GBzone I respect your persistence even if we disagree my brother.
Please let my analogy be received in love.
Once a policeman was informed of a crime and there were about nine who witnessed the crime directly; the policeman then sought the testimony of the nine. However the nine were not in reach, for they all moved off afar; yet to the policeman’s good fortune there were about 5000 people who heard the nine give a detailed account of what happened. The policeman then rationalized with other investigators in variance to what actually happened. They took the 5000 accounts of what happened and cross examined them all with tedious detail. When the accounts were all investigated they agreed with solid conclusion that many things were certain because of the accounts by 4,900 would confirm that many of the same exact things occurred with accuracy. Thus then they documented an official report of what they were sure was "accurate?" Then also the report was translated with as much accuracy as possible so that all countries with accuracy would know what happened.
From the Councils of Nicea, to Henry IIIV's Great Bible (Tindale in english), the Bishops Bible which served as the precursor to the King James, and the King James itself, all serve as the tangible historic forerunners of many modern English translations today. All seeking from thousands of ancient accounts to be as accurate as possible.
Many of these translations compete word for word, and in my own personal preference will read them all when I want to get to the bottom of things. I respect most modern translations for their contributions but am personally still quite fond of the King James most often, yet I am in my own convictions wary that every single word in the King James or any other translation is the exact word that the "nine" actually wrote. Yet I know with certainty that Biblical truth is more secured by historical accounts than any other written work in history by immeasurable margins.
My earlier assertion was this my friend, that when there are 5000 accounts of what was written of Christ, the vast number of conclusive accounts in common confirm with security the "truth" that is in the Bible. Yet I am not saying that every account from every manuscript in history is true; for many were rejected. Were there manuscripts that fell to falsity according to the church in variance? Of course, yet I contend that the Church has hawked falsifications for 1800 years, and that the culmination of historic accounts secure the immaculate life of Christ Jesus and His sacrifice that has and will continue to transform this earth.
May Christ saturate you with undiminished blessings GBzone, and know that my numbers regarding manuscripts are not exact numbers; for there are actually many more.
While I understand your reasoning .
There is a major flaw in it . and many assumptions .
That great flaw has no mention of God or the Holy Spirit in your argument and you analogy does not take into account that ALL scripture is inspired by God and while yes the four Gospels see things from four different angles . The Son of Man , The Son of God, The Kingdom of God and the Word of God .
Yet each Apostle was inspired what to wright according to" the mind of God" by the one who did and does know it.
It is beyond dispute and I am fully persuaded of it both by scriptures record and by the arguments of academics that there are corrupted texts .That is to say texts that have additions and omission s as well as other dubious renditions . and texts that have none .
To suggest that you mix them up is like saying you must have light and darkness to see the truth .Or truth and lies to know the truth .
As God separated the light form the darkness even in the beginning .It behoves men also to do the same . For God will also separate the children of light from the children of darkness at the end as well. Lest we find ourselves in the wrong camp.
Thus man needs the same Holy Spirit and in the same measure to understand what si written let alone to translate it as he was needed to write what was written .
If he does not he will go into error judging and subjecting all things (including the scriptures)by his own mind and intellect rather than by the Spirit of truth .
So while there was only four original eye witness accounts of the Life of Christ and one other "out of time" who was Paul who spoke of things the others did not . and while there have been many translators . Not all were are of God and even as there were already "false Apostles " in Johns time there have also been false texts and false translators even up to this present day .
I do not accept then your argument .Not out of contention for contentions sake but in love and for the truths sake .
Am I telling you what to do or not to do ? No I am not. Am I insisting that you use only the KJV for instance? No not really.
But in a negative argument its quite strange how so many people insist I don't use it or discard it as almost useless and unreliable and many a preacher has by implication and direct teaching has preached it so .
Yet in over 30 years and more I have never found it wanting (I don't use another) and as a sword it undercuts the accusations and objections of Islam who then say which Bible? Who boast in their one book. that's just in passing.
Yet strangely also all modern versions boast in their "better understanding" Yet those with so little or less understanding at the reformation were able to turn the world upside down and truly separated light from darkness .
Yet do you not find it strange that we with our "better understanding " not only do far less but I also see we are in a reverse reformation and those things once rejected and with good reason are now being accepted and the world is in the church and the church is in the world.
Something very wrong somewhere .
Both with the churches perceptions and reasoning.
in Christ