If our mansions are inside the city and is also our dwelling places, John 14:2.
then what will we be doing outside the city on the rest of the New Earth?
Something I always wondered about,
wouldn't there be like half the population there.
An entire new earth just for us to roam? Wow.
Matt 7:14.
One thing I am sure of: We will not be confined to this Earth, but the entire universe will be our playground.
How so. or what do u mean.
As the Kingdom of heaven will come down and God will be dwelling with us, the entire universe will be open for us all to explore and who knows what God's plans are after the known heart of God toward us, as revealed in His word, has been completed? Forever is a LONG time!
Here is an artist's rendering of the Kingdom of God as per the measurements given in Revelation 21. Our homes are there.
Something I always wondered about,
wouldn't there be like half the population there.
An entire new earth just for us to roam? Wow.
Matt 7:14.
I'm not sure what you are meaning about "half the population there". There will be billions of glorified believers inhabiting the New Earth.
It will be amazing!
Billions? Even with Matt 7:14.
Yes, even concerning Matthew 7:14.
How do you see that happening, through scripture. What scripture points to billions or a lot of believers?
Matthew 7:14 is in reference to those who walk the narrow way---to our life in the here and now---not the afterlife. The road we walk is rife with temptations and dangerous places that serve to bring people off the narrow path into ruination. the Lord is instructing us about how to avoid them and how to live rightly before Him, avoiding pitfalls in the road.
From the beginning of man until now, we can be assured that God will have a heaven teeming with the redeemed.
I dunno about that. "Life" in Matt 7:14 I believe is referring to eternal life.
Many people think that, I know.
To enter through the narrow gate means to come to Jesus in *faith. Then we follow him. He said that he is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). There is no other way to *eternal life.