I'm not sure I should say this, but I'm gonna any case.
I have recently done a lot of study into symbols of the gods of the old empires that ruled over Israel, and you just will not believe how much of all of that pulls into modern day occult practices and symbols. Scary stuff indeed.
I came across a local who works full time with these things and about setting children free with strange behavious and anger and all sorts of issues that is against what is advocated in the bible.
He has done more research than me, and actively work in this field, also make use of people who was released from the occult world and got born again and supplies a lot of information.
Now a lot of modern toys, things for young people have these demonic symbols worked into it, to the extent, that demons start to interact with children at night, in their rooms while mommy and daddy is sleeping.
Satan is a sly bastard - sorry, but I hate him.
Now here is the kicker, many of the demonic things that enters your child's room can have adverse effects especially of a sexual nature and more so to open your child for sexual abuse. Without the parents knowing - because we do not have the knowledge required of us to combat it.
I'm very sorry for what happened to naomanos' daughter, but we will be surprised how active the demonic spirit world is today.
Needles to say, I have started a search and destroy process to clean my physical house of things that conform to the underworld in light of recent knowledge.
Let me tell everyone now, if children has anything with a dragon, monster, pentagram, vampire lightning bolt, sun disks and moons - get it out your house, hammer it to pieces and burn it, do not discard the ashes on your premises, take it to a landfill.
What I have just said, is biblical.
This is more serious than we might believe, if you dare and are over the age of 22, go research lilith and all this rubbish demon is responsible/capable for - it's beyond scary.
I have recently done a lot of study into symbols of the gods of the old empires that ruled over Israel, and you just will not believe how much of all of that pulls into modern day occult practices and symbols. Scary stuff indeed.
I came across a local who works full time with these things and about setting children free with strange behavious and anger and all sorts of issues that is against what is advocated in the bible.
He has done more research than me, and actively work in this field, also make use of people who was released from the occult world and got born again and supplies a lot of information.
Now a lot of modern toys, things for young people have these demonic symbols worked into it, to the extent, that demons start to interact with children at night, in their rooms while mommy and daddy is sleeping.
Satan is a sly bastard - sorry, but I hate him.
Now here is the kicker, many of the demonic things that enters your child's room can have adverse effects especially of a sexual nature and more so to open your child for sexual abuse. Without the parents knowing - because we do not have the knowledge required of us to combat it.
I'm very sorry for what happened to naomanos' daughter, but we will be surprised how active the demonic spirit world is today.
Needles to say, I have started a search and destroy process to clean my physical house of things that conform to the underworld in light of recent knowledge.
Let me tell everyone now, if children has anything with a dragon, monster, pentagram, vampire lightning bolt, sun disks and moons - get it out your house, hammer it to pieces and burn it, do not discard the ashes on your premises, take it to a landfill.
What I have just said, is biblical.
This is more serious than we might believe, if you dare and are over the age of 22, go research lilith and all this rubbish demon is responsible/capable for - it's beyond scary.