[SIZE=+1]"Car alarms" [/SIZE]
A man was sitting in a restaurant with a friend when a noisy car alarm interrupted their conversation. "What good are car alarms when no one pays any attention to them?" the man wondered aloud.
"Some are quite effective," his friend corrected him.
"Last summer, my teenager spent a lot of time at the neighbors'. Whenever I wanted him home, I'd go out to the driveway and jostle his car."
A man was sitting in a restaurant with a friend when a noisy car alarm interrupted their conversation. "What good are car alarms when no one pays any attention to them?" the man wondered aloud.
"Some are quite effective," his friend corrected him.
"Last summer, my teenager spent a lot of time at the neighbors'. Whenever I wanted him home, I'd go out to the driveway and jostle his car."