This is one of those areas in which neither one of us can be wrong. I respect your opinion and you may very well be correct in in it. I just do not agree with it but we are still brothers in Christ non the less!.
To your statement of......"The apostles performed many miracles after Jesus stated what He did in Mathew and Mark - does this make them false prophets".
Absolutly NOT! They did as what they were told by Jesus to do AND THE PROFF OF THEIR MINISTRY WAS THE SIGNS AND MIRACLES WHICH THEY DID>
Today we have the completed Bible as our proof in the ministry for Chris. The apostles did not have that ability. Therefore, God gave them "SIGN" gifts which valided what they said in their teaching and preaching.
I personally believe that we (Church) has been seduced by Satanic forces today and as a whole we seek EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES as PROOF of our faith. Consider the "contemporary music" that now is played and sung in the majority of churches. It speaks to the lowest level of human emotions and not the highest expectations of worshipping God.....IMO.
That is my opinion based on literally thousands of events in various churches all over America and elsewhere. Now, that opinion of mine is rooted in ONE Bible verse which speaks volumes:
Romans 10:17......
Hi Major,
I agree with you that the completed Bible is now the proof of the ministry for Christ, but I believe the Holy Spirit is the power behind that ministry. You and I are in agreement that people need to focus on Jesus and obeying His teaching instead of running off seeking the next miracle for an emotional experience. I would love to hear some of these tele-evangelists preach repentance instead of prosperity, feel good, sensational performances. I suppose the networks would just get rid of them and replace them with others.
I personally have seen men and women exhibit the gifts, spoken about by Paul, used in their ministry. They do not seek fame and fortune. Instead they go about their business in quite humility focussing on bringing the gospel to the lost. Maybe what you are speaking about in the US has not really gripped us here in SA, although there are some churches which do preach the "feel good perfromance" and they are growing.
I dont believe the whole church has been seduced by satanic forces, there are some who hold fast to the true message of Jesus. Contemporary worship music in church is fine as long as it focusses of bringing worship to God. Remember the hymns sung by most Protestant and Evangelical churches today where contemporary in their day - nothing wrong with them as long as they too bring worship to God. Anyway worship is so much more than just singing, it is a lifestyle dedicated to serving God for His glory.
I am glad we can discuss these issues, even though we have minor disagreements. I pray that Christians everywhere will read the prayer of Jesus (John 17) and realise that unity amongst believers is a testimony to Christ. Disunity and denominational pride is, I believe, the biggest stumbling block to the power of the gospel reaching the lost.
God Bless