Pondering Questions,Looking For Feedback!

You can also pray for them.
Don't dismiss the power of prayer, before you say anything directly to anyone else.
Then when God prompts you, He may want you to say something to someone. After all it is the Holy Spirit that will speak through you and give you utterance, it won't be just *you* on your own and your opinion. Which more likely will fall on deaf ears.

God can use a donkey to get through to someone so...He doesn't necessarily need us to always speak. A lot of people are turned off by anyone who's trying to be 'preachy'. Not that preaching is wrong, it's often the best thing, but preaching won't reach certain people.
bobinfaith .

I never knew there were so very many heresies, false prophets, wrongful interpretations, or the bizarre ways some believed until I joined sites created and directed at faith !

It is pitiful how easily ppl believe what is NOT TRUTH to take on twisted teachings.

Yes, I feel led to continue my calling of teaching at another site. Only bc it is open to controversy and free sharing. There I can understand where and what it is that ppl don't know and dont understand about God's word.

It is painful in heart to witness bc many are perishing and either don't know or don't care.

It is like preachers, I'm sure you're continuing to format sermons, same for teachers. We can never stop studying and sharing the treasures of the word.

I joined that site at the same time as this one, and don't feel as though I'm being unfaithful......not that it's been said nor implied.........❤

This is the end times, and the devil has ramped up his desire against God to win.
I have never heard of a professing believer say Jesus was not God, nor the many other things that are destroying the " church".

There too they have good staff and moderators that engage with posters and it isn't a free for all.

Here it is mostly peaceful but bc of my belief of the fullness of God, the Father, God, the Son, Jesus, and God, the Holy Spirit I feel restrained to discuss aspects of God found in his word.

I'm sorry if any thing I have ever wrote has offended, that is never my intent. When certain try to stand on your head to squash your beliefs and there is zero openness to discuss both ways then it drys up the desire to openly share.

I am not leaving, unless asked or shut out, but our time is short and it is a vast and dying world beyond.
I never knew there were so very many heresies, false prophets, wrongful interpretations, or the bizarre ways some believed until I joined sites created and directed at faith ! ❤ This is the end times, and the devil has ramped up his desire against God to win. I have never heard of a professing believer say Jesus was not God, nor the many other things that are destroying the " church". There too they have good staff and moderators that engage with posters and it isn't a free for all. Here it is mostly peaceful but bc of my belief of the fullness of God, the Father, God, the Son, Jesus, and God, the Holy Spirit I feel restrained to discuss aspects of God found in his word. I'm sorry if any thing I have ever wrote has offended, that is never my intent. When certain try to stand on your head to squash your beliefs and there is zero openness to discuss both ways then it drys up the desire to openly share. I am not leaving, unless asked or shut out, but our time is short and it is a vast and dying world beyond.
Hello D3v;

I hear you. My first response is to listen to you, sister. There is always something to say about where we fellowship, and, does His Word allow me, where I may be at that time, to fully express myself? No.

In every Christian gathering that I am attending and serving, none of them are perfect, I wish. It would be nice to walk in, everything is in place and flows so all I have to do is relax and enjoy the fellowship. Question to myself is, would I then become complacent and vain in my heart? I don't know.

Speaking for myself,
perhaps my biggest problem is why can't people be like me and stand accord with every Scripture and grasp what God is saying to all of us? Yes, Jesus is coming but even with that, can't we come together as one body and go forth serving and preparing, instead of squabbling over someone's interpretation?

Because it doesn't work like that and it won't, concerning myself. God knows exactly what is going on, where He leads us, and where each one of us are today, serving in His broken churches, Christian sites, missionaries, etc...so what are we going to about it, while serving Him, despite the conditions?

It's who we are and what we do for Christ.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10, 7 So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

I know we all have heard this passage over and over through our Christian walk, but how many of us are really grasping and doing what the passage is saying?

I appreciate what you shared, D3v, and I personally enjoy having these kinds of discussions. We're not always going to agree 100%, but are we able to express ourselves with His peace and calm? I know we can.

What do we do going forward? Psalm 119 is a good study that aligns with this discussion and encourage us, especially when we stay the course for we will be blessed, not by man but by our Father in Heaven.

God bless you, sister, and let all of us stay the course.
Hello Bob,
I so wish all was perfect as

I love a gooood bible discussion where there is love and a willingness to hear and be heard. We are to break the bread amongst ourselves, encourage and edify one another.

Yet on the other hand the world needs to hear the TRUTH in God's word so they may see their sins, then see his great love and light. Doing thus we would not have time to grow complacent.

We are all at different levels in our belief and in our walk, that is ok. I don't think God wants cookie cutter christians.......lol
We also are able to share more with all being in different places. Our root must be Jesus ! If we ALL have that starting point in Jesus and the salvation he purchased for us, we should always let His love bind our faith.

I am not one to dismiss anyone's church; labeling THEMSELVES AS........... however gets me. We ARE NOT to be our denomination, nor it's doctrines, but an holy nation, a chosen generation known as children of God. Where did we leave that ?
This is what divides. WE HAVE HAD TOO MUCH CHURCH ! The Way, followers after Jesus met in caves, houses, wilderness and even in the catacombs, so hungry were they for a surety and a peace in soul.

We should give praise when we suffer for the sake of our faith, not whine. I have met so many diverse ppl and no we haven't always agreed, but we have always loved in Christ.

Thank you Bob,ever wise in your reply.
Blessings in him.
Why did God make rules? Or put in boundaries?
Well the first rule or instruction God made was to Adam, in which he said you can eat any of the fruits of the trees in the garden, except that one, because if you eat that one you will die.

Why did He say that? Well obviously, God wanted to protect Adam. He was safety conscious. He wasn't making those restrictions because He didn't like Adam or wanted to curb his freedom. He wanted Adam to live.

Maybe Adam had no understanding what dying meant.

This is why, say I make a rule 'no running in the library'
I ask the children why
and most of the time they understand it's so they don't crash and get hurt, and the teacher says she is not a nurse so if anyone gets hurt we won't know how to fix you.

Not so Lanolin. It was a TEST!

The reason was because it gave them a choice — either to love God and obey Him, or to reject Him and disobey Him. If they hadn’t had a choice, they would have been like puppets, and their love for God wouldn’t have been genuine.
I do not know. That is what I'm asking. Since there is no other way of redemption except through Jesus, can any of the grace or faith be believed upon?

Why would anyone think just a man could save them and or give them a way to have a relationship with God ?

Because they have refused what God gave them!

Hebrews 10:26-29........
"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?"
Hello D3v;

I had to laugh at Lanolin's post regarding moral dilemmas. She's right, we are not God. But we can still Ponder Questions and Look for Feedback. For some it can be a time to (listen) read and learn from our discussions.

From what I've read in this thread makes me think of three defined sovereignties, a sovereign citizen, a sovereign country and God's Sovereignty.

The first two have been defined in the posts and shown through history their imperfections and brokeness especially with the loss of respect for human life and dignity of character. However, God's Sovereignty is perfect and He will overcome the other two and refine those who walk with Christ daily. Praise His Wonderful Name!

We can still discuss it all and see where God comes in. What helps me, is despite my efforts as a man of God, husband and citizen of this broken city I live in, I keep asking over and over, where is God in this and what can I do to serve Him?

He's still over all, revealing His glory, His Sovereignty and ultimately His Will be done. Question is, where am I (with Him) despite these times?

In Hebrews 4:15-16, 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

God bless you, sister, and your personal walk with Christ.

We are not God..........But we have Christ in us who is God! If we would look at sin and situations as God would look at them, we might come away with a differant point of view.

How many of us struggle with family who have chosen homosexual life styles. WHY?????

God absolutely rejects it and so should we no matter who it is.
Sin to me is anything in rebellion of what God states in his word.

It is also aimed individually ! If God ASKS YOU to do something or put something down and you do NOT, YOU are in sin, not your neighbor.

He no longer winks at ignorance and is a discerner of every heart. SINS of omission and commission carry wages that must be repented of.

Just as one son was told by his father to do a thing and he said sure I'll do it......but didnt.
The other son was told to do a thing and he said no to the Father, but then went and did it. They both dishonored their father but the one that repented and obeyed his father was more righteous.

We ARE told repeatedly HOW TO WALK THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW by his word, yet many followers rebell, which is as the sin of witchcraft.

If you are NOT in Christ, allowing Him to live through you, then its time for some self examination with the Spirit as your light !
God tells us quite plainly to walk IN THE LIGHT as it shines on our path.
Ep.5:8 ( context 6-9)
For ye were SOMETIMES darkness, but NOW ARE YE LIGHT in the Lord: walk as children of the light: 1 John 1: 5-8

John 8:12 ( context 10-13)
This was a time that Jesus was tested by the " religious sect" in regards to the woman taken in the very act of sin. Jesus had already stated that his purpose here was NOT TO CONDEMN but rather in love to speak the TRUTH; go and sin NO MORE!
Then spake Jesus again unto them saying, I am the light of the world: HE THAT FOLLOWETH ME SHALL NOT WALK IN DARKNESS, but shall have the light of life.

We ARE so QUICK TO CODEMN THE SINNER WITH THE SIN ! It should not be so ; to whom did Jesus associate ? The tax collector, the prostitute, the beggars, poor, sick, hurt, confused, rejected, all those looked down upon by self righteous ppl.

We can not " catch " their sin, it isnt contagious !

HOW WILL THEY HEAR.......................................................?
We ARE so QUICK TO CODEMN THE SINNER WITH THE SIN ! It should not be so ; to whom did Jesus associate ? The tax collector, the prostitute, the beggars, poor, sick, hurt, confused, rejected, all those looked down upon by self righteous ppl.

We can not " catch " their sin, it isnt contagious !

HOW WILL THEY HEAR.......................................................?
When we condemn the sinner we forget that they are condemned already...and we forget that apart from the grace of God, there also go we...

John 3:18 (KJV) He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

(Eph 2:1) And you were dead in your trespasses and sins
(Eph 2:2) in which you previously lived according to the ways of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit now working in the disobedient.
(Eph 2:3) We too all previously lived among them in our fleshly desires, carrying out the inclinations of our flesh and thoughts, and we were by nature children under wrath as the others were also.
Hello D3v;

I hear you. My first response is to listen to you, sister. There is always something to say about where we fellowship, and, does His Word allow me, where I may be at that time, to fully express myself? No.

In every Christian gathering that I am attending and serving, none of them are perfect, I wish. It would be nice to walk in, everything is in place and flows so all I have to do is relax and enjoy the fellowship. Question to myself is, would I then become complacent and vain in my heart? I don't know.

Speaking for myself,
perhaps my biggest problem is why can't people be like me and stand accord with every Scripture and grasp what God is saying to all of us? Yes, Jesus is coming but even with that, can't we come together as one body and go forth serving and preparing, instead of squabbling over someone's interpretation?

Because it doesn't work like that and it won't, concerning myself. God knows exactly what is going on, where He leads us, and where each one of us are today, serving in His broken churches, Christian sites, missionaries, etc...so what are we going to about it, while serving Him, despite the conditions?

It's who we are and what we do for Christ.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10, 7 So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

I know we all have heard this passage over and over through our Christian walk, but how many of us are really grasping and doing what the passage is saying?

I appreciate what you shared, D3v, and I personally enjoy having these kinds of discussions. We're not always going to agree 100%, but are we able to express ourselves with His peace and calm? I know we can.

What do we do going forward? Psalm 119 is a good study that aligns with this discussion and encourage us, especially when we stay the course for we will be blessed, not by man but by our Father in Heaven.

God bless you, sister, and let all of us stay the course.

Bob......I as well have posted on other forums. I also have seen what happens when a person who believes in the manifestation of the Sign Gifts and how the arguments ALWAYS develop.

Those who insist on tongues and healing will always do so because they have to have a "sign." They have been taught that way, like that way and it is really very, difficult for them to realize the truth of Gods Word and I KNOW because it was hard for me! Speaking only for me......
I have found that speaking to such a person is virtually impossible to do in a civil manner where there is no argument and or name calling.

For me, it is hard to carry on a confrontation over such things and I am very gladd we do not do that here. It is NOT productive and IF a person wants to discuss the differances there is always a way to do so.
Sin to me is anything in rebellion of what God states in his word.

It is also aimed individually ! If God ASKS YOU to do something or put something down and you do NOT, YOU are in sin, not your neighbor.

He no longer winks at ignorance and is a discerner of every heart. SINS of omission and commission carry wages that must be repented of.

Just as one son was told by his father to do a thing and he said sure I'll do it......but didnt.
The other son was told to do a thing and he said no to the Father, but then went and did it. They both dishonored their father but the one that repented and obeyed his father was more righteous.

We ARE told repeatedly HOW TO WALK THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW by his word, yet many followers rebell, which is as the sin of witchcraft.

If you are NOT in Christ, allowing Him to live through you, then its time for some self examination with the Spirit as your light !

2 Thess. 3:14-15
"If anyone does not obey what we say in this letter, take note of that person, and have nothing to do with him, that he may be ashamed. Do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother."
Hello Bob,
I so wish all was perfect as

I love a gooood bible discussion where there is love and a willingness to hear and be heard. We are to break the bread amongst ourselves, encourage and edify one another.

Yet on the other hand the world needs to hear the TRUTH in God's word so they may see their sins, then see his great love and light. Doing thus we would not have time to grow complacent.

We are all at different levels in our belief and in our walk, that is ok. I don't think God wants cookie cutter christians.......lol
We also are able to share more with all being in different places. Our root must be Jesus ! If we ALL have that starting point in Jesus and the salvation he purchased for us, we should always let His love bind our faith.

I am not one to dismiss anyone's church; labeling THEMSELVES AS........... however gets me. We ARE NOT to be our denomination, nor it's doctrines, but an holy nation, a chosen generation known as children of God. Where did we leave that ?
This is what divides. WE HAVE HAD TOO MUCH CHURCH ! The Way, followers after Jesus met in caves, houses, wilderness and even in the catacombs, so hungry were they for a surety and a peace in soul.

We should give praise when we suffer for the sake of our faith, not whine. I have met so many diverse ppl and no we haven't always agreed, but we have always loved in Christ.

Thank you Bob,ever wise in your reply.
Blessings in him.

I agree 100%.

The problem is that truth is elusive. By that I mean No one perspective on the world or the Bible can capture everything. So when someone talks about “the truth,” often the mistake they’re making is that they’re thinking you can capture everything that’s important about the truth only from their perspective.

So what is actually being said is not TRUTH but.......will you "agree" with ME.
I disagree with your thought Major.

As I stated the world needs to hear the TRUTH in God's word !

John 17:17 ( context 15-18)
Sanctify them through thy TRUTH; thy WORD is TRUTH. Jesus said this in prayer to the Father on our behalf that we would be sanctified by his word, HIS TRUTH.

1 Thess.2:13 ( context 11-14)
For this cause also THANK we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received IT NOT as the word of men, but as IT IS IN TRUTH, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.

1Jn.3:18 ( context 16-19)
My little children, let us NOT love in word neither in tongue; but in DEED and in TRUTH.
Among the brethren we must be honest and open. Who cannot SEE, HEAR, and FEEL love; ONLY the physically dead. The world knows too if your words, concerns, and love are sincere !

Lastly Mk.4: 31-34 ( context), the ppl are told a parable by Jesus that he would later explain to his disciples about faith. He spoke on a level that they were able to HEAR the word.
Rms.10:14 ( context 12-15)
How then shall they call on him in whom they have NOT BELIEVED? and how shall they BELIEVE of whom they have NOT heard ? and how shall they HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER?

An opinion,not mine, not yours ,not any man's but ONLY THE WORD OF GOD; THE TRUTH is what the world and we need !
When we condemn the sinner we forget that they are condemned already...and we forget that apart from the grace of God, there also go we...

John 3:18 (KJV) He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

(Eph 2:1) And you were dead in your trespasses and sins
(Eph 2:2) in which you previously lived according to the ways of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit now working in the disobedient.
(Eph 2:3) We too all previously lived among them in our fleshly desires, carrying out the inclinations of our flesh and thoughts, and we were by nature children under wrath as the others were also.

You get it, some don't.
So what is left ? Do we leave the condemned to their fate. Do we act as though we were NEVER as they are ?
Sin is sin, regardless and repentance and forgiveness are still needed to be FREED from bondage and captivity !
Mt.18:15 ( context 13-16)

Moreover if thy brother shall trespass AGAINST THEE, GO and TELL him his FAULT between THEE and him ALONE: if he shall HEAR THEE THOU HAST GAINED A BROTHER.
1 Thess.5: 15 ( context 12-15)
See that NONE render evil for evil UNTO ANY MAN; but ever FOLLOW that which is GOOD, both among YOURSELVES, and TO ALL MEN.

Truth, my truth be told I'd rather be ignored or not spoken to rather than not be heard and it spiral into that which is sin !
Some are willing to repent but not given the opportunity or understand that if they repent, they can obtain forgiveness.
Some people don't want to repent. They are unrepentant, and enjoy their sin too much to give it up.

You can only forgive those who repent.
Even John the baptist turned away Pharisees who wanted to be baptised, but weren't willing to repent. They needed to show fruits of repentence.

The holy spirit can convict people of their sins (and many sins we can't see are on the inside) and then let them know what they need to do to repent. Kindness does lead to repentence. So, for our part, we need to be kind so that repentence can take place.

And also, in our own walks it was God's lovingkindness that led us to repent.
1 Cor. Chapter 12 the whole chapter as the word of God speaks of the MANIFESTATION OF THE Spirit and gifts.......nothing says sign gifts.
Any may deny any part of God's word but it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a just and living God !
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I disagree with your thought Major.

As I stated the world needs to hear the TRUTH in God's word !

John 17:17 ( context 15-18)
Sanctify them through thy TRUTH; thy WORD is TRUTH. Jesus said this in prayer to the Father on our behalf that we would be sanctified by his word, HIS TRUTH.

1 Thess.2:13 ( context 11-14)
For this cause also THANK we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received IT NOT as the word of men, but as IT IS IN TRUTH, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.

1Jn.3:18 ( context 16-19)
My little children, let us NOT love in word neither in tongue; but in DEED and in TRUTH.
Among the brethren we must be honest and open. Who cannot SEE, HEAR, and FEEL love; ONLY the physically dead. The world knows too if your words, concerns, and love are sincere !

Lastly Mk.4: 31-34 ( context), the ppl are told a parable by Jesus that he would later explain to his disciples about faith. He spoke on a level that they were able to HEAR the word.
Rms.10:14 ( context 12-15)
How then shall they call on him in whom they have NOT BELIEVED? and how shall they BELIEVE of whom they have NOT heard ? and how shall they HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER?

An opinion,not mine, not yours ,not any man's but ONLY THE WORD OF GOD; THE TRUTH is what the world and we need !

No problem sister! You are not the 1st one to do so!