should i grow a beard to cover my flab rolls up as well?
You must be asking the Major but I know that I can't grow enough beard to hide mine.
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should i grow a beard to cover my flab rolls up as well?
Got some homework for those interested in the end times.
Paul didn't spend much time talking about prophecy but we are on the subject and I wuz thinking someone might like to know what he said and some back-up scripture.
II Thes. 2:4......Dan 9:24,27.....Matt 24:15,16.....Dan 11:21-23 and 36.....Rev 13:1-5
(Note: In Daniel 9:24 it is a period of 490 years but lasts for 483 years, and the other 7 years to complete the 490 are tribulation years in which there will be a temple...3 1/2 + 3 1/2.)
Now the pieces of the puzzle starts to fit...Fits gooder than my last belt for sure. Ever notice how they shrink ? the print large enough for you ?
should i grow a beard to cover my flab rolls up as well?
My brother T/C has done a lot of work to post many Scriptures as the basis of his opinion that there is NO RAPTURE.
I am not going to argue the point but I thought I would try and give the proper explination of the verses he used.
Here is his comment................
They didn't need a rapture, and neither will we! If we are real Christians, we will endure till the end!
Here are the verses to support it......
Jas 1:12
"Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him."
Well of course that is correct, BUT it does NOT speak to a Rapture event. Many people look on tragedy as a curse from God. Look a Jobs friends. Trials are, however, the means through which God's blessings can come. One's endurance in and victory over trials will bring the blessings of God into our lives. We all face trials every day of our lives and the Lord wants us to grow and mature in the situation we are in and in that way we can help others who may find themselves in such a place.
1Pe 1:7
"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ".
Again.....there is nothing here to use as a basis for saying there is NO Rapture. Peter is telling us that Christ is our HOPE and as a Christian we should be looking for His expected return. We as Christians do not work for this hope, for it is a part of his spiritual birthright as a believer. We are born again (John 3:5) into this living hope.
Here is Peters thrust......Until Christ does return, the believer must go through testing because a faith that cannot be tested cannot be trusted.Verse 7 then is actually comparing the trials of our faith to the testing of gold. The suffering we endure here will result in more glory when Christ does come again.
2Ti 4:1
"I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom".
Nope. I do not see anything here that rejects the Rapture. Paul is telling Timothy to share the Word of God with others. We must receive before we can transmit. So important was the preaching of the Word of God to Paul that he gave Timmy a "military command"----to keep on preaching the Word.
2Ti 4:2
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
"Preach" implies KNOWING the Word. Rightly dividing it and making it understandable and applicable to the lives of others. Preaching is the God-ordained means to prevent defection from the truth. Before one can teach, he must first be a student and if we can not learn we canot grow. Now if there anything here which can be used to disclaim the Rapture?? NO!
2Ti 4:3
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears".
Now here is the answer to WHY timothy was to give out the Word of God. "The time will come" and the time has come. Many people do not want sound doctrine but instead they want intertainment. People tell people what they want to hear NOT what they need to here! My experience is that those who teach error, do so because they simply do not have a relationship with Jesus as their Savior. What they know tends to give them the glory but when we get saved, all the glory goes to God not to us.
Does any of that dismeiss the Rapture theology. I think not.
2Ti 4:4
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
When the truth is ignored and false doctrine taught the result is obviouse and Paul thus warned Tim. This verse tells us that "itching ears" will soon become DEAF ears as people turn away from the truth and accept and believe man-made fables. WE ARE THERE! Does this somehow dismiss the teaching of a Rapture. I say again NO!
T/C then says..........
The rapture is a fable...Those who don't endure will fall away when tried.
As you can now clearly see, T/C certainly has the right and ability to say what he thinks and in fact I served this country in the Army so that he would be able to say what he believes. He has done that very well I might add. BUT, the fact is that NONE of the verses he uses reject, condemn, or in any way dismiss the Rapture theology we call the "Pre-tribulation Rapture".
It is just not there. I understand the need to make it appear to be in those verses, but that, as you can see is just not the case.
oh one other right to preach the gospel is given to me by God, not by your military excursion...My Dad is a Vietnam vet and be sure even he knows that my rights are given to me by God no matter where in this world I reside or if it kills me. Give the Lord His due reverence...He is why I can do what I do.
2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Howard, The 70th week of Daniel has been fulfilled...The 70th week is the prophecy of the coming messiah who would' make a new covenant with the people and destroy the temple. He would confirm it with many...Jesus did exactly that. His ministry was 3 1/2 years and then He was cut off. He said that the temple would be desolate until the consummation (the wedding ) and that decreed would be poured on the desolatethe Holy Spirit being poured out)Even those who pierced Him will see Him when He returns to rule for a thousand years.
Here, read about it and what happens the Day the Lord returns ( I attached a PDF for you to read)
God Bless
2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Howard, The 70th week of Daniel has been fulfilled...The 70th week is the prophecy of the coming messiah who would' make a new covenant with the people and destroy the temple. He would confirm it with many...Jesus did exactly that. His ministry was 3 1/2 years and then He was cut off. He said that the temple would be desolate until the consummation (the wedding ) and that decreed would be poured on the desolatethe Holy Spirit being poured out)Even those who pierced Him will see Him when He returns to rule for a thousand years.
Here, read about it and what happens the Day the Lord returns ( I attached a PDF for you to read)
God Bless
Those who can read Daniel and fit it together easily is prolly a whipper snapper at crossword puzzles.
I can't grasp it that well. Takes me a long time. That's why I didn't make it to major. Just a lowly drill sergeant.
The 483 years were completed from the day of the decree that King Cyrus gave Nehemiah, until the Messiah died on the Cross. But it was said to be 490 years. That leaves us with 7 more years. Well, since God stopped dealing with the Jews and took in the Gentiles the 7 years won't take place until the last Gentile has been born into God's plan and the calling of the Lord for the saved. At that time the seven years begin. It is a significant time lapse but God did it that way and that is how it will be. Now go to Daniel 9:27 that's when a gob of Jews are going to finally realize how hard headed they are....were...whatever. Half way thru this mess God is going to ...well you know. Discussions about the end times sure can get lengthy. Kinda like the Majors beard. Maybe that is where the word "lengthy" came from. This is a story about the longest 490 years on earth. Me thinks.
How is Howard today? Well I hope.
Just something you did not know, but I use Major because it is my name, not a rank.
Your thinking is exactly Biblically correct.
Well, I wondered about that. Bet I am not the first one to make that mistake. I guess what brought it out to me was when you said you were in the Army.
Thank you Major. I really do try to be correct if I am posting scripture and back ups for it. It was especially hard to get it when the first 483 years of 490 happened before Christ up to his death and resurrection and the last 7 years of it haven't happened yet. Those cotton-pickin Jews . No wonder God made them his chosen people...He is proving to us that he can love everyone. And...we seldom ever hear from the pulpit anything about the fulfillment of the Gentile. I suppose that means He has had enough of us too.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I agree with you that we all have certain rights given to us by God. You and I also have rights given to us through the sacrifice of people like your Dad who fought for this land. All that goes without saying becaus eI have no clue what you are referring to.
All I did was to explain the meaning of the verses you used to dis-allow the Rapture. What you used had nothing to do with the Rapture whatsoever.
Of course the idea that the 70th week of Daniel has taken place is the 'PRETERIST" position.
This is why there has been so much contention lately over this question.
The preterist interpretation of Scripture regards the book of Revelation as a symbolic picture of early church conflicts, not a description of what will occur in the end times. Preterism denies the future prophetic quality of most of the book of Revelation. In varying degrees, preterism combines the allegorical and symbolic interpretation with the concept that Revelation does not deal with specific future events. The preterist movement essentially teaches that all the end-times prophecies of the New Testament were fulfilled in A.D. 70 when the Romans attacked and destroyed Jerusalem and Israel and those of Daniel have already taken place.
This of course leads to a very extreme position of escotology and the end result is that prophecy has to be FORCED into the Biblical chronological order instead of FITTING perfectly as it is written.
You said:
As you can now clearly see, T/C certainly has the right and ability to say what he thinks and in fact I served this country in the Army so that he would be able to say what he believes. He has done that very well I might add. BUT, the fact is that NONE of the verses he uses reject, condemn, or in any way dismiss the Rapture theology we call the "Pre-tribulation Rapture".
That is why I responded that God gave me those rights not you or anyone else.
Above that I asked you a question now for the third time....How is it that you are caught up before the tribulation when the trumpets are not handed out until the seventh seal-which is AFTER thew tribulation and those from it are revealed. You can't use the 'last trumpet' scriptures for a 'pre trumpet' catching away...that's all I am sayin'. Your rapture theory doesn't hold water.