Pondering Questions,Looking For Feedback!

I disagree with your thought Major.

As I stated the world needs to hear the TRUTH in God's word !

John 17:17 ( context 15-18)
Sanctify them through thy TRUTH; thy WORD is TRUTH. Jesus said this in prayer to the Father on our behalf that we would be sanctified by his word, HIS TRUTH.

1 Thess.2:13 ( context 11-14)
For this cause also THANK we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received IT NOT as the word of men, but as IT IS IN TRUTH, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.

1Jn.3:18 ( context 16-19)
My little children, let us NOT love in word neither in tongue; but in DEED and in TRUTH.
Among the brethren we must be honest and open. Who cannot SEE, HEAR, and FEEL love; ONLY the physically dead. The world knows too if your words, concerns, and love are sincere !

Lastly Mk.4: 31-34 ( context), the ppl are told a parable by Jesus that he would later explain to his disciples about faith. He spoke on a level that they were able to HEAR the word.
Rms.10:14 ( context 12-15)
How then shall they call on him in whom they have NOT BELIEVED? and how shall they BELIEVE of whom they have NOT heard ? and how shall they HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER?

An opinion,not mine, not yours ,not any man's but ONLY THE WORD OF GOD; THE TRUTH is what the world and we need !

So then....... “What is truth?”

When Pilot said that, It was a rhetorical question, a cynical response to what Jesus had just revealed: “I have come into the world, to testify to the truth.”

Two thousand years later, the whole world breathes Pilate’s cynicism.

Some say truth is a power play, a metanarrative constructed by the elite for the purpose of controlling the ignorant masses.
To some, truth is subjective, the individual world of preference and opinion.
Others believe truth is a collective judgment, the product of cultural consensus.
Still others flatly deny the concept of truth altogether.

So, what is truth?

Biblically, truth is not subjective, it is not a consensual cultural construct, and it is not an invalid, outdated, irrelevant concept. Truth is the self-expression of God. Truth is thus theological; it is the reality God has created and defined, and over which He rules. Truth is therefore a moral issue for every human being.

Now whether you agree or disagree with me does not matter to me. What matters is that "truth" is still elusive simply because, how each person responds to the truth God has revealed is an issue of eternal significance. To reject and rebel against the truth of God results in darkness, folly, sin, judgment, and the never-ending wrath of God. To accept and submit to the truth of God is to see clearly, to know with certainty, and to find life everlasting. That is what the word "elusive" means sister!
Elusive means difficult to find, catch or acheive.
I would challenge this terminology bc the word of God which is TRUTH IS clear, easy oblivious, comprehensible which is directly opposite.
Why would God expect obedience from us if we couldn't understand what he wants obeyed, or any of his word if it was elusive ?

God truth is not a moral [ holding to high principles or good conduct ] issue, it rather is God's STANDARD of what he expects from his followers to those who profess to knowing and serving Him. We cannot simply slide in but will be HELD TO THE STANDARDS OF HIS TRUTH ; THE WORD !
So then....... “What is truth?”

When Pilot said that, It was a rhetorical question, a cynical response to what Jesus had just revealed: “I have come into the world, to testify to the truth.”
Ironically, Truth was staring Pilate right in the face...

(Joh 14:6) Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
So what is left ? Do we leave the condemned to their fate.
(Joh 3:18) Anyone who believes in him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.

Only the Gospel has the power to change one's status before God.(He's the ultimate Judge that counts.)

(Rom 5:1) Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hello D3v;
I hear you. My first response is to listen to you, sister. There is always something to say about where we fellowship, and, does His Word allow me, where I may be at that time, to fully express myself? No. In every Christian gathering that I am attending and serving, none of them are perfect, I wish. It would be nice to walk in, everything is in place and flows so all I have to do is relax and enjoy the fellowship. Question to myself is, would I then become complacent and vain in my heart? I don't know. Speaking for myself, perhaps my biggest problem is why can't people be like me and stand accord with every Scripture and grasp what God is saying to all of us? Yes, Jesus is coming but even with that, can't we come together as one body and go forth serving and preparing, instead of squabbling over someone's interpretation? Because it doesn't work like that and it won't, concerning myself. God knows exactly what is going on, where He leads us, and where each one of us are today, serving in His broken churches, Christian sites, missionaries, etc...so what are we going to about it, while serving Him, despite the conditions? It's who we are and what we do for Christ.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10, 7 So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. I know we all have heard this passage over and over through our Christian walk, but how many of us are really grasping and doing what the passage is saying? I appreciate what you shared, D3v, and I personally enjoy having these kinds of discussions. We're not always going to agree 100%, but are we able to express ourselves with His peace and calm? I know we can. What do we do going forward? Psalm 119 is a good study that aligns with this discussion and encourage us, especially when we stay the course for we will be blessed, not by man but by our Father in Heaven. God bless you, sister, and let all of us stay the course.
Bob......I as well have posted on other forums. I also have seen what happens when a person who believes in the manifestation of the Sign Gifts and how the arguments ALWAYS develop. Those who insist on tongues and healing will always do so because they have to have a "sign." They have been taught that way, like that way and it is really very, difficult for them to realize the truth of Gods Word and I KNOW because it was hard for me! Speaking only for me......I have found that speaking to such a person is virtually impossible to do in a civil manner where there is no argument and or name calling. For me, it is hard to carry on a confrontation over such things and I am very gladd we do not do that here. It is NOT productive and IF a person wants to discuss the differances there is always a way to do so.

Hello Major;

Whatever the Biblical topic or doctrine discussed that is brought to my attention, I have to agree with you regarding the four points that I red-lighted;

how the arguments ALWAYS develop

I have found that speaking to such a person is virtually impossible to do in a civil manner where there is no argument and or name calling

it is hard to carry on a confrontation over such things

It is NOT productive and IF a person wants to discuss the differances there is always a way to do so.

They stood out with me because I use to entertain these in Christian conversation until it got down right combative and counter-productive. As I got older the anger began to linger and this was the Lord's way of building my people skills and guarding my tongue whether verbally or correspondence.

This wasn't easy but with the Lord He is faithful. About 10 years ago I was able to gain productive conversations in the Christian community with accountability. The topic didn't not always go in someone's favor but the more important thing was gained; a continuance in fellowship, learning, patience and acceptance in the body.

God bless you, Major and your family.
I believe in transparency as a believer.
I am humbled that God placed a calling on my life to teach. I'm also humbled that he gave me a way to do his work that I love.

I realise that God's family is diverse, consisting of many kindreds,nations, tongues, and cultures. God however is indivisible and the same as from the beginning.

He knows each of us,and the Spirit knows how to teach us, to implant the word in our hearts. 1 Cor.2:10 (context 8-11)
But God hath REVEALED THEM unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit SEARCHETH ALL THINGS, yea the deep things of God.

If we have closed our minds, or are expecting ppl to behave in such and such a way then we close the door on sharing and communication.

I realize too that some personalities just clash, however I don't think God will allow this as an excuse, to not share communicate and fellowship.

Jesus said to those around the woman who sinned, ye that are without sin ( faults, flaws, quirks, ect.) cast the first stone. We cannot cast stones at one another.
May the word make us alive,and the Spirit guide us forward !
Form my own personal life, I offer my opinion on what I consider my greatest weapon...............Prayer as I said above.

I love the word of God, the Holy Spirit moved upon man to inspire them to write about God. We have his character, his personality, his moods, however some things are a mystery. Unless it is revealed to us by the Spirit I feel we should just leave it with Him.

I love his people. All his ppl for we are instructed that there is no bias in Him. We have neither male, nor female, Greek nor Jew, servant nor master. We are HIS CHILDREN, connected by the vine and now have a birthright of access to our Father.

Which brings it all down to PRAYER!
I have heard this question asked many many times about prayer and " how to pray ".

So my question will be when you pray, how do you pray?

Please do not just give pat answers or long winded oracles but simply answer

Form my own personal life, I offer my opinion on what I consider my greatest weapon...............Prayer as I said above.

I love the word of God, the Holy Spirit moved upon man to inspire them to write about God. We have his character, his personality, his moods, however some things are a mystery. Unless it is revealed to us by the Spirit I feel we should just leave it with Him.

I love his people. All his ppl for we are instructed that there is no bias in Him. We have neither male, nor female, Greek nor Jew, servant nor master. We are HIS CHILDREN, connected by the vine and now have a birthright of access to our Father.

Which brings it all down to PRAYER!
I have heard this question asked many many times about prayer and " how to pray ".

So my question will be when you pray, how do you pray?

Please do not just give pat answers or long winded oracles but simply answer

I (try) to always pray with the acknowledgment that apart from Christ’s sacrifice, I would have absolutely no access to His throne of grace….which means 'with a thankful heart’.

Hebrews 4:16 ESV
[16] Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
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So my question will be when you pray, how do you pray?

Please do not just give pat answers or long winded oracles but simply answer

Well, honestly I have no formal training or special insight and every prayer is unique, but if I were to break down a prayer:

I start by addressing my prayer to Almighty Father or my Lord Jesus.

This next sounds obvious, but I do try to be as sincere, brief and humble as I can. I really try not to ‘nag’, but I do occasionally succumb and ask for a particular blessing in several different ways trying to ‘cover the bases’ I suppose.

I know He knows my heart and what may be needed better than I, and so I try to remember to acknowledge this so as not to pray in ignorance for an outcome that interferes with His Will.

I say “Thank you”, and try to remember to close the prayer in the name of, “Our Lord Jesus Christ”.

Also, I try to make an effort to offer other prayers, just to acknowledge the many blessings of each day, to say ‘thank you’, and those prayers are similar, but offered more simply.
best i can some times Lord help me the holy spirit intercedes . And in like manner the Spirit also helpeth our infirmity: for we know not how to pray as we ought; but the Spirit himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered; and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27).

there is no certain set pattern in prayer or prayer position . i end my prayers in Jesus name other times i pray specifically for the sick i ask in Jesus name for healing other times i pray for a touch of the masters hand .sometimes i plead the Blood of JESUS . james wrote we have not because we ask not and sometimes we ask in the wrong manner . in prayer for the Church o pray your will be done
it dont take any formal training to pray. peter walking on the water took his eyes off Christ focused on the storm started sinking he yelled out yes pretty sure he yelled knowing peter Lord save me. Jesus reached down and pulled him help. a perfect picture of us when we take our eyes off CHRIST THERE IS NO CERTAIN SET PATTERN IN PRAYER other than in Jesus name and it not for selfish motives ,, vain repetitions .
Well, honestly I have no formal training or special insight and every prayer is unique, but if I were to break down a prayer:

I start by addressing my prayer to Almighty Father or my Lord Jesus.

This next sounds obvious, but I do try to be as sincere, brief and humble as I can. I really try not to ‘nag’, but I do occasionally succumb and ask for a particular blessing in several different ways trying to ‘cover the bases’ I suppose.

I know He knows my heart and what may be needed better than I, and so I try to remember to acknowledge this so as not to pray in ignorance for an outcome that interferes with His Will.

I say “Thank you”, and try to remember to close the prayer in the name of, “Our Lord Jesus Christ”.

Also, I try to make an effort to offer other prayers, just to acknowledge the many blessings of each day, to say ‘thank you’, and those prayers are similar, but offered more simply.
agreed %199.9
When I first starting following God, I began to use Jesus's directive to his disciples on " How to Pray"
Matthew 6:7-10 (context)
When we pray we are NOT to use vain repetitions. To me this means not repeating a form prayer ie the rosary beads or taking a long time to pray or repeating the form prayer over and over doesnt get us any closer. If we are believers our Father already knows our needs.
What is known as the Lord's prayer, given by Jesus is our example. 9-13

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be they name. Gen.1:1

We must acknowledge to whom it is we pray,
Genesis 1 begins by saying God is supreme and the creator of ALL. He is our Father and we must honour and revere him as such.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it it in heaven.

Mt.5:34. Heaven is God's throne and HIS throne room ,therefore he is the only God; I am. He reigns in glory and honour; we want to allow him to have this place in our hearts, in glory, letting him be supreme.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Speaks to us of our Father's goodness toward his children and God is RICH in his goodness, even before we ask. Mt. 10 28-32
He knows the price of a tiny sparrow and if it should fall to the ground. He alone KNOWS US COMPLETELY, even down to the number of hairs on your head. We can trust our God to take care of us. Phil.4:19 But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ.

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

Mt.6:14, Jesus tells us to forgive ppl that trespass or hurt, offend, upset, cause us to feel oppressed & depressed, slander us, ect. so WHEN WE DO THESE THINGS the Father will forgive us. Mk. 12:26

And lead us not into temptations,but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom. And the power, and the glory, for ever.....AMEN.

James 1:12-15 context.; We are never tempted by God for he doesnt use evil. Temptations to sin come from our old nature; flesh; which will be completely eradicated at glorification. The way we must subdue our flesh is to be led of the Spirit. Gal.5:16-19.
He says his GRACE is sufficient.2 Cor.12:9
Being led by the Spirit of God makes us the sons of God. Rms.8:14 (context 12-15).

We acknowledge that God alone is sovereign, his Holy Spirit is the power and empowerment of, and Jesus received honour and glory, when God said " This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
2 Peter 1:17; Mt.3:17

This is just the pattern I use to talk with my Father, in simple conversations.
After He finished the model prayer the next thing He said is, If we don't forgive others, then our Father won't forgive us of our sins. As I thought about this I began to pray that God would help me to forgive others as He has forgiven me, this keeps it fresh in my mind that I needed forgiveness first and makes it easier to forgive others for their transgressions.
My prayer time is quiet time with God and if I have anything to say, it might be short and to the point, just depends. If I hadn't spoken to him in a while it ends up being long, but I'm finding if I do praying requests on behalf of OTHER people, I find I need to spend heaps more dedicated time than if its just me and my concerns.

Usually prayer takes place when on my own in car, or out walking on my own, or I just write things down if I've just got way too much on my mind. Sometimes its with another believer but thats only when we pray for each other, which is kind of nice, though I wouldn't rely on group prayer as the only way to pray. However it opens you up to more faith when those prayers are answered for others. I pray in tongues on my own but generally not with others.

I don't pray much in public much it makes me self conscious if I do that. I have led prayer in some situations at school etc but its more asking for blessings or thanksgiving, than the nitty gritty of prayer in depth because prayer is something that takes place between the believer and God not for other people to say 'oh that's a nice prayer'. And you might be crying and groaning and thats not really something you do in public either. My prayers are spirit led, though sometimes it does help to say a prayer someone else has written or prayed. But for that you can just say amen at the end rather than repeat what someone else has said. God heard the first time.

In churches it's a bit different but some have traditions like saying the Lords prayer together. I think that basic Lords prayer helps everyone focus when there's so many specific things you could pray about, though its must always come from an attitude of forgiveness, thanksgiving, and desire for good to overcome evil.

Some people repeat prayers like they have set prayer, at a set time, and set situation. I don't do that. As I've come to know God, he's not a robot that needs a formula and a password. He's real. Every prayer will be different. Most of the time I just pray for wisdom. I'm always needing it cos in the natural I am not a wise person lol

God has always answered my prayers for wisdom when I needed it (or something to think about). Scripture does say those that ask for wisdom would be given it liberally. God's not stingy on that score.
Question :
As a believer of Jesus Christ, knowing the Father and being led of the Spirit Do you think God views all of our sins the same ?
Do you believe that only one follower can receive conviction for something and another not receive that same conviction?

I am not talking the listing of sins in the bible. Sometimes God can ask us to do a thing to show our obedience, our faith and trust in Him, AGREE/ DISAGREE.
Question :
As a believer of Jesus Christ, knowing the Father and being led of the Spirit Do you think God views all of our sins the same ?
I think he loves us all, as a parent loves all their children.

Are all sinners equal?
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 3:23 KJV

However, to my mortal eyes some sins seem greater than others.
In reading OT it seems that He does appear to be more tolerant of some sins and some sinners than others, at least before the new covenant.
Do you believe that only one follower can receive conviction for something and another not receive that same conviction?
The same redemption has been paid for and is available to us all.
I am not talking the listing of sins in the bible. Sometimes God can ask us to do a thing to show our obedience, our faith and trust in Him, AGREE/ DISAGREE.
I feel I am being offered opportunities every day to show my obedience and grow in Christ Jesus.
Can you give an example

I think from humans point of view we may think there are sins when there are not or we can be blind to our own sins (but love pointing out other peoples!)
However God sees into peoples hearts and knows exactly what they do

eg. Pharisee throws in spare change to temple. He thinks he's being great and pious.
Widow can give only 2 coins as that's all she has. She thinks it's not enough.

Jesus sees both and sees what's in their hearts.

Both believe in God, but Jesus knows which one is true to Him.