Gerald.......Your past comments indicated that you DID NOT think a man needed to attend any college to improve his knowledge.
Now you just said...............
"I have clearly stated that I am NOT against education and learning Greek and Hebrew."
Then in the next sentence you said........
But I have also stated that is NOT the qualification any man of God teacher preacher or any other minister as listed in Ephesians .
Isn't that a little disingenuous? Do you see where you said one thing and then said the opposite. This is what I was saying in another post about how you say things in a "rambling" manner without tieing thoughts together.
No one said anyone need to learn Greek or Hebrew. We (I) was referring to being educated in Biblical Studies so as to be able to RIGHTLY divide the Word of God.
If a man is moved or called to be a "nuclear weapons scientist ", do you think that he should attend some sort of higher education in that field.
If a man has the feeling that he is being lead to be a "brain surgeon", do you think that he should try and increase his knowledge of the brain before he operates on YOU?
If a man has the feeling or has been called to be an auto mechanic, do you think he should try to increase his ability before he works on YOUR car?
I am not saying that there are not wonderful men in the Christian field whose heart is right and they are doing wonderful things for their church. That is not my point at all. My point is how much greater could they be doing if they were educated in some of the finer and more detailed teaching that are found in the Scriptures.
Because they are NOT, and they listen to someone on TV or radio or read commentaries of those who have personal agendas, we have over the years seen all kinds of perverted Biblical doctrines come into the church.
As a result, TODAY the church argues over whether or not abortion is a sin.
As a result, TODAY the church argues over whether or not homosexuality is a sin.
As a result, TODAY the church argues over whether or not the death penalty is right or wrong.
To not be against a formal education is not the same thing as being qualified for the ministry .
if I can put it in a completely another way .
You can give and not love .
But you cannot love and not give .
What you seem to not understand is that having a degree in an education and even understanding Greek and Hebrew . Does not qualify you for the ministry .Though it might make you more effective . and I use that 'might' with restrictions.
It is my observation and experience that many who go to theological seminars get filled more with mens wisdom and philosophies than they do of understanding or are equipped as the scripture says .
I would also suggest that a LOT of those 'false teachers and hirelings ' seem to have found their teachings and thinking not only from TV and such but also from once great theological colleges who have not only lost the fire but have forgotten from whence they came .
I have met sincere young men who were in a well known London theological seminar who were taught every mans opinion and 'position' now defended to the death by all the 'schools ' of theology . But not the truth!
What I said was that it is good if you if you can learn Greek and Hebrew as it can be profitable . But that does not QUALIFY you .
My reason for stating it was the life of Saul of Tarsus and the argument that followed from it.
Nor does it by the same argument , guarantee you will understand the scriptures as they should be understood nor indeed qualify you to translate them into anew version.
I would and have already done so elsewhere that even with some peoples much vaunted "better understanding" they have translated Gen 1:1 wrongly .
Form heaven TO "HEAVENS" Which not only misleads people down the wrong road but has also led others to make it "in the beginning God created the sky and the earth" (student bible)
You suggest I am rambling .Not as you might think.
In a nut shell then. People have taken a formal educational qualification and substituted that for the approval or qualification of God .
I cannot claim any originality in the matter for I believe I first read of that observation in one of Tozers books . But have simply proved the truth of it myself .Though it has always been true .
I am neither offended by people who disagree with me or do not understand me . So don't worry .In the main I take it with the good will I suppose they should have .Unless it is clearly otherwise .
I don't claim infallibility nor perfection and I hope will always approach any misunderstandings or lack of clarity as an opportunity to clarify further what I have said .
What you count as rambling though is not what it seems . For there are more people than you or I who read these posts and as such the matter in question has to be approached from every angel. But if you look closely you will find I have never gone off the subject .
Your objection to my apparent contradiction I hope I have resolved for you .
in Christ