Hahaha! And then along came Major! Now, is this fact or truth? I wasn't expecting that.
Here is another trivia fact. I was originally in the 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry in the 11th Air Assault Division which focused on developing the air mobility operational framework. In 1965, the battalion was designated the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry and deployed to Vietnam as part of the 1st Cavalry Division or as many know...the old "7th Calvary Custer Unit". That unit was the one seen in the movie....."We Were Solders" which fought the 1st combat battle in Vietnam in November 1965.
With my orders in my hand, ready to leave with that unit, from Tiger Land, Ft. Polk La, a day before leaving, an officer can to our company, and believe it or not asked this question, "
Up to that point I had never volunteered for anything. My dad told me that the worst thing that could happen in the Army was to let the Drill Sergeants know your name. But for some reason I raised my hand. Out of about 250 men I was the only one. This officer came to me and asked me about typing and I told him I had had 2 years in high school. He walked over to Col. Moore and said.......
"I am procuring this man to be my Battalion clerk in Ft. Riley Ks. " and I will send you his orders tomorrow.
That is how I wound up in Kansas as a company Battalion clerk and missed that battle you saw in the movie !!!!!
Now for an appropriate "love" offering I will be more than happy to sign an autograph!