Lanolin .
Hmmm, let me give this example.
I watch a lot of live trials on a crime network.
Now I don't think this is sin, but when I get too involved the Spirit will tell me to back off a bit. IF he should say it is sin then I would have to give it up.
These are happening cases with types from serial murders to police brutality. Human cruelty has always made me question......why.
I have heard some say God convicted me of drinking coffee, wearing jewelry, cutting off my hair, going to ball games or races.
Why............ that one person, and not everyone ?
God wants and loves obedience.
Heb.5:7-10, talks about how the obedience of Jesus, though he was a Son, by suffering and obeying unto death, secured our salvation. He was made perfect through his obedience, and offers eternal salvation unto ALL THEM THAT OBEY HIM;
SALVATION IS ACROSS THE BOARD THE SAME FOR EVERYONE ! We must do exactly what is recorded to be saved. There is ONLY ONE WAY to access the Father and that is through the only begotten Son.
BUT....not all of us are instructed to the same journey. The Spirit leads the soul in the footsteps the Lord has ordered. Ps.119:105 ..........NUN. They word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.Ps.37:23. We are not all in the same place in our journey.
Hmmm, let me give this example.
I watch a lot of live trials on a crime network.
Now I don't think this is sin, but when I get too involved the Spirit will tell me to back off a bit. IF he should say it is sin then I would have to give it up.
These are happening cases with types from serial murders to police brutality. Human cruelty has always made me question......why.
I have heard some say God convicted me of drinking coffee, wearing jewelry, cutting off my hair, going to ball games or races.
Why............ that one person, and not everyone ?
God wants and loves obedience.
Heb.5:7-10, talks about how the obedience of Jesus, though he was a Son, by suffering and obeying unto death, secured our salvation. He was made perfect through his obedience, and offers eternal salvation unto ALL THEM THAT OBEY HIM;
SALVATION IS ACROSS THE BOARD THE SAME FOR EVERYONE ! We must do exactly what is recorded to be saved. There is ONLY ONE WAY to access the Father and that is through the only begotten Son.
BUT....not all of us are instructed to the same journey. The Spirit leads the soul in the footsteps the Lord has ordered. Ps.119:105 ..........NUN. They word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.Ps.37:23. We are not all in the same place in our journey.