At the risk of my getting banned you will find, a long time ago, the inquisition and witch-hunts were led or at least justified by Christians... the knights of the crusades and the KKK thought their actions were justified through the bible as well (and the fact that Hitler was voted into power by conservative Christians).
Although their actions are evil, it's not 'evil' men but simply ideas people are fighting over. One group clams they are right and another opposes, no peaceful solution can be found and so they resort to violence.
I see it every day on this forum albeit non-violent and on a much smaller scale, with you Mitsa and MichaelH as prime examples.
Hello Goggles. You are right and you are do you manage that?

The Bible and the Q'ran have been used for both good and for evil.
The inquisition would be hard to justify, Hitler ditto KKK ditto, the crusades ditto. But on the other hand did you know that the Methodist Church (or was it the Presbyterians?) Well let's just say the Church in Scotland pioneered the trade union movement to force mining companies to stop using children in their coal mines. That I think we would agree was good. But as time wore on the movement was taken over by communists, socialists and outright crooks. The Church has also suffered evil infiltration at various times throughout its history.
Hitler may have been elected by nominal christians as you say....let's face it there is no such thing as a Christian country. There are a stack of what I call Christianized countries. But remember that Hitler, like the serpent in Eden was a deceiver and the extent of their agendas was not apparent at first to an unsuspecting people. They found out too late just what they bought into.
What we all need to do is to focus on Jesus and not on each other's short comings. Although I'm a regular nice guy

I can't save anybody, not even myself. So looking at me as some kind of a role model would be wrong, don't look to me as a likely source of salvation...look only to Jesus.
What I don't get, is why people would rather go bare footed than get some shoes just because they don't like the shoe salesman.
And that to my way of thinking is what people who bag Jesus and what he offers because they don't like what has been done by ignorant followers, or nominal followers or infiltrators......and there were plenty of those back in the days of the early Church as well.