Bro. Major,
I am a little disappointed and maybe surprised that you took this personal view and called into question my character. My comment are not about comparing my Christianity with her Christianity. The conversation you, others, and myself are having is related to what the word of God sais about this topic. As a result, my friendly reminder to Sister Silk was to show me from scripture her position concerning the soul. We sometimes, myself included, may believe something but really do not have a biblical background for it. But never did I say "since
I am a bible believing Christian, please quote some verses." I acknowledge that we are both bible believing Christians and appealed to the meekness she exhibited in a previous post. I suspect that Sister Silk did not receive the comment as you suggested initially. Maybe your suggestion will alter that fact but I have faith it will not.
You say
"On another thread I think, maybe this one, you suggested that I was too prideful to accept your opinions. "
Again, this is not about being too prideful to accept my opinions. What I said was related to studying scripture. Don't you know that we are all spiritually blind when we study scripture? This is why we need to pray for clear understanding and put away preconceived ideas when we study.
King David says this "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law." Psalms 119:18 This shows us that even King David had his eyes closed and had to pray that his spiritual eyes were opened. This is called meekness and we all need it. Do not take it personal.
I apologize if you took it that way, definitely not my intention.
Now for your questions.
This of course is the parable of Lazarus and the rich man and Jesus is sharing this parable with the Jewish leaders (Luke 16:14). The rich man in the parable are clothed in the garments that the priest wore (Luke 16:19)" and although "rich", he is spiritually poor and blind (compare with Rev 3:17).
The poor beggar named Lazarus dies and is in carried into Abrahams "bosom" and the rich man also dies and is in Hell experiencing torment. Here in lies the first problem. If you believe that this parable is literal, then you also believe the Lazarus resides in Abraham's bosom.
In Luke 16:25 the rich man proceeds to speak to Abraham from "Hell" to heaven. Then he ask Abraham to send Lazarus to where he is to cool his tongue w/ the tip of his finger? Do you really believe this would alleviate his torment? Of course not, I know you don't. That would be ridiculous.
Then by what authority can we say this is a literal hell? I dare say not from scripture.
We know from scripture that there was a real Lazarus who died and was resurrected. Despite this clear miracle, the Pharisees heart was hardened and they still sought to kill him (John 12:10). This is the real lesson of the parable--that the pharisees were to hard hearted to listen to truth.
So why did Jesus use this illustration? Because first century Jews were infiltrated by
Hellenistic teachings (click to learn more) and practices. They were just as confused about the state of the dead as many are today. Even the apostles were confused (see John 11:11-13). Jesus simply used an illustration that they could relate to. But John 11 :11-13 will make it plane.
Then we see in John 11:43 Lazarus is ressurected. Now, "let us reason together." If Lazarus was in heaven, then Jesus did Lazarus a great disservice in pulling him from Heaven back to the earth. Yet if you believe that Lazarus was asleep in Christ, as scripture teaches, it makes perfect sense.
I do not see where Jesus takes anyone to heaven with Him in these verses?.
Are you referring to:
Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led
captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Eph 4:8 ?
It seems to me this verse is saying that Jesus bound the power of sin( he led the captivity captive), and then gave gifts unto men by means of his Holy Spirit ( see Pentecost and Rom 7:23).
But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into
captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. Romans 7:23
Not sure I understand the problem in this question?
God Bless my brother,