The Mark of The Beast pt1

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I agree, its confusing how I explained it, but its actually very simple. The 7 trumpets are chronological, up until the 7th trumpet. Then you start all over and get another aspect of the past, present and future in chronological order from the 7 seals. They are somewhat parallel prophecies. Same thing with the 7 churches. The 7 churches, 7 trumpets, the 7 seals are all somewhat parallel, representing the entire Christian dispensation. In all cases, after you pass the 7th, Jesus comes thereafter.

In regards to how we can know whats past and what is future. It is no different from the statue of Dan 2 and the four beast of Dan 7. They are parallel prophecies. In dan 2, we know the head of Gold represents Babylon (the beginning of the prophecy) and the Rock cut out hands is God's everlasting kingdom (the end of the prophecy). With that knowledge, we can trace history down to discover the meaning of the rest of the prophecy in Dan 2. The same concept applies to the 7 churches, 7 trumpets, 7 seals.

I understand what you are saying, but there is another way to look at this.

There are 7 Seal judgments. The 7th Seal judgment is the next set of judgments which are the trumpets and the 7th trumpet is actually the next 7 judgments which are the vial judgments. Looks like this...............

1st Seal
2nd Seal
3rd Seal
4th Seal
5th Seal
6th Seal
7th Seal is then the next set of 7 Judgments which are the Trumpets
1st Trumpet
2nd Trumpet
3rd Trumpet
4th Trumpet
5th Trumpet
6th Trumpet
7th Trumpet is actually the next 7 set which are the Vials.
1st Vial
2nd Vial
3rd Vial
4th Vial
5th Vial
6th Vial
7th Vial = Armageddon

Revelation 16:17
"And the SEVENTH angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven saying...."It is done".

Chapter 17 and 18 are "Parenthetical" and then the chronological order resumes in chapter 19 with the literal coming of Christ.

The thrust of your argument seems to be on insisting that historisism leads to preterism and to that I say it leads no more to that then it does to futurism. Preterism has aspects of truth to it as does furturism, after all, they both came AFTER historicism. But they both, Preterism and Futurism, contain errors. Poison is best used when its disguised in wholesome food.

I have to disagree with my brother. I do not believe that Preterism has any truth at all.
Please read comment #33. It explains very thoroughly the differences.
This is not m view point. Please see The Mark of The Beast pt1

The web site you linked to is the Seventh Day Adventist web site. You must know that they believe the beast in Revelation to be the Catholic Church.
They also believe that the False Prophet is the apostate Protestant church instead of two personalities. You are basing your understanding on the teaching which are highly suspect to be true. I want to be carful and not break the rules but the SDA have teaching which are very different than what the Bible actually says.

SDA have a gospel of works as well as a false prophetess, Ellen G White. They take the doctrine of the Sabbath keeping to extremes by maintaining that because it’s part of the Ten Commandments, those who do NOT keep the Saturday Sabbath will ultimately take the mark of the beast! They have their own bible (Clear Word Bible) which is widely used in SDA churches, which contains teachings concocted by Ellen G White.

I would encourage you to re-think your position and understanding.
My point in saying
I understand what you are saying, but there is another way to look at this.

There are 7 Seal judgments. The 7th Seal judgment is the next set of judgments which are the trumpets and the 7th trumpet is actually the next 7 judgments which are the vial judgments. Looks like this...............

1st Seal
2nd Seal
3rd Seal
4th Seal
5th Seal
6th Seal
7th Seal is then the next set of 7 Judgments which are the Trumpets
1st Trumpet
2nd Trumpet
3rd Trumpet
4th Trumpet
5th Trumpet
6th Trumpet
7th Trumpet is actually the next 7 set which are the Vials.
1st Vial
2nd Vial
3rd Vial
4th Vial
5th Vial
6th Vial
7th Vial = Armageddon

Revelation 16:17
"And the SEVENTH angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven saying...."It is done".

Chapter 17 and 18 are "Parenthetical" and then the chronological order resumes in chapter 19 with the literal coming of Christ.

Thank you. As you said, this is definitely a different perspective. The only reason why I could never adopt any view apart from historicism is because historicism has already vindicated itself over and over again w/ non-speculative fulfillment of prophecy. And by seeing how things were already fulfilled, it makes it so much easier to see future events. There is little guess work. In addition, it is very practical method for our daily walk. It also shows us that there is some preparation involved for us as Christians, hence the keeping part of the promise in revelation 1. It provides for a rich experience with the Lord.

My point in saying

Thank you. As you said, this is definitely a different perspective. The only reason why I could never adopt any view apart from historicism is because historicism has already vindicated itself over and over again w/ non-speculative fulfillment of prophecy. And by seeing how things were already fulfilled, it makes it so much easier to see future events. There is little guess work. In addition, it is very practical method for our daily walk. It also shows us that there is some preparation involved for us as Christians, hence the keeping part of the promise in revelation 1. It provides for a rich experience with the Lord.


Well, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe and well.
I understand what you are saying, but there is another way to look at this.

There are 7 Seal judgments. The 7th Seal judgment is the next set of judgments which are the trumpets and the 7th trumpet is actually the next 7 judgments which are the vial judgments. Looks like this...............

1st Seal
2nd Seal
3rd Seal
4th Seal
5th Seal
6th Seal
7th Seal is then the next set of 7 Judgments which are the Trumpets
1st Trumpet
2nd Trumpet
3rd Trumpet
4th Trumpet
5th Trumpet
6th Trumpet
7th Trumpet is actually the next 7 set which are the Vials.
1st Vial
2nd Vial
3rd Vial
4th Vial
5th Vial
6th Vial
7th Vial = Armageddon

Revelation 16:17
"And the SEVENTH angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven saying...."It is done".

Chapter 17 and 18 are "Parenthetical" and then the chronological order resumes in chapter 19 with the literal coming of Christ.
Don't forget the 7 thunders and 3 woas ;)
What is the mark of the beast???

I'm waiting for a good answer.


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Could you direct me to the right page? You need a Summary with page numbers.
Should I expect a correct answer, because previously you evaded my question and a lover of the word does not do that. He was resurrected at EXACTLY, Jesus said it, 72 hours later: the ninth hour or by our time 3:00 PM.

I'll read what you have brother and I'll get back to you.

My intention is not to put you down, I want you to know the truth and to believe in HIM, not to believe in yourself because we are sinners and not perfect. OK?

Peace brother and may the Lord bless us all.

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What is the mark of the beast???

I'm waiting for a good answer.


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You must identify the beast first and then you can understand the mark OF the beast. See video below (part of one of my all time favorite seminar series).

@To Abdicate:

3 days and 3 nights is equal to 72 hours

According to your calculations, I believe, it should be from 3-PM ON Wednesday to Sunday morning at about 5 AM.

A total of 86 hours.

You did not want to commit to the:

3D + 3N = 72 hours

I did not verify what you already said but I got it out of my memory.

What I remember is that you just stuck with 3 days and 3 nights but you did not want to say that it was equal to the 72 hours.

I requested ONLY one word,

YES or NO and your answer was:

3 days and 3 nights.


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@To Abdicate:

3 days and 3 nights is equal to 72 hours

According to your calculations, I believe, it should be from 3-PM ON Wednesday to Sunday morning at about 5 AM.

A total of 86 hours.

You did not want to commit to the:

3D + 3N = 72 hours

I did not verify what you already said but I got it out of my memory.

What I remember is that you just stuck with 3 days and 3 nights but you did not want to say that it was equal to the 72 hours.

I requested ONLY one word,

YES or NO and your answer was:

3 days and 3 nights.


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You need to put the @ with the name... @Abdicate. @AmadeoIS

I live in the moment, so I don't recall the nuances of the conversations from the past. A little logic is needed in this conversation. Your exact 72 hours is not what the word of God says. Jesus dies at 3pm Wednesday, +72 hours is 3pm Saturday. The word of God includes all times stated and if not exact, never exaggerated. We know that at sunset was the start of the wrong Passover. Three days and three nights pass, as stated, then we're given information about Mary coming to the tomb, still dark, yet morning. That's important because the Jews today say morning doesn't start until the light is enough to recognize a familiar face. Why so cryptic? The word of God does not define when the morning begins other than at sunrise, yet in the Greek "morning" is used when it is yet still dark. So Jesus rose after sunset of the Sabbath and before sunrise. Obligatory time is from sunset Wednesday to sunset Saturday, at which time Sunday begins. It is all charted out in my study:

And you called me argumentative.

What matters is what the word says = Jesus. Not what the jews say or believe.

You need to take a look at the other discussions of "The 3 days and 3 nights" and "The case for the Sunday."

Also if you pay attention to the Greek words used, they mean the lighted part of the day and not the dark part after the end of the sabbath. Also Mark 16:9 has a problem.

If is not EXACTLY 72 hours, then it means you do not believe on what Jesus said. Also ALL the other passages DO AGREE with each other.

You need to look at all of them.

Is like a jigsaw puzzle, all the pieces fit CORRECTLY and support the other pieces and no leftovers.

Peace be with you.

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The Greek explains it.

G4521 is sabbaton = week, a total of seven days.

G2020 is epiphosko = to grow light, such as sunrise. NOT SUNSET.

So Matthew 28:1
In the end of the week (not sabbath but sabbaton), as it began to get lighted the first day of the week.

This passage is talking about 6:00 AM of the first day of the week, NOT SUNSET.

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