Are you ready to rightly divide the word of truth?

This is one of those areas in which neither one of us can be wrong. I respect your opinion and you may very well be correct in in it. I just do not agree with it but we are still brothers in Christ non the less!.

To your statement of......"The apostles performed many miracles after Jesus stated what He did in Mathew and Mark - does this make them false prophets".

Absolutly NOT! They did as what they were told by Jesus to do AND THE PROFF OF THEIR MINISTRY WAS THE SIGNS AND MIRACLES WHICH THEY DID>

Today we have the completed Bible as our proof in the ministry for Chris. The apostles did not have that ability. Therefore, God gave them "SIGN" gifts which valided what they said in their teaching and preaching.

I personally believe that we (Church) has been seduced by Satanic forces today and as a whole we seek EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES as PROOF of our faith. Consider the "contemporary music" that now is played and sung in the majority of churches. It speaks to the lowest level of human emotions and not the highest expectations of worshipping God.....IMO.

That is my opinion based on literally thousands of events in various churches all over America and elsewhere. Now, that opinion of mine is rooted in ONE Bible verse which speaks volumes:

Romans 10:17......

Hi Major,

I agree with you that the completed Bible is now the proof of the ministry for Christ, but I believe the Holy Spirit is the power behind that ministry. You and I are in agreement that people need to focus on Jesus and obeying His teaching instead of running off seeking the next miracle for an emotional experience. I would love to hear some of these tele-evangelists preach repentance instead of prosperity, feel good, sensational performances. I suppose the networks would just get rid of them and replace them with others.

I personally have seen men and women exhibit the gifts, spoken about by Paul, used in their ministry. They do not seek fame and fortune. Instead they go about their business in quite humility focussing on bringing the gospel to the lost. Maybe what you are speaking about in the US has not really gripped us here in SA, although there are some churches which do preach the "feel good perfromance" and they are growing.

I dont believe the whole church has been seduced by satanic forces, there are some who hold fast to the true message of Jesus. Contemporary worship music in church is fine as long as it focusses of bringing worship to God. Remember the hymns sung by most Protestant and Evangelical churches today where contemporary in their day - nothing wrong with them as long as they too bring worship to God. Anyway worship is so much more than just singing, it is a lifestyle dedicated to serving God for His glory.
I am glad we can discuss these issues, even though we have minor disagreements. I pray that Christians everywhere will read the prayer of Jesus (John 17) and realise that unity amongst believers is a testimony to Christ. Disunity and denominational pride is, I believe, the biggest stumbling block to the power of the gospel reaching the lost.

God Bless
I certainly believe in miracles today. I have seen miracles myself.

The point I believe everyone needs to consider is this............Are we equating the actions of Benny Hinn, Richard Roberts, and that group as miracles????

Those people IMHO are frauds and false prophets and liars. That sounds hard, and I am sure someone will object to that statement.BUT I have picked up the shattered pieces of the human lives devistated by that group of people OVER AND OVER AND OVER. People overcome by emotions and adreinilne and the excitement of the moment where a man claimed they were healed of cancer only to die months later of that same cancer because they stopped their therapy. IT IS A TRAGEDY and that is what I am speaking to.

MEN do not have the ability to perform miracles today (healing) BUT GOD CERTAINLY DOES!!

The false have been around since the time of Paul. True Christians need to carry on the commission of Christ regardless. It is sad to see the destruction of those who fall prey to these monsters but we are not to be defeated, we are not grasshoppers.

God is the only source of miracles but does work through mankind - this has been His method throughout the entire bible (He worked through Joseph, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Paul, Peter, John etc. He even came to earth as a Man - Jesus). How we discern who is true and who is false? The true men and women of God - give glory to God and their lifestyles prove it. They are more concerned about Godly things than earthly things. They are deeply concerned about the state of the church, they pray relentlessly and earnestly - they see the answers to their prayers.

God Bless
Where in the Bible do we find that the Lord speaks to us today, as Christians, in dreams?

God spoke to the heathens with dreams and used Joseph to interpret (Gen)

Daniel was used to interpret dreams.

Many of the prophets spoke about dreams and warned about false dreams.

In Acts 2. Peter quoted the prophet Joel that God will give men dreams.

There is a pattern in scripture that teaches clearly that God uses dreams to speak to His people and to unbelievers. The rationality of dreams comes in the interpretation thereof. I have heard many times people "interpreting dreams" for others which is not tested against scripture. Everything we do as rational Christians needs to be done in line with the word of God.

I will give you two examples.

Last week I recieved a "word" from somebody that they dreamed I would leave the church and go on my own due to bondage I experienced in the church. Now I know that the Bible clearly teaches that the church is a body of believers and that it needs to funcion as a body so therefore anyone who operates in autonomy from the church is not part of the body and cannot be effective in Christian ministry. This "interpretation" of his dream spoke to my heart and was immediately taken up in my spirit. I could do so much more without the politics and hassels in the church. Now I had a choice - to let this word of pride and arrogance appeal to my lustful flesh or to beat my pride and arrogance back into submission to God's will and submit to the church. I chose the latter and immediatly the temptation of leaving the church left me. Thank You Jesus!

Also last week, I had a dream that Islam would be preached from our pulpit. I immediately reacted by praying for God's protection over our church and for His truth to be declared at all times. I parked this dream on my mental shelf and life went on. I never stood up to rebuke or gossip or gloat that God had given me a dream. In fact I was not even sure it came from God - I can have some pretty wierd dreams (last night I dreamt that I was fighting an alien cow:D).

Interestingly enough, yesterday our pastor spoke how an Islamic man donated a large amount of money to our church and did not want it back - this all happened last week. I believe that dream did come from God. It was a warning that opportunities have been made to allow the first steps of Islam into the church. I will continue to pray for God's protection over our pastor and the elders - but I sometimes find it amazing how God warns us in advance of the methods of the enemy - to use mammon and good works to get entry to spread lies.

Now if I put the two together - If I had listened to the false dream and left the church, God would not have given me the second to pray for protection over His church.

God does speak in dreams - we just need to be rational in how we interpret them - and no we are not going to be invaded by alien cows :D.

God Bless
Where in the Bible do we find that the Lord speaks to us today, as Christians, in dreams?

Wrong question.

The Bible gives account of many instances where the Lord spoke to people through dreams. The proper question is where in the Bible does the Lord declare HE will never speak to people through dreams ever again?

Acts 2:17
“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

Joel 2:28
“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."
I am certain God uses several ways to speak to us - even the unsaved,....unfortunately the unsaved seldom recognize His voice. But, still, He speaks to them so that when they say, but "If we had known..." or "If you or someone else had told us..." God will remind them of all the opportunities He set before them to come to Christ and those whop ignored Him will have no excuse.

As for the saved, we don't always recognize His voice either. God has spoken to me throughout my entire life and only in the past decade have I conceded to His will, because before that I didn't know it was God. I thought it was my own insecurities and desires. It was throught the outcome that I finally realize these senses I feel are different. God's voice and my will do not feel quite the same. When I listen to God, things always turn out well, in the end. But when I listen to my own wisdom, against God's advice, they always come out poorly.

Reading the Scriptures is one way God spoeaks to us. Our conscience is another. Prayerful discernment, yet one more. And other people, and dreams, too.

But, I stand by my conviction: It is not the same as in Biblical times. That is where so many become deceived by others! Becuase they are looking for something that is not there and desiring so deeply to believe in a fantasy, that they miss the reality of God's call.

We all want to be outwardly special so others can see it, and in this desire, we miss too many opportunities to do God's work. I know several people who do not have the gifts they think and it is sad because it prevents them from using the ones they have been given.

Wrong question.

The Bible gives account of many instances where the Lord spoke to people through dreams. The proper question is where in the Bible does the Lord declare HE will never speak to people through dreams ever again?

Hebrews 1:1-2......
"God who at different times and in many ways spake by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son whom He hath appointed heir of all things by whom also He made the worlds".

Matthew 17:5...........
"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased...HEAR YE HIM"!

God speaks to us through his Son, Jesus, not in commandments but in grace, in mercy, in love, because Jesus fulfilled the demands of those commandments in his life, death, burial, and resurrection. Yes, we are expected to walk in harmony with the law, but even that requirement is being worked in us by his Holy Spirit. When he speaks to us today, it is as our Father, because not only were we saved from the consequences of our sin; he also adopted us to be his sons and daughters with all the rights and privileges due his children. He brought us into relationship with himself so he can walk with us, fellowship with us, have relationship with us, and speak with us

IN TIMES PAST God did reveal Himself in dreams, visions etc. BUT TODAY He has revelaed Himself in Jesus, who is the express image of the Father. We in addition to that have the comlete Word of God as contained in His Bible.

Dreams and visions are fragmentary at best and wrong at worst. God's revlation in Christ was climatic and complete.
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Hi Major,

I agree with you that the completed Bible is now the proof of the ministry for Christ, but I believe the Holy Spirit is the power behind that ministry. You and I are in agreement that people need to focus on Jesus and obeying His teaching instead of running off seeking the next miracle for an emotional experience. I would love to hear some of these tele-evangelists preach repentance instead of prosperity, feel good, sensational performances. I suppose the networks would just get rid of them and replace them with others.

I personally have seen men and women exhibit the gifts, spoken about by Paul, used in their ministry. They do not seek fame and fortune. Instead they go about their business in quite humility focussing on bringing the gospel to the lost. Maybe what you are speaking about in the US has not really gripped us here in SA, although there are some churches which do preach the "feel good perfromance" and they are growing.

I dont believe the whole church has been seduced by satanic forces, there are some who hold fast to the true message of Jesus. Contemporary worship music in church is fine as long as it focusses of bringing worship to God. Remember the hymns sung by most Protestant and Evangelical churches today where contemporary in their day - nothing wrong with them as long as they too bring worship to God. Anyway worship is so much more than just singing, it is a lifestyle dedicated to serving God for His glory.
I am glad we can discuss these issues, even though we have minor disagreements. I pray that Christians everywhere will read the prayer of Jesus (John 17) and realise that unity amongst believers is a testimony to Christ. Disunity and denominational pride is, I believe, the biggest stumbling block to the power of the gospel reaching the lost.

God Bless

Me as well and may the Lord richly bless you!
Disunity and denominational pride is, I believe, the biggest stumbling block to the power of the gospel reaching the lost.

I am assuming by R.E.M. you mean Rapid Eye Movement. According to all the "boffins" that is the stage of sleep when ALL dreaming occurs. The test is does it accord with ( or at least not conflict with ) the word of God and does it actually come to pass. There is nothing wrong with talking about the dreams we have. if you TELL of a dream you have and LATER it comes to pass people can then judge for themselves if it was prophetic for you spoke of the dream BEFORE the events depicted came to pass. But if AFTER the event you say "I had a dream this would happen" then it is only the word of the "dreamer" that they did and they should not expect that anybody believe them.

If we speak of the dream as merely a dream before the event then it is the event and not us that attests to it's prophetic nature. But if WE declare BEFOREHAND that it is prophetic and it does NOT come to pass then we have declared ourselves to be false prophets.

The Bible declares that the Lord indeed speaks to some in dreams. We therefore cannot contradict the word of God by declaring it is not possible. All we can do is TEST to see if it is from the Lord or not.
I had that dream when I was in my early to mid-teens. I didn't tell anyone about it because it was a very vivid experience and nobody in that church/denomination would believe me anyway. I would love to share the whole dream but I feel that it's not necessary to describe the first few scenes. It did happen though but the main person wasn't in my dream. My mind just realized that it was exactly the same people and same place that I had dreamed of and my church mates were asking me to join them. Same location, same place and building, same people in the dream. I was just stunned, didn't make a fuss out of it and church mates were hungry. Then few years after that, that same guy, who is very popular, very friendly, loved by all; was the student-pastor-teacher that told me those dangerous heresies. It was a very intense conversation. He even threatened me. The following Sunday, he was praying on the pulpit and was looking at me. I reported what happened to my pastor and his wife. He didn't confess nor admit it in front of everyone. He decided not to show up the next week. His friends were in tears when the pastor told us his decision to disfellowship him.
..........I can have some pretty wierd dreams (last night I dreamt that I was fighting an alien cow:D)........
Same here. Once I was running away from a castle and my bad cousin was the witch when I no longer have any contact with her! LOL
..........We all want to be outwardly special so others can see it, and in this desire, we miss too many opportunities to do God's work. I know several people who do not have the gifts they think and it is sad because it prevents them from using the ones they have been given.
This is so true.
Ginger .................... how can I contact you privately ? ? I have a simple question.

I really doubt that. LOL

Okay, contact me on facebook: Ginger Holm. I don't go on often, but I'll watch for your message. :)
Hebrews 1:1-2......
"God who at different times and in many ways spake by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son whom He hath appointed heir of all things by whom also He made the worlds".

Matthew 17:5...........
"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased...HEAR YE HIM"!

God speaks to us through his Son, Jesus, not in commandments but in grace, in mercy, in love, because Jesus fulfilled the demands of those commandments in his life, death, burial, and resurrection. Yes, we are expected to walk in harmony with the law, but even that requirement is being worked in us by his Holy Spirit. When he speaks to us today, it is as our Father, because not only were we saved from the consequences of our sin; he also adopted us to be his sons and daughters with all the rights and privileges due his children. He brought us into relationship with himself so he can walk with us, fellowship with us, have relationship with us, and speak with us

IN TIMES PAST God did reveal Himself in dreams, visions etc. BUT TODAY He has revelaed Himself in Jesus, who is the express image of the Father. We in addition to that have the comlete Word of God as contained in His Bible.

Dreams and visions are fragmentary at best and wrong at worst. God's revlation in Christ was climatic and complete.

I won't requote them because they are in my last posting but I would draw your attention again to Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 . The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on all flesh these passages refer to did not occur until AFTER Jesus ascended into Heaven and His spirit is still being poured out (and into) those who are born again of the Spirit. Clearly therefore the promises of visions and dreams referred to are for AFTER Jesus came (and ascended), not before and are a manifestation of the holy Spirit that is still being poured out upon His people.

Jesus did not replace these promises, He ENABLED and INITIATED these promises by the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on His followers.
I won't requote them because they are in my last posting but I would draw your attention again to Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 . The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on all flesh these passages refer to did not occur until AFTER Jesus ascended into Heaven and His spirit is still being poured out (and into) those who are born again of the Spirit. Clearly therefore the promises of visions and dreams referred to are for AFTER Jesus came (and ascended), not before and are a manifestation of the holy Spirit that is still being poured out upon His people.

Jesus did not replace these promises, He ENABLED and INITIATED these promises by the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on His followers.

Dear Misty, we have had this discusssion before and in fact your responce is the reason why I said to you that your "appear" to be PRETERIST in your theology. That is NOT a condemming comment, simply an observation on my part. Having said that, lets see what it is we are speaking about, shall we?

Acts 2:14–16...............................
But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and
declared to them: “Men of Judea, and all you who live in
Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give heed to my words.For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only thethird hour of the day; but this is what was spoken of through theprophet Joel.”
Many advocates of preterism, replacement theology and covenant theology often
cite Acts 2:16 as support for their interpretation of Scripture. As for me, I do not believe
that Peter’s statements furnish a basis for their conclusions.

Preterists . . . generally see these signs as predictive descriptions of the A.D.70 destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.

Instead, Peter merely references the Joel passage as support that the Holy Spirit is the
cause of the events in Acts 2 just as the Holy Spirit will be the cause of events in Joel 2.

Look more closely at the details in the passage.

WHATS THE QUESTION?..................................................
The first dozen verses in Acts 2 describe the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of
Pentecost and the response it drew from those who continued in unbelief. The question
posed by the mockers suggests that Christ’s disciples “are full of sweet wine” (2:13).
Peter answered this specific question by declaring that “these men are not drunk, as ye
suppose, . . . but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel” (2:15-16).

Peter then quotes from Joel 2:28-32. The Joel passage describes the supernatural activity of God’s Spirit at work in events surrounding a yet future coming of Christ. Thus, Peter’s point is that of similarity or analogy between what the Holy Spirit will do in the future with the nation of Israel and what He was doing in the first century when the church wasfounded.

A comparison of the events in Joel 2 with what occurred on Pentecost in Acts 2 falls short of fulfillment at any point.

The Spirit’s activity in Joel cannot be separated from the events that will transpire during the tribulation, thus it could not have been fulfilled in Acts 2 unless the tribulation had taken place at that time, which it did not. As noted in verse 16, the unique statement of Peter (“this is that”), is the language of comparison, not fulfillment.
Dear Misty, we have had this discusssion before and in fact your responce is the reason why I said to you that your "appear" to be PRETERIST in your theology. That is NOT a condemming comment, simply an observation on my part. Having said that, lets see what it is we are speaking about, shall we?

Acts 2:14–16...............................
But Peter, taking his stand with the eleven, raised his voice and
declared to them: “Men of Judea, and all you who live in
Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give heed to my words.For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only thethird hour of the day; but this is what was spoken of through theprophet Joel.”
Many advocates of preterism, replacement theology and covenant theology often
cite Acts 2:16 as support for their interpretation of Scripture. As for me, I do not believe
that Peter’s statements furnish a basis for their conclusions.

Preterists . . . generally see these signs as predictive descriptions of the A.D.70 destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.

Instead, Peter merely references the Joel passage as support that the Holy Spirit is the
cause of the events in Acts 2 just as the Holy Spirit will be the cause of events in Joel 2.

Look more closely at the details in the passage.

WHATS THE QUESTION?..................................................
The first dozen verses in Acts 2 describe the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of
Pentecost and the response it drew from those who continued in unbelief. The question
posed by the mockers suggests that Christ’s disciples “are full of sweet wine” (2:13).
Peter answered this specific question by declaring that “these men are not drunk, as ye
suppose, . . . but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel” (2:15-16).

Peter then quotes from Joel 2:28-32. The Joel passage describes the supernatural activity of God’s Spirit at work in events surrounding a yet future coming of Christ. Thus, Peter’s point is that of similarity or analogy between what the Holy Spirit will do in the future with the nation of Israel and what He was doing in the first century when the church wasfounded.

A comparison of the events in Joel 2 with what occurred on Pentecost in Acts 2 falls short of fulfillment at any point.

The Spirit’s activity in Joel cannot be separated from the events that will transpire during the tribulation, thus it could not have been fulfilled in Acts 2 unless the tribulation had taken place at that time, which it did not. As noted in verse 16, the unique statement of Peter (“this is that”), is the language of comparison, not fulfillment.

Let's see indeed what it is Peter DECLARED to all present (and to us also):-

Acts 2:16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

Acts 2:32 This Jesus did God raise up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33 Being therefore by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he hath poured forth this, which ye see and hear.

Peter declared in no uncertain terms that even as he spoke the prophesy of Joel WAS BEING fulfilled and Jesus WAS pouring forth the spirit as promised. Not that this was but a small "teaser" of what is to come but that " this (happening right now) is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel".

I do not have a problem believing the word of Peter.

But tell me if you are saying the Holy Spirit has not yet been poured out as Joel prophesied how is it that you believe it has been poured out on ... you? I am assuming you believe in the indwelling of the Holy spirit in all who are in Christ? The Spirit that has been poured out on Peter is the same Spirit that has been poured out on me also. For the prophecy was not that it would be poured out on 12 selected persons but on all flesh, sons, daughter, young or old, on all of His servants and handmaidens. I am a servant of Christ, are you not also?
Let's see indeed what it is Peter DECLARED to all present (and to us also):-

Peter declared in no uncertain terms that even as he spoke the prophesy of Joel WAS BEING fulfilled and Jesus WAS pouring forth the spirit as promised. Not that this was but a small "teaser" of what is to come but that " this (happening right now) is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel".

I do not have a problem believing the word of Peter.

But tell me if you are saying the Holy Spirit has not yet been poured out as Joel prophesied how is it that you believe it has been poured out on ... you? I am assuming you believe in the indwelling of the Holy spirit in all who are in Christ? The Spirit that has been poured out on Peter is the same Spirit that has been poured out on me also. For the prophecy was not that it would be poured out on 12 selected persons but on all flesh, sons, daughter, young or old, on all of His servants and handmaidens. I am a servant of Christ, are you not also?

Yes. I believe Peter as well. (That should not be a question IMO).

I do not believe that the pouring out of the Holy Spirit as posted in Acts by Peter is the event Joel was speaking of and I so stated that opinion.
My comment in post # 76 was..........
" The Joel passage describes the supernatural activity of God’s Spirit at work in events surrounding a yet future coming of Christ. Thus, Peter’s point is that of similarity or analogy between what the Holy Spirit will do in the future with the nation of Israel and what He was doing in the first century when the church was founded."

Now, do I believe in the "INDWELLING" of the Holy Spirit as the moment of salvation.....ABSOLUTELY my dear friend. What Christian dosen't? In fact, can one be in Christ WITHOUT the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit???

Am I a servant of Christ?

Does my postings sound to you as if I am not a servant of Christ and if so...which ones my brother???

Again I say to you that we all do not share the same opinions of certain Bibical things. In this case, neither one of use can be wrong...just different.

So, as we discuss the CONTEXT, moving on.........
"This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel." there is nothing in the words to tell us what is "this" and what is "that". The word "this" is emphatic and the word "But", with which Peter's argument begins, sets what follows in contrast. This shows that the quotation was used to rebut the charge of drunkenness (v. 13)

So far from these signs and wonders being a proof that "these men" were drunken, "this", said the apostle is "that" (same kind of thing) which Joel prophesied would take place "in the last days". Peter does not say these were the last days, but this (that follows) is what Joel says of those days. He does not say "then was fulfilled", nor "as it is written", but merely calls attention to what the prophet said of similar scenes yet future. So the CONTEXT or CENTER of discussion is NOT IF it happened or if it will happen but WHEN.
Therefore to understand what Peter really meant by "this is that", we must turn to the prophecy of Joel. And in order to understand that prophecy, we must see exactly what it is about.
1. Is it about the Christian Dispensation?
2. The Dispensation of judgment which is to follow it?
3. Is it about the Jew and the Gentile?
4. Is it about the church of God?

The Structure gives the scope of Joel as a whole, in which occur the "signs" to which Peter points in connection with "this is that". From this it will be seen that the prophecy of Joel links up with the last clause of the "song of Moses" in Deut. 32:43 (see Rev. 15:3), which ends .......................
"And (He) will be merciful unto His Land and to His People."

So Joel 2.18 begins....................
"Then will Jehovah be jealous for His Land, and pity His People."
"THIS", therefore is "THAT". It is the subject-matter and remote context of Acts 2:16. It concerns Jehovah's Land and Jehovah's People, and has consequently nothing to do with the church of this Dispensation. Peter calls "the house of Israel" (v. 36) to the very repentance spoken of in the call to repentance of Joel (1:14 - 2:17;).

But the key to the correct understanding of Peter's quotation in my opinion lies in the word "afterward" of Joel 2:28. The question is, after what? This we can learn only from Joel himself. Peter does not explain it, nor can we understand it from Peter's words alone.

The Structure again shows us that the whole subject of 2:18 - 3:21 is, --evil removed from the Land and the People, and blessing bestowed on both; and these are set forth alternately. In 2:28, 29 we have spiritual blessings connected with the temporal of the previous verses, introduced thus:

And it shall come to pass AFTERWARD, that I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh,".

After what? The answer is AFTER the temporal blessings of vv. 23-27. It is important to note that the temporal precede the spiritual blessings. The holy spirit was not poured out on all flesh at Pentecost: only on some of those present. None of the great signs in the heavens and on the earth had been shown. No deliverance took place in Jerusalem: both Land and People were still under the Roman yoke.

Always nice to speak with you!

In the reference to Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 Peter is clearly anticipating the soon return of Christ (Messiah), seated on the Throne of David in the New Jerusalem for 1,000 years. Peter doesn't realize it at that point, but those references were obviously yet future, based upon what we know today. Peter certainly did not anticipate anything like the rapture and the tribulation; it was simply going to be that glorious Kingdom of God, The Messiah with the 12 Tribes, the 12 Apostles. Obviously, that Kingdom was postponed. The promise of the Messianic Kingdom of God (or Kingdom of Heaven as Matthew refers to it) will be fulfilled, but not until the rapture of born-again Believers and the 3.5 years of counterfeit peace, followed by 3.5 years of hell on earth, the 2nd Coming, and Armageddon. We Christians are privileged to understand that and to share it far and wide. Sadly, our challenge is great, indeed, when we observe Reformed Theology, Preterism, 5-point Calvinism, Catholicism, and all the other "isms." My prayer is that born-again Believers will replace the clouds of "isms" with the Grace message.