You might be amazed to discover that some people actually know the fellow the Bible is written about.
I think Elijah was somewhat familiar with God, and he never saw a Bible.
Same goes for all the apostles. Many of the Saints spoke with Jesus on a regular basis.
If I had the option, I'd go to the source. To a large extent, wasn't that the promise of the Holy Spirit, that he would lead people to all truth?
I don't remember Jesus saying anything about "read you Bibles".
And how do you know that who you say you know is Him of whom the scriptures speak of?
Yet did not Abraham who is the father of the faithful teach all his children what God had taught him? and not what God did not teach him?
and did not God tell people to go and w rite these things down that you forget not?and that was in the Old Testament. In Ezekial 37 for one .
And did not God by His own finger in the first instance write the ten commandments on the two tablets of stone and then by Moses in the 2nd.?
God is the God of the written word.
I see you do not address any of my objections or questions yet are willing to raise up more issues all the same before you do.
In truth the RCC has turned to error in her 'doctrines ' of Mary and other matters .Simply because she does not hold the scriptures above her own 'memory' and traditions .
This idea in the church that there was no written record and it was all oral is dubious . Given that God does not change .and just because the world relies on an oral tradition does not mean that the people of God did .
Did not Paul tell Timothy "ye have all the scriptures and they are able to make you wise unto salvation"? What scriptures where these ? If not the Old testament .
and considering that w still have that despite the many 'solutions' tried to destroy the Jews who carried it and who are an unbroken line and witness to the law and the prophets as well as back to Abraham who in turn was alive when Noah was who in turn was born not long after ADam but in the time of Methusala.
Then your over reliance on 'tradition should be by suspect by all including yourself expeciually in the light of the words of Jesus (how do I know that I wonder?) "Ye have by your traditions have made the Word of God of none effect"
But you speak of the Apostles as not having any scripture. Yet did not Jesus speak to the two on the road to Emaus not in some great revelation of Himself .But "STARTING at MOSES .........................................." began to go through all the scriptures that SPOKE of HIM.
That they might be then grounded in the Word of God.
and what of Peter who some day they honour ? Who saw the transfiguration of the Lord as he was praying on the mountain ;and with Him stood Moses and Elijah who communed with the Lord about His death?
Yet said "But we have a better prophecy......" Meaning that despite those great experiences .The better thing was the Word of God.
What of John who said "these things are WRITTEN that ye may know..............................."
Shall I again mention "all scripture is inspired by God and is good for correction reproof and instruction in righteousness...................." and much lese besides .Which you still have not addressed.
You mention Elijah and the Apostles . as if that justified you and your perception of the scriptures .
But you are neither an Elijah or an Apostle .
But even the Apostle Paul who is the true pattern to which all Apostles must in some measure conform to . NEVER went beyond scripture . But in all that he taught can be traced and find has its root in the scriptures. Where he promised believers that" he will lead you into all truth "
is he not "another comforter"? Who then was the first if not the Lord Himself . For the Spirit of truth is the Spirit of Christ .
How is it then you think that the Holy Spirit will not lead you to understand that same scripture he inspired men to so write?
and you say and talk about knowing Him?
"Little children your sins are forgiven for his names sake "
Jesus came that we may come to know and be reconciled to God the Father .
Young men ,because the WORD OF GOD abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one .
How pray do you think you will overcome the devil/temptation by any other way than how Jesus did so ? "It is written....................
I have WRITTEN to ye fathers because ye have known Him who is from the beginning . 1 John.
Should we live in cloud cuckoo land and think that all men speak the truth ? Or spirits too fro that matter .
Are we to blindly follow men and prelates who claim they are infallible or Apostles or prohpets .Without recourse to some more objective source?
Not even God demands it .How much less then of men
in Christ