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I'm not sure I should say this, but I'm gonna any case.
I have recently done a lot of study into symbols of the gods of the old empires that ruled over Israel, and you just will not believe how much of all of that pulls into modern day occult practices and symbols. Scary stuff indeed.
I came across a local who works full time with these things and about setting children free with strange behavious and anger and all sorts of issues that is against what is advocated in the bible.
He has done more research than me, and actively work in this field, also make use of people who was released from the occult world and got born again and supplies a lot of information.
Now a lot of modern toys, things for young people have these demonic symbols worked into it, to the extent, that demons start to interact with children at night, in their rooms while mommy and daddy is sleeping.
Satan is a sly bastard - sorry, but I hate him.
Now here is the kicker, many of the demonic things that enters your child's room can have adverse effects especially of a sexual nature and more so to open your child for sexual abuse. Without the parents knowing - because we do not have the knowledge required of us to combat it.
I'm very sorry for what happened to naomanos' daughter, but we will be surprised how active the demonic spirit world is today.
Needles to say, I have started a search and destroy process to clean my physical house of things that conform to the underworld in light of recent knowledge.
Let me tell everyone now, if children has anything with a dragon, monster, pentagram, vampire lightning bolt, sun disks and moons - get it out your house, hammer it to pieces and burn it, do not discard the ashes on your premises, take it to a landfill.
What I have just said, is biblical.
This is more serious than we might believe, if you dare and are over the age of 22, go research lilith and all this rubbish demon is responsible/capable for - it's beyond scary.
I'm not sure I should say this, but I'm gonna any case.
I have recently done a lot of study into symbols of the gods of the old empires that ruled over Israel, and you just will not believe how much of all of that pulls into modern day occult practices and symbols. Scary stuff indeed.
I came across a local who works full time with these things and about setting children free with strange behavious and anger and all sorts of issues that is against what is advocated in the bible.
He has done more research than me, and actively work in this field, also make use of people who was released from the occult world and got born again and supplies a lot of information.
Now a lot of modern toys, things for young people have these demonic symbols worked into it, to the extent, that demons start to interact with children at night, in their rooms while mommy and daddy is sleeping.
Satan is a sly bastard - sorry, but I hate him.
Now here is the kicker, many of the demonic things that enters your child's room can have adverse effects especially of a sexual nature and more so to open your child for sexual abuse. Without the parents knowing - because we do not have the knowledge required of us to combat it.
I'm very sorry for what happened to naomanos' daughter, but we will be surprised how active the demonic spirit world is today.
Needles to say, I have started a search and destroy process to clean my physical house of things that conform to the underworld in light of recent knowledge.
Let me tell everyone now, if children has anything with a dragon, monster, pentagram, vampire lightning bolt, sun disks and moons - get it out your house, hammer it to pieces and burn it, do not discard the ashes on your premises, take it to a landfill.
What I have just said, is biblical.
This is more serious than we might believe, if you dare and are over the age of 22, go research lilith and all this rubbish demon is responsible/capable for - it's beyond scary.
But dragons used to be real.
But dragons used to be real.
And how does the bible describe the devil, satan.
As a dragon. So if we have dragons in our homes, do we not give homage to him.
And yet they are in homes, in our children's toy boxes and cupboards. Dragons are a symbol of satan, there is invisible spiritual connections we are not aware of. Eastern gods have made a massive infill into this country, it's fashionable to have a Buddha in your home or to follow some of the cool hindu rituals, like the coloured powder rubbish. Warning lights! warning lights! Who are the hindu gods and why do they have these festivals? Demons at work my friend.
Take a look at Deuteronomy 5:6-8.
I highlight: Do not have other gods beside me.
You do not even need to worship the other god, if you have it, you are in trouble.
But how would we know, well we have to search and learn. Juk, I've gone ahead and done that, I do not want anyone here to research the occult and fall, it can happen as it has happened, that is why I gave a list of things to remove from your homes.
I have friends who came out of the occult and others who actively focus on releasing people from demon possession and oppression. Sadly these thing are real, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities.
What happens due to the occult is beyond scary - it sounds completely unreal, yet it happens, I'm not going to elaborate, take the warning I give it as a warning of protection.

We have to protect our families, simple thing. We will have God's protection if we do not have other gods in our homes, otherwise, God turns from us.
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And how does the bible describe the devil, satan.
As a dragon. So if we have dragons in our homes, do we not give homage to him.
And yet they are in homes, in our children's toy boxes and cupboards. Dragons are a symbol of satan, there is invisible spiritual connections we are not aware of. Eastern gods have made a massive infill into this country, it's fashionable to have a Buddha in your home or to follow some of the cool hindu rituals, like the coloured powder rubbish. Warning lights! warning lights! Who are the hindu gods and why do they have these festivals? Demons at work my friend.
Take a look at Deuteronomy 5:6-8.
I highlight: Do not have other gods beside me.
You do not even need to worship the other god, if you have it, you are in trouble.
But how would we know, well we have to search and learn. Juk, I've gone ahead and done that, I do not want anyone here to research the occult and fall, it can happen as it has happened, that is why I gave a list of things to remove from your homes.
I have friends who came out of the occult and others who actively focus on releasing people from demon possession and oppression. Sadly these thing are real, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities.
What happens due to the occult is beyond scary - it sounds completely unreal, yet it happens, I'm not going to elaborate, take the warning I give it as a warning of protection.

We have to protect our families, simple thing. We will have God's protection if we do not have other gods in our homes, otherwise, God turns from us.

There is a lot of truth in this but lets not go over board and start seeing demons in the ice tea or stop shopping that the store because they sale devil food chocolate cake mix or dirt devil vacumes or sea devils and so forth.

Satin is a counterfiter and he steels the things God created and if we throw all this out then there goes the rain bow or the glow in the dark stars your kids put on their ceeling and so forth. I am not knocking this but only saying it is all to easy to get caught up and go over board.
And yet, it's better to take note and guard. We are open to false positives so to say, but if anything is remotely associated with the occult, it has no place in my home, for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
I started in the bible, found the gods that YHVH said Israel must remove and worked backwards and forward, those same gods are still prevalent in occultism today, including their symbols. So why are those symbols finding their way into our homes.
Go see what the word symbol means.

Saddest thing is, we are paying the monies to bring it into our homes. That old serpent is laughing at us Christians.
Do you now what the average age is of witches in South Africa. Mind boggling - it's 14, Police anti-occult unit stats.Tthey are being recruited at ages 8 and 9. Did you know young virgin girls are being marked according to specific blood lines for offerings so Satanists can "level up"?
I do not want to mention what happens to those girls, and none of them reach the ages of 20.
Every single occult discipline seems to involve something sexual, but bent way from how God intended it.
That's just as scary.
It is happening in this country, we are a third world country, what happens not in a first world country, ever thought of that?
Just saying. Rather prepared that being washed away with the flood of water coming down the road.
And yet, it's better to take note and guard. We are open to false positives so to say, but if anything is remotely associated with the occult, it has no place in my home, for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
I started in the bible, found the gods that YHVH said Israel must remove and worked backwards and forward, those same gods are still prevalent in occultism today, including their symbols. So why are those symbols finding their way into our homes.
Go see what the word symbol means.

Saddest thing is, we are paying the monies to bring it into our homes. That old serpent is laughing at us Christians.
Do you now what the average age is of witches in South Africa. Mind boggling - it's 14, Police anti-occult unit stats.Tthey are being recruited at ages 8 and 9. Did you know young virgin girls are being marked according to specific blood lines for offerings so Satanists can "level up"?
I do not want to mention what happens to those girls, and none of them reach the ages of 20.
Every single occult discipline seems to involve something sexual, but bent way from how God intended it.
That's just as scary.
It is happening in this country, we are a third world country, what happens not in a first world country, ever thought of that?
Just saying. Rather prepared that being washed away with the flood of water coming down the road.
Can you please mention some of those symbols? I know you have already mentioned about four, but what are some else?
And how does the bible describe the devil, satan.
As a dragon. So if we have dragons in our homes, do we not give homage to him.
And yet they are in homes, in our children's toy boxes and cupboards. Dragons are a symbol of satan, there is invisible spiritual connections we are not aware of. Eastern gods have made a massive infill into this country, it's fashionable to have a Buddha in your home or to follow some of the cool hindu rituals, like the coloured powder rubbish. Warning lights! warning lights! Who are the hindu gods and why do they have these festivals? Demons at work my friend.
Take a look at .
I highlight: Do not have other gods beside me.
You do not even need to worship the other god, if you have it, you are in trouble.
But how would we know, well we have to search and learn. Juk, I've gone ahead and done that, I do not want anyone here to research the occult and fall, it can happen as it has happened, that is why I gave a list of things to remove from your homes.
I have friends who came out of the occult and others who actively focus on releasing people from demon possession and oppression. Sadly these thing are real, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spirits and principalities.
What happens due to the occult is beyond scary - it sounds completely unreal, yet it happens, I'm not going to elaborate, take the warning I give it as a warning of protection.

We have to protect our families, simple thing. We will have God's protection if we do not have other gods in our homes, otherwise, God turns from us.
And yet, it's better to take note and guard. We are open to false positives so to say, but if anything is remotely associated with the occult, it has no place in my home, for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.
I started in the bible, found the gods that YHVH said Israel must remove and worked backwards and forward, those same gods are still prevalent in occultism today, including their symbols. So why are those symbols finding their way into our homes.
Go see what the word symbol means.

Saddest thing is, we are paying the monies to bring it into our homes. That old serpent is laughing at us Christians.
Do you now what the average age is of witches in South Africa. Mind boggling - it's 14, Police anti-occult unit stats.Tthey are being recruited at ages 8 and 9. Did you know young virgin girls are being marked according to specific blood lines for offerings so Satanists can "level up"?
I do not want to mention what happens to those girls, and none of them reach the ages of 20.
Every single occult discipline seems to involve something sexual, but bent way from how God intended it.
That's just as scary.
It is happening in this country, we are a third world country, what happens not in a first world country, ever thought of that?
Just saying. Rather prepared that being washed away with the flood of water coming down the road.

If someone told you the meat was offered to idols which are demons and you give thanks to God for your food no worries unless some one weeker is there and this would harm their faith. If you go and get rid of everything that has some connection to something other thern Our Lord God you will not buy food or cars or take medicine or anything else. You can not avoid some of this stuff.

Evil, Ghostly, and so forth Movies and games are a very good door to places you do not want to go or alow into your life. Books too. Some symbols are good to avoid but please take caution to not over do this.
Okay, the first one, I have not completed my research yet, but this chappie is an Iranian sun god (Iranian should say enough), but he has this funny cap on his head, I'm not sure what this type of cap is called, but if he is a god, why does his cap appear in US Army emblems, also did in the French revolution army's emblems. Does not make sense - yet. Stars yes, like the star of david one, and there is a very similar eight pointed one littered through islam. Stars have a very prominent place in the masonic order, not a surprise, these guys openly welcome demon worship. Pentagram - satan himself takes high value in this one.
I've mentioned sun disk and sickle moon, a lot of these suns are things with little faces in, all linked to Baal-Hadad and Apollo the sun god, in many depictions Apollo even makes an appearance at the crucifixion of Christ - maybe the devil was thinking victory is at hand.
The Iranian sun god Mithra frequently holds an earth globe - why? Christ Jesus came to set us free and establish the forever kingdom of our Father in heaven, not mithra. Many off-shoots of this all over the place - anything holding a globe makes me wonder.
there is a god named pan - something with nature, him body bottom half is goat or something, top half man - check toys like this, you are bringing satan into your house.
There is a thing called a maltese cross, it's everywhere from Babylon to Assyrian kings and even inside modern Christian institutions - all while worshiping the Baal gods.
Eye of horus, third eye, the thing one the one dollar bill with the eye in the pyramid - it's all about opening the spiritual eye of innocent youngsters to get control through demonic interference - eastern things are full of, including hinduism and its off-springs.
there is another symbol linked to Baal himself, a sun with four outward points at right angles and in between wavy lines going out.
It seems this one got the nation of Israel time and again as it's all over their stuff, proper name signature disk of Baal and baal my friends is the sun god of all pagan religions, modern wickan, etc.
Staff of Osiris, I initially did not find this convincing, then I found a drawn satanic image of Lilith holding the exact staff in the middle of his body. The staff end in a type of pine cone top - homage to fertility gods, isis, Osiris and few subordinate ones, around the staff you have two loosely coiled snakes wearing weird crowns. to me any staff with pine cone thingy on is open game, there is a goddess of fertility, not sure the name, but she has boobs like the pine cone, and that is the symbolism. Is it in your house - are your children then not at risk?
When Lucifer fell from heaven, how was it described - as a lighting bolt. Harry potter on his forehead, the god Poseidon, so all symbolism surrounding these guys are to be questioned - it is of darkness, and we are called not to associate with darkness.
Check your music bands - they like this one because they are agents for Lucifer - pure and simple.
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Okay, the first one, I have not completed my research yet, but this chappie is an Iranian sun god (Iranian should say enough), but he has this funny cap on his head, I'm not sure what this type of cap is called, but if he is a god, why does his cap appear in US Army emblems, also did in the French revolution army's emblems. Does not make sense - yet. Stars yes, like the star of david one, and there is a very similar eight pointed one littered through islam. Stars have a very prominent place in the masonic order, not a surprise, these guys openly welcome demon worship. Pentagram - satan himself takes high value in this one.
I've mentioned sun disk and sickle moon, a lot of these suns are things with little faces in, all linked to Baal-Hadad and Apollo the sun god, in many depictions Apollo even makes an appearance at the crucifixion of Christ - maybe the devil was thinking victory is at hand.
The Iranian sun god Mithra frequently holds an earth globe - why? Christ Jesus came to set us free and establish the forever kingdom of our Father in heaven, not mithra. Many off-shoots of this all over the place - anything holding a globe makes me wonder.
there is a god named pan - something with nature, him body bottom half is goat or something, top half man - check toys like this, you are bringing satan into your house.
There is a thing called a maltese cross, it's everywhere from Babylon to Assyrian kings and even inside modern Christian institutions - all while worshiping the Baal gods.
Eye of horus, third eye, the thing one the one dollar bill with the eye in the pyramid - it's all about opening the spiritual eye of innocent youngsters to get control through demonic interference - eastern things are full of, including hinduism and its off-springs.
there is another symbol linked to Baal himself, a sun with four outward points at right angles and in between wavy lines going out.
It seems this one got the nation of Israel time and again as it's all over their stuff, proper name signature disk of Baal and baal my friends is the sun god of all pagan religions, modern wickan, etc.
Staff of Osiris, I initially did not find this convincing, then I found a drawn satanic image of Lilith holding the exact staff in the middle of his body. The staff end in a type of pine cone top - homage to fertility gods, isis, Osiris and few subordinate ones, around the staff you have two loosely coiled snakes wearing weird crowns. to me any staff with pine cone thingy on is open game, there is a goddess of fertility, not sure the name, but she has boobs like the pine cone, and that is the symbolism. Is it in your house - are your children then not at risk?
When Lucifer fell from heaven, how was it described - as a lighting bolt. Harry potter on his forehead, the god Poseidon, so all symbolism surrounding these guys are to be questioned - it is of darkness, and we are called not to associate with darkness.
Check your music bands - they like this one because they are agents for Lucifer - pure and simple.

Again go at this easy bro.........You are not the first to see this and get too caught up in it.
Just remember with all the backmasting records.......When you do this to a country song you get your truck back and your dog back and your wife and kiids back too. lol
I am not making fun of you for I understand more then you think but also know that one can go over board with this too.
If someone told you the meat was offered to idols which are demons and you give thanks to God for your food no worries unless some one weeker is there and this would harm their faith. If you go and get rid of everything that has some connection to something other thern Our Lord God you will not buy food or cars or take medicine or anything else. You can not avoid some of this stuff.

Evil, Ghostly, and so forth Movies and games are a very good door to places you do not want to go or alow into your life. Books too. Some symbols are good to avoid but please take caution to not over do this.

So the purpose is, be aware of what will lead harm to your family.
Pray about it daily, I would not go hunt it, even though I did. Some things I found was really very disturbing to me and I spent time praying afterwards.
I would not want my children to suffer because of my ignorance, so I'm taking note and looking out. If you do not have the knowledge you cannot do that.
If you feel otherwise, you are free to walk by.
Bur yes, movies and games ranks very high as to open doors to unwanted critters.
Also read 1 Chronicals 16:25-26
Deuteronomy 7:25,26
Deuteronomy 23:14
Revelation 9:20
Joshua 7:12-13
Now look at this, Deuteronomy 32:17 warns us - and be carful: new gods come along all the time.
We have been warned - by God Himself.
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I am not getting too caught up - I have done the research, and I have found the truth.
I'm sharing it in the light of what happened - so we can protect our families - as much as I want my children safe, I want every other member of the body of Christ to have safe children.
Anyone has the choice to walk by, but God has clear instruction for us - I now know it and will walk according to it.
I'm still saddened that this had to happen first, before it woke me up to look for what could cause it, because I know God Himself does not cause this, it's satan. But how does he get the foot into the door to come and mess with Christian families.
Now we know and can guard, for satan walks around looking for someone to devour, and as a son and daughter of the most high God, you have made it onto number one on his list.
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So the purpose is, be aware of what will lead harm to your family.
Pray about it daily, I would not go hunt it, even though I did. Some things I found was really very disturbing to me and I spent time praying afterwards.
I would not want my children to suffer because of my ignorance, so I'm taking note and looking out. If you do not have the knowledge you cannot do that.
If you feel otherwise, you are free to walk by.
Bur yes, movies and games ranks very high as to open doors to unwanted critters.
Also read 1 Chronicals 16:25-26
Deuteronomy 7:25,26
Deuteronomy 23:14
Revelation 9:20
Joshua 7:12-13
Now look at this, Deuteronomy 32:17 warns us - and be carful: new gods come along all the time.
We have been warned - by God Himself.

Key word is can not stay away from all evil for you would have to leave this planet to do so BUT you do not have to fellowship with it or get drawn into anything.
I am not getting too caught up - I have done the research, and I have found the truth.
I'm sharing it in the light of what happened - so we can protect our families - as much as I want my children safe, I want every other member of the body of Christ to have safe children.
Anyone has the choice to walk by, but God has clear instruction for us - I now know it and will walk according to it.
I'm still saddened that this had to happen first, before it woke me up to look for what could cause it, because I know God Himself does not cause this, it's satan. But how does he get the foot into the door to come and mess with Christian families.
Now we know and can guard, for satan walks around looking for someone to devour, and as a son and daughter of the most high God, you have made it onto number one on his list.

A born agaian Believer is only high on satans list if he or she is truly walking close in the Lord and bearing much fruit. The devil comes for the words sake NOT us. THE DEVIL COMES TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY.........another words to shut up our faith mouths and to get us to stop being a threat to his work..
A couple days ago my 14 year old daughter, who lives 1200 miles away from me with her mom and siblings, let me know that she was sexually abused for two months by a 21 year old man. This man was a friend of my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend's son who frequented their house often.

Needless to say my first thought was and continuing thought is not a Christian one. I want to catch a plane up there and kill him. He harmed my daughter, he stole her innocence.

I have been a poor of boiling water ready to boil over since hearing this from my daughter. I am raging inside because I feel helpless to do anything. Because I feel as though I have failed to protect my daughter from harm, but then I try to remember the I am 1200 miles away and there isn't much I could have done anyway.

I am questioning God too now. I pray for my kids and their safety, yet He allowed my daughter to come to harm. I want to curse God and be done with Him!

As i can identify with your pain....and have not stopped praying for you and your family......

Father, thank you for this family. Thank you that You love them all! I pray a hedge of protection around all of naomanos's 7 children, and wife and mother in law...and i pray ps 91 over them all. Pleeding the Blood of Jesus over them to keep them all safe from this point forward. Father i ask that you surround them with Your presence, peace that passes all their understanding and grant them the gift of repentance. We know that this horrible event and past few months have grieved Your heart as well and as Your anger is burning towards the purpertrator, we ask that You forgive him, and cause him to get his life right with you. Thank You also Father for sending laborers across the children's paths, with Your Word to bring them to a saving knowledge of You, and make Yourself very real to them all. And that You will bring about the healing that they all will require.

Thank You for opening naomanos's eyes to be able to see that this is an attack of the devil, to bring division between You and Him. And wrap Your arms around that he can cry all the pain away, knowing that even though he is hurting You are carrying him through this because he cannot walk this alone. IN Jesus Name, Amen
I'm not sure I should say this, but I'm gonna any case.
I have recently done a lot of study into symbols of the gods of the old empires that ruled over Israel, and you just will not believe how much of all of that pulls into modern day occult practices and symbols. Scary stuff indeed.
I came across a local who works full time with these things and about setting children free with strange behavious and anger and all sorts of issues that is against what is advocated in the bible.
He has done more research than me, and actively work in this field, also make use of people who was released from the occult world and got born again and supplies a lot of information.
Now a lot of modern toys, things for young people have these demonic symbols worked into it, to the extent, that demons start to interact with children at night, in their rooms while mommy and daddy is sleeping.
Satan is a sly bastard - sorry, but I hate him.
Now here is the kicker, many of the demonic things that enters your child's room can have adverse effects especially of a sexual nature and more so to open your child for sexual abuse. Without the parents knowing - because we do not have the knowledge required of us to combat it.
I'm very sorry for what happened to naomanos' daughter, but we will be surprised how active the demonic spirit world is today.
Needles to say, I have started a search and destroy process to clean my physical house of things that conform to the underworld in light of recent knowledge.
Let me tell everyone now, if children has anything with a dragon, monster, pentagram, vampire lightning bolt, sun disks and moons - get it out your house, hammer it to pieces and burn it, do not discard the ashes on your premises, take it to a landfill.
What I have just said, is biblical.
This is more serious than we might believe, if you dare and are over the age of 22, go research lilith and all this rubbish demon is responsible/capable for - it's beyond scary.

I have no say as to what is brought into that home or what goes on in the home. I usually find out about things after the fact, including when my children have been sick or injured.

I talked with my daughter last night, asked if I could speak with her mom, her mom said no and that she is busy watching her new show. I said she could call me later. No phone call came.

So there isn't anything I can do further and I have felt powerless for the last seven years after our relationship ended in regards to me kids.
I think I understand you and your anger. I see things in my life or life of my friends that I really do not like and I think that God could change them easily. I do not understand why He does not do it. I also do not like what happened to Job in the Bible. Sometimes I do not like to hear others' testimonies because I do not want to know what great things happen to OTHERS when it does not happen to me or to my friends. Sometimes I feel like God does not hear my prayers and I am demotivated to pray.
But I learnt to say these things to God. I say Him: "Ok, if this is your will, I will not go against you, but I do not like it." I think that God wants to hear what we feel even if it is negative.
I want to say that God is not your enemy even if you do not believe it now. He lost His own son to save your life and lives of your children.
I think I understand you and your anger. I see things in my life or life of my friends that I really do not like and I think that God could change them easily. I do not understand why He does not do it. I also do not like what happened to Job in the Bible. Sometimes I do not like to hear others' testimonies because I do not want to know what great things happen to OTHERS when it does not happen to me or to my friends. Sometimes I feel like God does not hear my prayers and I am demotivated to pray.
But I learnt to say these things to God. I say Him: "Ok, if this is your will, I will not go against you, but I do not like it." I think that God wants to hear what we feel even if it is negative.
I want to say that God is not your enemy even if you do not believe it now. He lost His own son to save your life and lives of your children.

God's desire and plan is that we have the desire to change because we love Him. When bad things happen it is not His fault, but good people who make bad choices. He is a gentleman and will not force us to do something against our will. When we choose Him over the things of this world is when His heart is big with pride....saying that's my daughter or son. That is the one that i sent my First Born Son to die for.

I know it hurts to see others succeed and not us, but in those cases we can go to God and ask Him if there is something that we should be doing different? The Bible says that in Him His answers to His promises are Yes and Amen. So if you are asking for things that line up with the Word of God, they are always yes...sometimes we just have to be patient to receive His best for us. In 1 John it says that we receive what we ask for because we obey His commandments. That is in the gospels as well. Mark 11:22-25.

I used to be afraid to pray for others because it seemed like when i prayed for them bad things always happened....but that was the devil getting me to not pray for others.
When bad things happen it is not His fault, but good people who make bad choices.
But there are also bad things that are not caused by anybody (e.g. infertility or some serious sickness).
I know it hurts to see others succeed and not us, but in those cases we can go to God and ask Him if there is something that we should be doing different? The Bible says that in Him His answers to His promises are Yes and Amen.
I agree with this. But it is very hard to pray like this when you do not receive any type of answer from God for long weeks/months/years :)
But there are also bad things that are not caused by anybody (e.g. infertility or some serious sickness). True. If a believer is being attacked by the enemy in any area and does not know that this is not from God....then we tend to believe what is going on rather than the Word.

I agree with this. But it is very hard to pray like this when you do not receive any type of answer from God for long weeks/months/years :)
Yes i fully understand! :) that is why faith and patience are power twins. We can have faith to believe something will happen, but sometimes the patience part (or when we don't see something happening on our time table) can get the best of us. And we just begin to think that it was never God's will in the first place.
Thank You for responding! I enjoy talking with you. Blessings!
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