Wouldn't you agree though, that Jesus did not experience eternal separation? If He did not then He did not experience the second death.
Jesus was separated from the Father..........
Wouldn't you agree though, that Jesus did not experience eternal separation? If He did not then He did not experience the second death.
Torture is when one does it to another. Those in hell have made a choice. It's no difference when Adam fell, God didn't cause the curse, Adam did. You drink until your liver explodes, is that God's fault? No. Eat until diabetes takes your legs, is that God's fault? No. Reject Jesus and suffer for ever, is that God's fault? No. It's no more complicated than that.
@KingJ Greetings,
Brother you said this...........
(((((All the options in the OP have supporting scripture. But, the real question is how we justify that belief to ourselves.)))))
To be truthful.........No they do not..........If you take the scriptures you quoted to mean what you place them as then you have no understanding of the scriptures.........
Well I agree that it is a hermeneutics fail to isolate scripture as I did. But we have to accept that many do and hold fast to their beliefs because they don't yet grasp the fuller picture. I don't believe all of us are as blessed as others or smart enough to fully grasp this subject. We need to be careful not to jump too harshly on anyones beliefs of the vastly unknown eternal future of God's enemies.
One thing I do know is that when looking into the unknown...it is always a safe bet to believe / expect the best of our God. He is good yesterday, today and tomorrow. There is no darkness in Him at all.
I wish that was true. It is really depressing to think of all our unsaved family being in torment for all eternity. I think every Christian should desire that. Scripture is crystal clear that God desires all to be with Him................................................................................................
What's amazing to me is how well God has hidden universal salvation!
People don't see it, even though it's repeatedly stated and implied from Genesis to Revelation!
Yes agreed. What should comfort us all is the fact that God removes our blinkers in heaven 1 Cor 13:12. This correctly translates into God having nothing to hide. Whatever is happening to His enemies will not upset us. God does not hide evil / brainwash / remove memories... He does the complete opposite according to that verse / all of scripture.Very well said, King J.
A person is reminded of the story of 3 (?) blind men examining an elephant and each one is examining a different part of the animal with a corresponding different description. Personally, I like to think of the Bible as a huge jigsaw puzzle that no one has totally completed -- but some more than others.
-- brixken7
I wish people would dig into the word of God about holiness and living righteously as much as they do about made up things.
You might want to think through this one Calvin....Jesus had to give up His spirit in order to take on all sin. He could not have taken apon Himself all sin with the spirit of God in Him. That is why the Holy Ghost could not go to the crtoss anbd needed to be a man.
Neighbor Jim,
I have given your above views much thought and no matter how many times I add 2+2 here I keep coming up with a form of docetism heresy. You really need to reign in your imagination.
You really do need to subordinate your thinking to God's word.
I am urging you out of concern for you and for no other consideration.
Psa 139:7. Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
Psa 139:8. If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
Psa 139:9. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
Psa 139:10. even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
Psa 139:11. If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,"
Psa 139:12. even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
No one wants to see you banned neighbor.I will even go as far as to say this. If I am not telling you the truth then I will Have Brother Abdicate ban me. Is this fare for you ?
This one thing I would like to draw to your attention neighbor,30... When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, HE said ( this is Jesus speaking here )
What about the billions of infants and children?
What about the retarded people?
What about the insane, especially the sociopaths that have no conscience?
Besides, people will NEVER be saved by their good works.
I am relieved that no one has selected Universalism...yet.
The one who holds to Universalism hasn't voted, obviously. (See post #191)