What does My Church Practice?
We teach and practice what Jesus and his original Apostles taught. We are The First Century Christian Church by definition and practices. We are known by many names such as a United Pentecostal Church or Apostolic lighthouse, or Church of The Lord Jesus Christ. Not every Church name maybe of the same practices or even the exact doctrine since some churches may not even practice the correct doctrine so " Name" is actually Irrelevent. UPC Churches are a group that believes the proper doctrine, however we are Independent of that group, and I have attended UPC Churches in the past while on vacation or traveling on buisness.
Thanks, for the reply… I read the Wikipedia page on United Pentecostal and with what I read so far: I have no issues with its belief, in fact it is in accordance with what I know....
Going back to the wafer:
I read the United Pentecostal also practice the “Lord’s Supper” (link below)
Question if your time may:
Disregarding the official, formal, legal ideas/legalistic definition of the Catholic Church...
A member of UPCI has the reason to take the “Lord’s Supper”
If that same reason is in the heart, in the mind of a Catholic in taking the wafer, is there still a difference?