How much wine is not to much?

Agreed. Alcohol is what is called a "Doorway Drug".

It opens the door to an altered consciousness and when that feeling (High/Drunk) stabilizes or diminishes, the individual then seeks out the next step.....
Marijuana, then
then Heroine and then all that is usually followed by death with an overdose.
????? Don't know if I am going to side with you on this one. I believe it is not the substance, but the person. I've never been a fan of the gateway theory. Yes, if you ask a heroin used if he/she has even used marijuana, they will probably say yes. But, if you ask them is they have ever smoked a Marlboro, they will probably say yes too.

I think it is more about addictive personality types.

Just my opinion. I am not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.

????? Don't know if I am going to side with you on this one. I believe it is not the substance, but the person. I've never been a fan of the gateway theory. Yes, if you ask a heroin used if he/she has even used marijuana, they will probably say yes. But, if you ask them is they have ever smoked a Marlboro, they will probably say yes too.

I think it is more about addictive personality types.

Just my opinion. I am not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.


Same here. I have never said that I have a "shingle" on my door. However I read a lot and counsel a lot and One recent study using data from the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health found an association between gateway drugs and later drug use. Specifically, there was a link between prior alcohol, cigarette and cannabis use and the abuse of prescription opioids in people aged 18 to 25.

If you are interested, take a look at .....
Same here. I have never said that I have a "shingle" on my door. However I read a lot and counsel a lot and One recent study using data from the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health found an association between gateway drugs and later drug use. Specifically, there was a link between prior alcohol, cigarette and cannabis use and the abuse of prescription opioids in people aged 18 to 25.

If you are interested, take a look at .....
I am always interested. Will add this to my weekend reading list.
Well, alcohol is cheaper and easily obtainable, whereas it takes a bit more effort to buy cannabis, and then you sort of have to know dealers and have lots of money to buy cocaine and heroin.

I think it's a mix of both but the theory is get 'em used to drugs young. You could argue that lollies are the gateway drug for children. A sugar high can be just as addictive and damaging - I'm sure dentists and diabetes sufferers agree.
Hi. I was wandering how much wine is not to much? The following from the Bible indicates that it’s ok to have some:
Psalm 104:15 "... wine that makes glad the heart of man... "
1 Timothy 5:23 Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.

And of course there are verses that say that it’s a sin to drink much:
Ephesians 5:18 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,

So, if it’s to make your heart glad that means that in my case I would need maybe three glasses of wine. I am around 140kg, 42 years old with a biggish build.

But the question remains how often? I would say not more than once a week. I have had more than once a week lately and hopefully I pull up and cut back. I write this because I like a bit of wine, I only drink red wine and no other alcoholic drink.
Now the above verses mention wine, not whisky, bear, etc. So does that mean we should only drink wine? I think so since strong alcoholic drinks like vodka for instance are a bit to strong therefore to easy to have to much.

Anyway, I am very much so interested in others understandings.

Ok to have wine, or even cold beer, but not allowed to became addicted to alcohol, or to get drunk on it!
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Well some people also overeat and you can't really tell, as they eat normal portions at meal times but sneakily snack and eat at night after everyone's asleep.

Wouldn't one glass with your meal be enough anyway? If you drink more than that, you aren't leaving much for anyone else, and who can drink an entire bottle of wine? These days, they are screwtop, not corked, so if you don't finish it you don't have to waste it.

Some health people say you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but nobody I know actually does this unless they want to go to the toilet all the time. Don't force yourself to drink if you are not thirsty and just say you've had enough. Same with eating. I don't like it when people push food and drink on you when you're full.
Well some people also overeat and you can't really tell, as they eat normal portions at meal times but sneakily snack and eat at night after everyone's asleep.
Wouldn't one glass with your meal be enough anyway? If you drink more than that, you aren't leaving much for anyone else, and who can drink an entire bottle of wine? These days, they are screwtop, not corked, so if you don't finish it you don't have to waste it. Some health people say you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but nobody I know actually does this unless they want to go to the toilet all the time. Don't force yourself to drink if you are not thirsty and just say you've had enough. Same with eating. I don't like it when people push food and drink on you when you're full.

Hello Lanolin;

Good points are given here in your post and are so true. Gluttony comes to mind including too much wine and I thought of Proverbs 23.

Proverbs 23:20-21, 20 Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, 21 for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.

Gluttony puts a mindset in the person who can be influenced to drink too much wine or eat too much. It compromises discipline in the individual, especially the believer and their future.

When I mention "their future" , gluttony becomes absorbed with self and over-indulgence, so sneaking an additional drink or "pigging out" when nobody is around. They have no time to feed the hungry and drunkeness altars the mind making less thought for sharing with the needy.

Not just sharing food with the needy, but making time to spend with our brothers and sisters, listening, sharing the Gospel, being a helper, giving a cup of cold water in the name of Jesus.

Instead of too much wine, let's encourage one another to have too much Jesus!

Maintaining this discipline (disciples) is something we all need to think and pray about.
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I can witness that I used to hang around friends who had problems with gluttony. Overeating and drinking was reason d'etre in life and was all they seemed to think about. The next party where alcohol would be available or what they would have to eat and always being concerned about their portions, counting calories or glasses and what not. When they dieted it was worse as then the talk would be all about how many pounds they weighed and lost, or how many days they'd gone without a drink. And then it was true that they'd have money problems because of spending so much on food, drink, and new clothes when their old clothes didn't fit anymore.

I couldn't live like that and think this was normal.
Thankfully my focus is now on Jesus and doing the work He gives me to do, and has led me away from many peoples problems. I've never been one to hand about in bars or been big fan of overindulgence, which is why often Christmas feasts can be a bit much for me, as its often too much all at once.
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I can witness that I used to hang around friends who had problems with gluttony. Overeating and drinking was reason d'etre in life and was all they seemed to think about. The next party where alcohol would be available or what they would have to eat and always being concerned about their portions, counting calories or glasses and what not. When they dieted it was worse as then the talk would be all about how many pounds they weighed and lost, or how many days they'd gone without a drink. And then it was true that they'd have money problems because of spending so much on food, drink, and new clothes when their old clothes didn't fit anymore.

I couldn't live like that and think this was normal.
Thankfully my focus is now on Jesus and doing the work He gives me to do, and has led me away from many peoples problems. I've never been one to hand about in bars or been big fan of overindulgence, which is why often Christmas feasts can be a bit much for me, as its often too much all at once.

You know, Lanolin;

Through the years as my relationship with Jesus grew, I am spending more time in thought - I lost some weight by working out each night, eating more healthy food, (Daniel 1:11-16) eating moderate portions at Holiday gatherings, keeping water at my desk and bedside, all while praying and talking with Him. It got to the point where it became natural for me, with Him in the center.

This paid off because last week I helped move someone to a new place and had to take stairs to the second floor. I thanked God for what physical strength He gave me to prepare for this workout. I'm 63 and was sore the next day but it was a good sore and felt great, not from the workout but from helping another.

Gluttony of too much wine or food would most likely give me an excuse to nurse myself from doing anything.
I know what you mean brother Bob.
He has given me more energy at work when I wanted to leave because It was draining me.
now I have more energy more than I have ever had!
. I never wanted to give up smoking, but I feel better for it. It’s all His doing!
Praise God😊
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How much is to much is only part of the equation. Some other thoughts to consider might be why someone wants to drink. Another might be where one prefers to drink , the setting may not really be appropriate even for one drink. A drink for pleasure or relaxation might well be very good. A drink with friends in the bar may quickly have unintended consequences. Having a drink with someone, even just one simply for social purposes may or may not be a good idea.

I have no idea how much I actually drink but I doubt that in any one month that I drink more than one beer or glass of wine in a month. Usually this at home with my wife in a relaxed environment. My wife even more rarely drinks.

I agree that if one is asking, how much is to much, that they probably need to examine their drinking habit more closely.
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I expect that if a person has to ask that question they have crossed the line...

In all honesty......I am now a "tea totter: or is it a "Tea Totteler"????

I still say the ONE is ONE too many. Any one who drinks alcohol, then drives a car and has a wreak and is now in jail for vehicular manslaughter will agree that.......One is ONE too many!

True story......I worked with a man many, many years ago. I was 18 and he was about 60. He was a well educated engineer. After work one day he stopped and bought a beer.....ONE can. He drank it and it was almost all gone. 6 miles later he ran into the back of a car stopped on hy. 50 in Orlando Fl. and the small child in the car was killed.

He died in prison.
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In all honesty......I am now a "tea totter: or is it a "Tea Totteler"????

I still say the ONE is ONE too many. Any one who drinks alcohol, then drives a car and has a wreak and is now in jail for vehicular manslaughter will agree that.......One is ONE too many!

True story......I worked with a man many, many years ago. I was 18 and he was about 60. He was a well educated engineer. After work one day he stopped and bought a beer.....ONE can. He drank it and it was almost all gone. 6 miles later he ran into the back of a car stopped on hy. 50 in Orlando Fl. and the small child in the car was killed.

He died in prison.

Dear Major;


"One is one too many" sad stories.
I have also heard many stories similar to this. Whether one is 60 and an educated engineer, a person of great achievements in academia or a seasoned pastor, none of us is above reproach or invincible because of our accomplishments.

My point is we must take serious everything we do, seriously. We're not talking about perfection but seeking wisdom to minimize letting down our guard.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. John 8:31 - NLT

I know this kind of sharing can be a boring, joyless Christian life. A joyless Christian could be because of a prayer-less Christian. To determine how many glasses of wine one can take and still "having a good time" is missing the bigger picture of truly being a disciple of Christ. His teachings in everything gains wisdom. Its in that we can attain joy.

When I decided to have a piece of pie and ice cream one morning, I actually asked God first and He made it clear that the eggs and wheat toast was a better way to go. I felt the joy knowing He cares what went into my mouth and made my wife happy when I complimented her cooking.
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I had a church lady friend who worked in the courts and she said those who were charged with reckless driving would be taken to the hospitals and shown what happened to those who happened to be on the road when drunk drivers drove their cars.

I don't know if they get shown the morgues as well.

Most people will understand if you are offered alcohol and say no, I'm driving. Or no thanks, I'm pregnant. (well, maybe not the pregnancy one if you are not) but it shows you aren't just thinking about yourself and are aware of the effects of alcohol. You can always drink something non -alcoholic.

I think people need to get over trying to please others and feel like they need to say yes to everything. They also need to be aware that alcohol can cause you to lose control of your senses, and that includes everyone, its not like some people can drink it an NOT be affected. The fact that people are still alive and breathing after drinking it doesn't mean it won't have affected them in other ways.
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Dear Major;


"One is one too many" sad stories.
I have also heard many stories similar to this. Whether one is 60 and an educated engineer, a person of great achievements in academia or a seasoned pastor, none of us is above reproach or invincible because of our accomplishments.

My point is we must take serious everything we do, seriously. We're not talking about perfection but seeking wisdom to minimize letting down our guard.

Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. John 8:31 - NLT

I know this kind of sharing can be a boring, joyless Christian life. A joyless Christian could be because of a prayer-less Christian. To determine how many glasses of wine one can take and still "having a good time" is missing the bigger picture of truly being a disciple of Christ. His teachings in everything gains wisdom. Its in that we can attain joy.

When I decided to have a piece of pie and ice cream one morning, I actually asked God first and He made it clear that the eggs and wheat toast was a better way to go. I felt the joy knowing He cares what went into my mouth and made my wife happy when I complimented her cooking.

Agreed. I have little self control when it comes to pie or cake or ice cream or Milky Way bars. I guess that is why God allowed me to become a diabet late in life.

If I eat those things now I die. What A way to learn self contole!!!!!!!!!
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Agreed. I have little self control when it comes to pie or cake or ice cream or Milky Way bars. I guess that is why God allowed me to become a diabet late in life.

If I eat those things now I die. What A way to learn self contole!!!!!!!!!

You and me both, brother. 😄.

I find my self control exposes my too much "whine" is too much! 😫.

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My town used to be former wine country.
The main drag was all vineyards and orchards. Now it's all been redeveloped into fast food places.

Too much fast food now I reckon.

Vineyards are picturesque until you get up close to them. If the vintner is not organic, then they'll use a heap of sprays to keep bugs and blight in check. It's easy enough to grow a grapevine but operating a winery is major undertaking.
So much sprays/pesticides/herbicides are used that the wine you could be drinking has all that chemical residue in it I wouldn't be drinking it!
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