Major,Good news.
It has been my observation that the spouse who quietly lives his Christianity gives off a testimony to his spouse that what he is doing is Christilike and that will make an impression.
Sometimes......the one who talks the most actually does the least.
My wife is really a great woman. Every time I have been faced with overwhelming trials, she has stepped up to the plate and supported me with everything. My mom really disliked my wife. My mom had Alzheimer and was convinced that my wife was having an affair with my 84 y/o dad. My mom would do anything she could to make my wife's life miserable. At one point, my wife had to take all of her family heirlooms and place them in storage, to avoid the possibility that my mom would destroy them. Despite all of this, my wife insisted on being the one to bath my mom and help her use the bathroom. She did this because, as she once told me, she thought it would be uncomfortable for me to do it. On the day my mom passed, I got stuck in traffic and could not make it home on time. My wife, on the other hand, was with her to the end. After that, she made all the arrangements, to include having my mom's body removed from the house, her cremation, her church service, and her funeral. To this date, I can't even recall most of these events, which we transparent as anything I have ever seen. She did the same thing, when my dad passed two years ago.
The "old ball and chain" can be a pain, but she is a gift. Just don't tell her I said that
