As a retired professional soldier who served both during the years of conscription and the period of all-volunteer service, I disagree with conscripting anyone. The military doesn't need whiners, complainers, and trouble makers who were dragged kicking and screaming into uniform. They are bad for morale, unit cohesion, and ultimately combat performance. A professional all-volunteer force is the most effective means of preserving national security. If the draft were reinstated, we'd better be prepared to expand the military prisons at Leavenworth and Portsmouth.
I enlisted for three years and ended up doing 26.
There is an example to look at to appraise this idea that military or civic service alone engenders cohesive political and spiritual ideals.

In Israel, 1 to 2 years of service is mandatory for 18 year old males and females.

Israel also has a state religion and it is a democrat state with a relatively cohesive population under pressure from multiple outside sources.

If you have been following the news in Israel they are experiencing extreme social, political and religious divisions at this time. Of course Israel’s situation is not perfectly analogous, but it is similar enough to give food for thought.

Perhaps religious and political cohesiveness in a country comes back to societal factors that don’t have simple answers.
Perhaps as an analogy:
My wife would tell me how her brothers would tease and pick on her as a child, but woe to the neighborhood bully that would pick on her, he would find himself in the nearest trash can. Family ties run deep when the pressure is on.
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Were you a pilot? I was a USAF forward air controller who spent 12 years serving with US Army infantry and armor units providing close air support.

MSgt, USAF, retired
It's funny you ask that. No, I was a CID special agent (like NCIS).

When I was young and singe, women who learned my rank would ask the same question. Stationed at Fort Campbell, KY, there were many helicopter pilots, all of which were warrant officers. I would respond that I flew an IBM Selectric III self-correcting.

I believe a socialist one world government will already be established before the anti-christ is given power over it. I also believe it is coming soon.
Wait... you first said military service and now it's military training. Not sure I want to see an entire country full of people that have been trained in combat operations.
Dosnt military training lead to military service??

You might think differently if there is another world conflict.
Just curious as to why you use the words “To witness” someone? Only those who saw what happened in Jesus’ time were called “Witnesses.”
To “Witness” something means you have seen the event. To my knowledge, no one in this century has “Witnessed” Jesus’ birth, death, burial, or resurrection that took place over 2000 yrs ago. Unless you’ve managed to go back in time….?
The word martyr comes from the word witness ( marturo).
Surely you won't hold the martyrs in Church history to the same standard as '1st century witnesses'?
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There are MANY “Anti-Christs” today. An “Anti-Christ” is one who denies the Father and the Son— 1 John 2:18, 22
I am of course referring to the beast of Revelation 13(whom many call THE anti-christ.). He is given power and control over every nation.
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Just curious as to why you use the words “To witness” someone? Only those who saw what happened in Jesus’ time were called “Witnesses.”
To “Witness” something means you have seen the event. To my knowledge, no one in this century has “Witnessed” Jesus’ birth, death, burial, or resurrection that took place over 2000 yrs ago. Unless you’ve managed to go back in time….?

Debra, I am sure that you would agree that in the Olt Test. the word "witness" comes from the root word "ED" which means to repeat or re-assert

In the New Testament, the word "witness" is derived from the various forms of the Greek word martus, which means "record," "report," "evidencegiven," or "testimony."

We do not have to have been present at the death, burial and resurrection to be witnesses for Christ. To be an APOSTLE, YES! a witness, NO.

In the New Testament, a witness takes on the more personal form of "one who attests his belief in Christ and His teachings by personal suffering." So then as Christians, we are called to be witnesses for Christ and present a testimony about the truth that we have experienced and heard.

All we are actully commanded to do is tell the story of the gosple.
In that chapter, there are 2 beasts (one coming from the sea, and the other coming from land), and the dragon (I asume is Satan) gave them power….
Rev. 12:12: …woe to the inhabitants of the earth (dry land), and sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows he has a short time.

What people think and what is written are 2 different things. The “Anti-Christs” are humans who refuse to believe.
May I say to you that the TWO Beasts of Rev, 12 are .........
1. The Anti-Christ.
2. The False Prophet.

Yes.......both are human beings empowered by Satan.

Yes.........all who refuse to believe upon the Lord Jesus are anti-Christ's.
Sorry, I don’t see the relationship. A martyr and a witness are 2 different things.
3141. μαρτυρία marturía; gen. marturías, fem. noun from marturéō (G3140), to witness. A witness, certification (John 1:7), testimony (Mark 14:55, 56, 59; Luke 22:71), that which someone witnesses or states concerning a person or thing (Acts 22:18; 1 Tim. 3:7; Titus 1:13). Used of the testimony of John the Baptist concerning Jesus (John 1:19; 5:36); of the declarations of Jesus concerning Himself (John 5:31; 8:13, 14). It is a declaration by a witness who speaks with the authority of one who knows (John 5:34; 3 John 1:12). In 1 John 5:9-11, John refers to the record of witness as being the fact that God in His Son has given eternal life to believers. In John 3:11, 32, 33, the testimony of Jesus is that which He declares with the authority of a witness, of one who knows (v. 11). However, in Rev. 1:2, 9, "the testimony of Jesus" is the announcement of the gospel, the apostolic preaching of Christ as determined by the Apostle's testimony (v. 2, "all things that he saw"). This testimony especially concerns Christ and is based upon a personal knowledge of Him (Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 20:4). That marturía is used in the NT to denote martyrdom is an untenable inference from Rev. 11:7; 12:11.

Let's just say the Greek word for 'witness' (marturia) is where we get our word 'martyr' from.
Or we could say a martyr is a witness who does not flinch under the flame.
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Since there is some variety of understanding and opinion, I looked up the clarification of meanings in English:

Merriam-Webster: witness​

1 of 2


wit·ness ˈwit-nəs

Synonyms of witness
1: attestation of a fact or event : TESTIMONY
2 : one that gives evidence
specifically : one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal
3 : one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place
4 : one who has personal knowledge of something
5a : something serving as evidence or proof : SIGN
b : public affirmation by word or example of usually religious faith or conviction
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Dosnt military training lead to military service??

You might think differently if there is another world conflict.
Well, kind of. Your original commitment was six months. Thats not a great deal of training. And, when you talk about the scope of millions of service members, that's a great deal of money and infrastructure.
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Well, kind of. Your original commitment was six months. Thats not a great deal of training. And, when you talk about the scope of millions of service members, that's a great deal of money and infrastructure.
It was just a starting point, a number, a beginning!

It is just an idea. A minimum so to speak. The National Guard does it today. Six months in, 1 weekend a month.