of Preterism??????

THINK.........If the Rapture "has already taken place", then the resurrection has already taken place. Since you that the events of Matthew 24 are history and say that the "generation that sees these things" was the generation concurrent with Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago, you must then out of necessity show that the resurrection has also taken place. The only way that is possible is to spiritualize the text by saying that the resurrection was a spiritual one and not a physical one.

THINK........If the Rapture took place in AD 70, then certainly that generation witnessed the fulfillment of "all the things" Jesus addressed in the discourse.

If by the word "generation" Jesus was referring to those who heard Him the day He gave the teaching, He would have in effect been saying that His coming (i.e. His 2nd parousia) would be before the last man of the generation who heard Him that day, died. But, by Jesus' own admission, He did not know "the day or the hour" of His return (Matt. 24:36).

THINK.........It is obvious from His teaching in Matthew 24:45-51, that Jesus was expecting a rather long delay before His return. The "master's" remanstrance with the "evil slave" (24:48) indicates that the delay was of such duration that slothfulness and indolence has set into the fabric of the church. That indication is repeated in the parable of the ten virgins. The delay of the bridegroom's coming was such that the virgins fell asleep (25:5).

THINK..........In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus gave an illustration of the "sign of [His] coming and the end of the age." In verses 27, in answer to the disciples' questions, Jesus, having sequenced the events that lead up to His return, concluded with,

"For just as the lightning comes from the east, and flashes even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."

The purpose of this illustration is to demonstrate what the sign of His coming will be like. In other words, when Jesus returns and the events elucidated in the Olivet Discourse are fulfilled, the arrival of Christ will be like "lightning" - seen by all! No one will miss it! THE WHOLE WORLD WILL KNOW OF IT.

The question has to be asked, "When did that happen?" Those insisting that "this generation" means the generation living when Christ was physically upon the earth are saying that Christ has already returned, fulfilling the events spoken by Him in the Olivet Discourse. If this is the case, when in history did the entire world witness this event as described by Jesus in the discourse?

Are you aware that those declaring that the Rapture and the resurrection took place in AD 70, believe that the shout of the Lord was silent, the voice of the archangel was silent and the trumpet of God was silent, contrary to the force of what Paul was teaching the beleagured believers in Thessalonica. But what does the Word of God say????????

1 Thess. 4:15........
"He said the Lord would descend with a shout...[with] the voice of the archangel...[with] the trumpet of God....!!!!!

This is not m view point. Please see The Mark of The Beast pt1
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That's more confusing than the plain text. How can you pick and choose what's future and what's past and what's present? The trumpets and woes, etc. imply chronological order. The Two Witnesses are killed by the AC who is a man, not a system. AC's have been around since Caine because the devil doesn't know when his time's up. Judas was an AC. The AC will kill the Two Witnesses 1260 days after they begin to preach, then Israel is to flee to the mountains for 1260 days, then the Lord returns. Added up equals seven years. The tribulation is seven years long and start with the arrival of the Two Witnesses.

I agree, its confusing how I explained it, but its actually very simple. The 7 trumpets are chronological, up until the 7th trumpet. Then you start all over and get another aspect of the past, present and future in chronological order from the 7 seals. They are somewhat parallel prophecies. Same thing with the 7 churches. The 7 churches, 7 trumpets, the 7 seals are all somewhat parallel, representing the entire Christian dispensation. In all cases, after you pass the 7th, Jesus comes thereafter.

In regards to how we can know whats past and what is future. It is no different from the statue of Dan 2 and the four beast of Dan 7. They are parallel prophecies. In dan 2, we know the head of Gold represents Babylon (the beginning of the prophecy) and the Rock cut out hands is God's everlasting kingdom (the end of the prophecy). With that knowledge, we can trace history down to discover the meaning of the rest of the prophecy in Dan 2. The same concept applies to the 7 churches, 7 trumpets, 7 seals.
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Then maybe you do not understand completely what you are saying. What you have said IS what the Historical view is which always leads to Preterism.


The thrust of your argument seems to be on insisting that historisism leads to preterism and to that I say it leads no more to that then it does to futurism. Preterism has aspects of truth to it as does furturism, after all, they both came AFTER historicism. But they both, Preterism and Futurism, contain errors. Poison is best used when its disguised in wholesome food.
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