Wages Of Sin?

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You are being led astray by the archaic English, which calls a living person a soul. We have to discern the difference between Old English dialect and what God is actually teaching us in His word. "Soul" in Genesis 2:7 means "creature" or "being" or "person"---not an ethereal entity. Our soul is the sat of the mind, will and emotions---our personality, what makes us individuals.
Archaic English? It's only a few hundred years old. Besides, it's the Archaic HEBREW that should interest us. And the word soul "NEPHESH" means simply "LIFE". It applies to ALL creatures, according to Gen 7.
We do not JUDGE the heart, but we are supposed to---even commanded to---judge righteously concerning all things, whether they be truth or lies, and whether they are serving the cause of Christ, or the cause of the enemy.
We are to judge, but not motive or eternal destinations. The three surprises that await us in heaven are 1/we made it 2/ We'll see people we thought would never make it 3/ people we thought would be leading the heavenly procession are NOT there
That's correct. Your point?
You claimed that we are "spirits" in possession of a soul which inhabits a body. Jesus says He is not a spirit b/c he possesses flesh and bones. And Genesis 2:7 P L A I N L Y teaches that dust + the breath of God that returns to Him at our death = a living soul
Archaic English? It's only a few hundred years old. Besides, it's the Archaic HEBREW that should interest us. And the word soul "NEPHESH" means simply "LIFE". It applies to ALL creatures, according to Gen 7.

Yep, archaic English. Nephesh refers to the soul in the sense of self, individual, person, a life, or being.
You are being led astray by the archaic English, which calls a living person a soul. We have to discern the difference between Old English dialect and what God is actually teaching us in His word. "Soul" in Genesis 2:7 means "creature" or "being" or "person"---not an ethereal entity. Our soul is the sat of the mind, will and emotions---our personality, what makes us individuals.
We agree! I've been trying to say that the SOUL is the "I', the "EGO", the "SELF" which comes into being the moment that God combines the Body and Breath of Genesis 2:7.
We are to judge, but not motive or eternal destinations. The three surprises that await us in heaven are 1/we made it 2/ We'll see people we thought would never make it 3/ people we thought would be leading the heavenly procession are NOT there

No one has ever said we have the responsibility to judge one's eternal destiny. No one is doing that, here, anyway. However we certainly do see markers along the way in people that tell us a lot about motive and about one's spiritual health.

A Christian doesn't need to experience such a surprise as gaining heaven! We can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are citizens of heaven. As to the people we will see, I agree, w will surely be surprised at some of those we see and those we will not see.
Yep, archaic English. Nephesh refers to the soul in the sense of self, individual, person, a life, or being.
AMEN! So, why can we not see that the Soul begins the moment God combines the body and breath and then ENDS the moment God takes back to Himself that Breath, or life giving principle, whether it be the Spirit of a dead saint or sinner, when the end of life is reached?
You claimed that we are "spirits" in possession of a soul which inhabits a body. Jesus says He is not a spirit b/c he possesses flesh and bones. And Genesis 2:7 P L A I N L Y teaches that dust + the breath of God that returns to Him at our death = a living soul

We will be given bodies just like Jesus at the resurrection. Right now all believers who are in God's presence (apart from Enoch, Elijah and maybe Moses) are spirits.
We agree! I've been trying to say that the SOUL is the "I', the "EGO", the "SELF" which comes into being the moment that God combines the Body and Breath of Genesis 2:7.

Just as I said---the soul is the seat of the mind, will and emotions of the individual. The spirit of man is another part of our makeup.
We will be given bodies just like Jesus at the resurrection. Right now all believers who are in God's presence (apart from Enoch, Elijah and maybe Moses) are spirits.
I don't buy into the idea that the "spiritual man" that we are granted when we accept Jesus means that we are now ethereal, intangable creatures awaiting the release from this prison body. That is patent Greek paganism. It is simply is a reference to the now surrendered will of man to God, and nothing more. We remain Living Souls that were produced when God combined His Breath with the body He provided us. :)
We will be given bodies just like Jesus at the resurrection. Right now all believers who are in God's presence (apart from Enoch, Elijah and maybe Moses) are spirits.
Is there a verse that shows that we are "spirits" that will be released to fly off at death somewhere? I'd like to look at it.
I don't buy into the idea that the "spiritual man" that we are granted when we accept Jesus means that we are now ethereal, intangable creatures awaiting the release from this prison body. That is patent Greek paganism. It is simply is a reference to the now surrendered will of man to God, and nothing more. We remain Living Souls that were produced when God combined His Breath with the body He provided us. :)

I don't buy that, either. We are whole beings created in three wonderful, integrated parts. I don't buy Greek thought, but I do understand what God has wrought.

Hey! I'm a poet!
Is there a verse that shows that we are "spirits" that will be released to fly off at death somewhere? I'd like to look at it.

Who do you think that Jesus preached to in Hades/Paradise after His death on the cross? The spirits of men who were awaiting their Messiah.
We win? You act like you are on a different side. Your attitude lately is annoying. If you need to believe in Annihilation to believe in God, well I feel sorry for you.
I don't want to be on a different side, but people that hold the traditional view seem to want to make it a fight. I believe Annihilationism is true. I will always believe in God and I will always believe Christianity is true. I don't need to hold the unbiblical traditional view for any reason. I'm sorry you find me annoying. I don't know what threads you're talking about, but I think most Christians find me annoying. That's the reason I'm not in some hypocritical church.
I don't want to be on a different side, but people that hold the traditional view seem to want to make it a fight. I believe Annihilationism is true. I will always believe in God and I will always believe Christianity is true. I don't need to hold the unbiblical traditional view for any reason. I'm sorry you find me annoying. I don't know what threads you're talking about, but I think most Christians find me annoying. That's the reason I'm not in some hypocritical church.
You say traditional Christians want to make it a fight but it is annihilation people who bring this topic up. Well besides my thread which I asked mods to lock because it is already turning into something I didn't want.
Is there a verse that shows that we are "spirits" that will be released to fly off at death somewhere? I'd like to look at it.
Pro 20:27 The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all his innermost parts.

1Co 2:11 For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

1Pe 3:4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

Heb 12:22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering,
Heb 12:23 and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect,

Who do you think these people are that have been made perfect in the Heavenly Jerusalem? Who are these "spirits"?
You said this...the lie of Satan in the Garden of Eden - ye shall not surely die" this is exactly what you believe. That Adam and Eve did not die!!!! When we know they did. You have believed that lie your self!!

After thousands of years and having the Bible before us, and knowing the Devil is a liar, why are you still holding to the belief the Adam and Eve did not die in the garden? You have believed the lie that they would not die. Why is that?
Is there a verse that shows that we are "spirits" that will be released to fly off at death somewhere? I'd like to look at it.
Is there a organ inside the physical body that can be transplanted called a "soul"? Is the soul a spiritual, or a physical thing?
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