Not sure where you got this info. But I would dig deeper. While a FLOOD might not change anything. The change in atmosphere can and does.I do not know so I had to do some homework.
Using your thought that what happens today must have been applied to what has happened then ....
" a global flood similar to the biblical one were to occur (40 days and 40 nights of rain, with widespread flooding over all the lands, etc), it would have no effect whatsoever on the dynamics of the Carbon geochronological clock. There would be no adjustments required. No carbon would have been added or removed from the carbon cycle, the isotopic ratio of atmospheric carbon would be unaffected, as would be that of land plants or marine organisms.
Firstly, it would only matter to things older than the date of the flood. So if the flood happened at, say 3000BCE, then anything younger than 3000 BCE is not altered by it. If a flood could alter measured dates, we’d expect to see a whole cluster of dates where they’ve been altered to- and a gap where the dates were moved from. And that would be the same time worldwide.
Secondly, there are many other forms of dating, apart from carbon dating. There are other forms of radiometric and isotope dating. There are ice cores. There are tree rings. There are sediment logs- such as Varve - Wikipedia, many of which show annual layers If there was a global flood, we need to explain how it doesn’t show up in these records.
Thirdly, Carbon 14 dates can be altered by contamination, but it is much easier to make them look younger than actual fact, not older. For example, someone Carbon dated dinosaur bones, and got a date of about 25,000 years old- because of the varnish applied to hold the surface together.
I asked before if you or anyone was there 500,000 years ago. I see you have not answered.
As for aspects of a flood. Have you ever seen what a local flood can do to a particular area? Imagine what a catastrophic flood would do to the entirety of the earth. Rain for 40 days and nights? Not sure that would be enough to flood the whole earth. It is recorded that the fountains of the great deep burst open. The water came from below, not above, Imagine how the surface of the earth changed. Imagine how the fossils which were created by this flood would appear in the fossil record? Imagine what would happen on earth temperature wise where there is no land for over a year to radiate the suns heat (ever hear of an ICE age? and imagine what would happen when lakes, which were created by this flood collapsed because they were not natural lakes (the grand canyon is one prime example)
I have a few theories I have studied concerning this flood and how it affected the earth. Both are more reliable to me than Old Earth theology.
We still also have death and destruction happen before sin even entered the earth through adam, Which caused and continues to cause the collapse of the earth.
Non of these things make sense to me,