Exodus 20:13 does say "You shall not murder." (NIV) and there is a difference between murder and killing.
Oh my. . . . so many comments to make, so little time....
I did 25 years in the military (US Army). Back prior to Desert Storm, we had many people claim Conscientious Objection as a reason for not wanting to go into combat. Personally, they all should have been locked up right there and then. When you enlist in the military, regardless of what occupation you select, you will always first me a combat multiplier (i.e. basic training is about fighting and advance training is about your selected occupation.). Enlisting in the military and not expecting to eventually go into combat is like being a lifeguard and hoping never to get wet.
"Also many may go in the army, and actually get trained to murder people..." Really? I can't even find the words to respond to this. I guess that technically, taking a like with pre-meditation (Malice aforethought) can me considered "murder," however, in a combat situation, it is more like self defense.
Ok, I am a bit too young to have been in Vietnam and I appreciate the fact that it was not a popular conflict (was not actually a war, technically). The US entered the conflict to stop communism from taking over the country (did not work very well). However, we did not go there to "napalm" anything. Napalm was used, mostly because of the vegetation.
Note sure killing in war is a violation of anything, as long as your reasons for entering the conflict are righteous (to stop bad people from doing bad things)
"The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name." (Exodus 15:3 (NIV))
"But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten." (Jeremiah 20:11 (NIV))
Ok, it is worth noting that I am not all that familiar with this subject (well, I am with the Army stuff). So, I again reserve the right to be wrong through learning more.
You are correct and right on target and I thank you for your service. I am a Vietnam era veteran but you did 25 years!
BRAVO my brother.
It was very popular to be a conscientious objector in those days as most in the Army were drafted.
Killing in war is not a violation of God's Command!
By choosing to identify with Israel, God was bound to take sides when the nation, or God’s purposes through it, were threatened or opposed.
The Old Testament testifies that God was deeply involved in all these wars, on one side or the other. Entering human experience cost God something. The God who commanded “thou shalt not kill” could not avoid directing others to kill on a massive scale. As a life-destroying rather than life- sustaining activity, war cannot be affirmed as good. Yet God both promotes and participates in war throughout the pages of the Old Testament.
When anyone fails to understand that, it tells me that that do not have any Bible understanding at all and there comments are then questionable about the Bible.
As I said and it seems that some are unable to read those posts and grasp that "Thou Shalt not Murder" IS THE ACTUAL LITERAL HEBREW WORDS of the 6th Commandment.
Not only that but Law enforcement is ready to put their lives on the line in order to save lives. If that means killing someone who is taking lives, they will do it and that is not MURDER!
God supports this idea even in the Old Testament: Kill in order to prevent other killings was god's plan and command for Captital punishment.
God has sovereignly placed them (Police) in our society so that we might lead peaceable lives and have the freedom and safety of sharing the Gospel.
The Apostle Paul wanted the Christian Romans to know that “he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer” (Romans 13:4).