Ya know, here it is,
From my very first post on this forum we have posted what the Lord has done in my life and through my hands, I have tried from the get go to glorify my Lord, I'm the doulous, I don't seek attention for myself,
but there are some here that all I hear is I, I, I, me, me, me,we are the only ones that are correct, we disregard what the Word says in it's correct context taught to us by the Holy Spirit and go by OUR experiences and those that do are wrong and blaspheming God!
I'm tired of this, it's NOT correct Christian behavior and it's NOT the Holy Spirit!
And the correct way to read Galatians 5:22 is,
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is Agape (love), ...and this Agape (love) will be manifested in and through our lives by, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control,
which, fruit inspector I am, I don't see any in those that have to have it their way!
Be careful and pay attention, it's easy to copy and paste, but that ain't gonna get you to Heaven,
Let us not become glory-seeking, provoking one another, envying one another. Gal 5:26
Why not let the Word judge ya'al for once?